Industrialism & Progressive Reform
-Re-read Ch. 6-9 “telescoping the times” &allreview questions, plus any notes from class
*History Alive! chapter summaries (Ch. 13-18) are EXCELLENT and concise!
“big business” - was favored by government, led to consolidation of economic resources, and increased job
Andrew Carnegie/John D. Rockefeller/George M. Pullman – industrialists, big business leaders and robber barons
Bessemer process – expanded the steel industry
Effectsof railroads – promoted growth of iron, steel, made local reliable transit, contributed to growth of new towns
Gilded Age – termed used by Mark Twain to describe the greed and corruption in the 19th century.
Immigrants– Ellis Island was known as immigration station, most immigrants came from Southern and Eastern Europe
“melting pot” - blending together of diverse cultures into American society
Muckrakers/Suffragists/NAWSA/NACW/NAACP/WCTU – progressive group seeking to reform America
Nativism/Chinese Exclusion Act/Jim Crow laws/segregation – examples of discrimination
NLU/AFL/Knights of Labor/IWW – Unions that worked to promote worker’s status
political machines & “bosses”- the management of city affairs (for example police and fire department)
Progressive Era & 4 goals – social welfare, economic reform, moral improvement, fostering efficiency
public education – helped immigrants become Americanized but discriminated against African-Americans.
“push” and “pull” factors – motivated immigrants
skyscrapers/ airplanes/George Eastman’s camera – turn of the century innovations
Theodore Roosevelt & “bully pulpit” – he regulated business and promoted conservation.
Thomas Alva Edison/Alexander Graham Bell/Christopher Sholes - inventors
unions & labor- fought for work day limits and child labor laws
urbanization – Some problems were crime, fire, poor sanitation, overcrowding, and clean water
Social Darwinsim – was used to argue against government intervention in business, it suggested that riches were a sign of God’s favor, and poor people were lazy
Women – entered the workforce and became politically active in the late 1800’s and early 20th century.
Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization, & PROGRESSIVE REFORM
study items
“Americanization“ (assimilation) vs. ethnic neighborhoods
Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller. JP Morgan, &
George M. Pullman
Bessemer process…What is“black gold?”
“big business” & growth of industries
Ellis Island and Angel Island
Gentleman’s Agreement
Gilded Age
Gospel of Wealth
growth of new towns & cities (causes)
Homestead & Pullman strikes (outcomes)
immigration trends, restrictions, & “push-pull” factors
industrialists/captains of industry
industrialization (causes & effects)
iron, steel, coal, lumber & gas industries
labor unions & working conditions
Laissez-faire economics
“melting pot” vs. “salad” (analogy)
Nativism/Chinese Exclusion Act/Jim Crow laws/segregation
NLU/AFL/Knights of Labor/IWW
“old” vs. “new” immigrants
political machines & “bosses”
Presidents (Theodore Roosevelt & William H. Taft; Woodrow Wilson)
Progressive Era & 4 goals
public education(opportunity?)
railroads (impact of)
“robber barons” vs. capitalists/entrepreneurs
skyscrapers/ airplanes/ transcontinental railroad/George Eastman’s camera
Social Darwinism
Tammany Hall
Theodore Roosevelt & “bully pulpit”
Thomas Alva Edison/Alexander Graham Bell/Christopher Sholes
Upton Sinclair (The Jungle)
urbanization (problems)
women (changes in jobs, status, rights)