NES/SSSC Dementia Programme Board
09 August 2012
10:30 – 1300
Alzheimer Scotland, 22 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh
Note of Meeting
Henry SimmonsAlzheimer Scotland
Agnes HoustonSDWG
Martin SewellSDWG
Laura GilliesSSSC
Frances ScottSSSC
Theresa DouglasNHS Education for Scotland
David BerryScottish Government
Douglas PhilipsJIT
Mary MarshallDSDC
Marian ReidChartered Institute of House
Margaret WynneScottish Ambulance Service
Anne WatsonNHS Education for Scotland
Geraldine BienkowskiNHS Education for Scotland
Alison PetchIRISS
Edith McIntoshCare Inspectorate
Ann WalesNHS Education for Scotland
Vicky ThurlbyNHS Education for Scotland
Susan ConaghanNHS Education for Scotland
David RennieScottish Care
Hugh MastersScottish Government
Anna WaughUWS
Barbara SharpAlzheimer Scotland
Kirsty WilsonAlzheimer Scotland
In Attendance:
Joanne MayoNHS Education for Scotland
Wayne DuffyNHS Education for Scotland
Elaine HunterScottish Government
Ross CampbellSDWG
Ambi WildmanNHS Education for Scotland
Beth HallCOSLA
Margaret WhoriskeyJIT
Bob ParryNHS Education for Scotland
Patricia HowieNHS Education for Scotland
Susanne ForrestNHS Education for Scotland
Richard KennedyRCGP
David BatchelorSDWG
1.Welcome from the Chair
The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and a round of introductions was carried out. Apologies were noted as above. For the benefit of new attendees, HS explained the role of the Programme Board and its work to develop a solid platform for training based on the Charter of Rights.
2.Minutes from the last meeting
On page 4 paragraph 3, SC asked that the text be amended to read, “The Psychological Interventions in Dementia Team is about to launch a Training Needs analysis with psychologists who work with younger adults or in non age limited services. This will explore their skills in recognising the onset of dementia”.
On page 5 paragraph 4, LG asked that the final sentence read “….Continuous Learning Framework.”
Otherwise, the notes of the previous meeting were agreed.
3.Matters arising
Action point 3, page 3 - discussions are ongoing between HS and SDWG on the idea of a newsletter/flyer to generate awareness around services for dementia.
With reference to Action point 8 under matters arising from the previous minutes it was noted that an updated map will be sought to more accurately reflect the current NHS Board areas in Scotland.
Action: TD will liaise with ISD for an up to date map.
4.Housing Developments
A joint presentation on this item was delivered by DP, MM & MR. Papers on the subject were previously circulated for members to read in advance.
An overview was given on the proposal for Improving Housing and Housing Services for People with Dementia. DP explained that comments received from professionals at various events and workshops argued for the need to provide greater mental health support and dementia awareness around housing. JIT’s work in supporting the Dementia Demonstrator sites also revealed concerns around housing services for people with dementia.
JIT awarded funding in March for work in this area to be taken forward and a joint proposal by the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) and CIH Scotland was submitted in July to address the issues raised.
In the ensuing discussion, LG mentioned that the Standards of Care and Promoting Excellence Framework provide clear guidance. The latter, in particular, focuses significantly on environmental settings. Also, the recently developed learning resources on Dementia provide important information on the relationship that environment has to a person affected by dementia. HM supported this view, reflecting that it is important to tie work into the Promoting Excellence framework which adds a dimension of quality control.
MR explained that the CIH would look at how to tailor, promote and embed knowledge, adding that much existing material may only require some minor adaption. MR felt that SSSC would be a key partner/advisor in assisting with any such modifications. It was noted that there are already links to housing National Occupational Standards (NOS). It was said that as frontline members of staff in housing services are expected to have an awareness of mental health and drug/alcohol issues, the same expectations should be encouraged for dementia awareness.
DP added that training awareness sessions would remain free of charge although some costs may be applied in situations where training providers require materials. The CIH will give consideration as to how training will be managed and how the housing workforce might be poised to access it.
AH raised the point that focus should also extend beyond the house itself to include outside areas such as the garden where people with dementia may have been accustomed to spending their time. DP added that the Demonstrator sites were involved in work outside homes and should address any concerns over boundaries.
HS said there would be an expectation that the Promoting Excellence framework would be implemented in any training awareness programmes in housing support services. Promoting Excellence makes frequent references to the environment of a person with dementia and is consequently an essential resource this piece of work. For example, frontline staff in housing services would fall under the basic informed level of Promoting Excellence.
Members of the group expressed support towards the work being taken forward by JIT, CIH andDSDC on housing and dementia.
Action: The Dementia Project Team will work with JIT, CIH & DSDC to support with this work on behalf of the Programme Board.
5.Updates on Developments from Group Members
Due to time constraints, it was decided to take updates only from the Scottish Government, SDWG and SSSC.
Scottish Government
DB informed the group that the Scottish Government has publishedthe second annual report on Scotland’s Dementia Strategy and this is publicly available on their website. The current Strategy is due for review in 2013 and a process of engagement for the next strategy will begin this September and include the hosting of both national and regional events. The period of time for the next Dementia strategy to cover has yet to be determined.
With regard to the post diagnostic commitment, DB reported that a lot of activity is taking place on the four pilot test sites, including measuring the framework and setting in place systems to support this.
Currently acute general hospitals are given advance notice of an inspection by Healthcare Improvement Scotland into people’s care. HM added that this procedure is now being modified to include unannounced inspections. Visits have highlighted issues such as environment and care planning. They have also highlighted positive aspects such as the availability of training resources and the influence of dementia champions and Alzheimer Scotland dementia nurse consultants.
MS provided an update on SDWG’s work to raise dementia awareness amongst GPs. Members of the group have been encouraged to take a copy of the DVD and script to GP practices and this has received a welcome response.
SDWG are seeking to work with a company in England which the RCGP uses for dementia training. Negotiations are underway,however, HS suggested thatthis is something the board can deal with and we should not be required to bring anyone in to do this.
MW mentioned that SAS receive a summary for patients they deal with and pointed out that if GPs ensure the summary included details about dementia, the ambulance crew can make the appropriate decisions based on the summary information.
Action: MW will provide AH with contact details at SAS in order to pursue avenues of getting dementia recognised in some way on the summary.
SC said the she is planning to meeting with Diane Kelly, Assistant Director CPD at NES. Diane has NES responsibility for GPs in Scotland and SC suggested that an invitation be extended to Diane to attend the next meeting/join the group. Members agreed with this suggestion.
SC reported that feedback from GPs revealed that they need to be more informed about dementia. This raised the matter of providing separate training for GPs that may not be covered in full by the current raft of resources.
Action: SC will invite Diane Kelly to the next meeting of the Programme Board.
6.Dementia Ambassadors Model in Social Services.
LG tabled a paper and delivered a presentation on the Dementia Ambassadors Model in Social Services.
111 Dementia Ambassadors were reported to be now in place across Scotland and induction for 88 Ambassadors took place in June. The workshops were designed to:
- Support knowledge development and signposting capacity for dementia ambassadors.
- Facilitate networking
- Agree methods of recording impact of the work
- Develop action plans
The workshops evaluated positively and further induction sessions are planned for September.
LG explained one of the main differences between Ambassadors and Champions is that the former does not undergo formal training. The current group comprises of a variety of workers from different organisations and roles have been identified that these individuals can play in their respective agencies. In November, SSSC plans to carry out an evaluation of the impact of the Ambassador’s work and will present the findings to the Programme Board.
DP raised concern that a level of confusion may arise around the role of the various dementia agents for change, and it would be helpful to clarify the distinction between the designations to the health and social care workforce.
In response, KW explained that Alzheimer Scotland is working on a draft description of the various positions. It was also proposed that the next newsletter could set out what the different roles involved. Similarly, this information could be posted on the Dementia MKN portal.
Action: Theresa Douglas/ Ambi Wildman to prepare a descriptor of dementia positions for posting on the Dementia MKN and inclusion in a future newsletter.
7.Substantive Discussion Item – Evaluation of Training Programmes to date
Dementia Champions Programme
Anna Waugh tabled a paper on the Development, Delivery and Evaluation of the Dementia Champions Training programme and provided members with a round up of points in a brief presentation.
- Cohort 1 graduated in March and training for cohort 2 is currently underway.
- Cohort 1 comprised principally of Nurses followed by Practice Educators and AHPs. Cohort 2 incorporated Social Services staff to this grouping.
- The tenders set out to prepare 100 Dementia Champions in each cohort with programmes being delivered across 5 regions in Scotland.
- The programme involved community placements with support from Alzheimer Scotland in order for students to experience people who live well with dementia and challenge negative attitudes.
- Students were asked to reflect on their practices, evaluate their practice areas, and, prepare an action plan for change to put into practice in their workplace.
- UWS developed the Supporting Change Document as part of the course programme. This resource was drawn from Promoting Excellence and the Dementia Strategy.
- As a direct result of the work of its Dementia Champions, NHS GG&C has made Dementia Awareness training a mandatory element in its induction pack for all health staff. This was recognised as a major achievement given that a large number of people undergo inductions.
- Evaluations from cohort 1 have proven extremely useful and beneficial to the development of the programme for the successive cohorts.
In the following discussion, it was asked how sustained change would be measured. Ambi Wildman and TD have set up support networks for the Dementia Champions as detailed in the Update Report. A tender has also been awarded to evaluate the outcomes of the Dementia Champions programme and Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Nurse Consultants over the next 2 years.
HS said that he held talks with SF concerning the hosting of a graduation ceremony in April 2013 for Cohorts 2 and 3.
Psychological Interventions Training
SC gave a presentation on Psychological Interventions Training. Evaluation forms for the CST programme delivered earlier this year are being collated; analysis of responses received to day to-date return a satisfaction level of 5+ in a scale of 1 to 6.
Feedback commended the course content and structure with a few comments recommending minor changes to the structure. A further 5 CST training workshops offering 150 places have now been commission and dates have been circulated to networks. The closing date for applications is the end of August.
Action: SC will send a copy of the CST programme flyer to Scottish Care.
Evaluation is also being carried out for the Stress and Distress training programme which was piloted in March this year. Results thus far indicate significant improvements. A series of 3 day workshops is now planned for this November.
As part of the training programme it was suggested that nominees gather data on prescribing rates prior to training so as to acquire evidence. Some Health Boards are already carrying out this exercise and information is being analysed. DB added that Gary Watson is currently working on a paper around this.
An ACT 1 day workshop was held in March and was reported to have been well attended.
Action: The PIT team will prepare a short paper on the training programmes which have taken place and those being planned.
Palliative Care Training for Trainers and Post Diagnostic Support
BS delivered a presentation on the Palliative Care training for trainers and the Post Diagnostic Support programmes that took place between December 2011 and March 2012.
Both programmes focussed on enhancing people’s knowledge and encouraged actions with an emphasis on making change and developments in the work environment. A detailed evaluation will be carried out on these in due course.
An interim report for both programmes has been produced which details the quality of feedback. BS said that the majority of participants felt encouraged to think differently and to learn from each other and the programmes ended on a very positive note.
Part of the eligibility criteria for the programmes was for participants to be in a position to deliver training within their organisation, and be in a practical position to deliver consistent support to a person with dementia and their family.
As some participants did not attend the follow up days on the previous palliative care programme, it was decided to advertise the autumn 2012 course as 3 days in order to secure commitment to the full programme. Alzheimer Scotland, NES and SSSC have been working collaboratively to ensure that the appropriate people are selected for both programmes. Prior to commencement of the training days, participants will be required to work through the Dementia Skilled resource.
Trainers on the programme will mark their own workbooks, however, 20% of these will be audited as a quality assurance measure. A contract is also being developed so that participants in both programmes will continue to stay in touch and provide each other with updates.
Due to time constraints, members were invited to get in touch with Barbara directly if there were any questions.
8.NES/SSSC Dementia Workforce Development Plan
All aims of the Dementia Workforce Development Plan were reported to be on track with an exception on page 12 which is sitting at amber. This particular activity was delayed due to an opportunity which arose for the PIT team to work with the recently formed National Dementia Carers Action Network.
9.National Dementia Awards
KW reported that preparations were progressing well for the National Dementia Awards at Hampden Park in September. At the time of reporting, 129 applications had been received, with many coming from the Dementia Champions. This event will
serve as a platform to highlight dementia and communication teams from partner organisations will be involved.
Action: DB will liaise with the communications team at the Scottish Government so as to maximise publicity for the event.
The next meeting will consider the future direction of the Programme Board and activities to undertake. DB said that the next strategy will see a continuation of Promoting Excellence and identify gaps and elements to continue.
11.Dates of Future Meetings
The dates of the next four meetings are as follows:
- 01 November 2012
- 14 February 2013
- 09 May 2013
- 08 August 2013
All meetings will run from 10:30 to 13:00 and take place at Alzheimer Scotland Offices.