ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Prof. Hans Crijns (Vlerick Leuven School Gent Management School, Belgium), Prof. Hans Landstrom (University of Lund, Sweden), Prof. Asko Miettinen (Tampere University of Technology), Prof. Antti Paasio (Turku School of Economics, Finland), Prof. Mario Raffa (Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy), Prof. Roy Thurik (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Mrs Gerry Van Dyck (EIASM, Brussels, Belgium), Prof. José M. Veciana (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
CHAIRPERSON: Prof. Bogdan Piasecki (University of Lodz)
LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Prof. Mariusz Bratnicki (Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Katowice), Prof. Wieslaw Grudzewski (Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw), Prof. Piotr Dominiak (Gdansk Technical University, Gdansk), Dr Janusz Kornecki (University of Lodz, Lodz), Prof. Anna Rogut (University of Lodz, Lodz)
Conference venue: University of Lodz
Faculty of Management
22/26 Matejki St.
Conference Office – Room 214
10.00-18.00 Doctoral seminar on entrepreneurship and small business
management Room 109
Chairman: David Smallbone
19.00-21.00 Reception in Biedermann Palace
Info about Gate2Growth Finance Academia: Tom Schamp
8.00-9.00 Registration of conference participants
9.00-9.30 Welcoming address Room A-1
Jerzy Hausner, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Labour and Social Policy
Wieslaw Pus, Rector of the University of Lodz
Tadeusz Markowski, Dean of the Management Faculty, University of Lodz
9.30-10.15 Plenary session Room A-1
Allan Gibb: Best Practice transfer or 'Their Way? Reflections on the issues of concept and practice in assisting the process of SME support in accession and other transition economies
10.15-10.30 Coffee break Room 101
10.30-12.30 Parallel sessions
SESSION 1 Room 115
Chairman: Mario Raffa
Birgitta Näsman: Women have a better place in the gender system if they go to their own business - a study of female entrepreneurs in traditionally non-female sectors
Ingrid Verheul, Andrè van Stel, Roy Thurik: Explaining the entrepreneurial activity rate of women and men: a macro-level perspective
Friederike Welter, David Smallbone, Natalja Schakirova: Women entrepreneurship in transition economies: necessity or opportunity driven?
Bruce Mitchell, Mary Jesselyn Co: An ethnic perspective of South African entrepreneurial networks
Sara Carter, Eleanor Shaw, Fiona Wilson: Securing a business loan: the effects of gender in accessing bank finance
SESSION 2 Room A-1
Chairman: Jose Veciana
Odd Jarl Borch, Sari Forsman: The competitive advantage of micro firms in a mature industry – the dynamic capabilities of new ventures in the Nordic food sector
Arthur Limère, Eddy Laveren, Koen van Hoof, Kathleen Cleeren: A classification model for firm growth on the basis of ambitions, external potential and resources by means of decision tree induction
Niels Billou: The consequences of context: an institutional perspective on new venture growth
Jovo Ateljevic: Development constraints in small tourism firms from down under: a New Zealand scenario
Panayiotis Petrakis: The analysis of the relation of growth, entrepreneurship and risk
Lucia Naldi, Karin Sjöberg: Entrepreneurial firms and growth: the role of CEO, managers and board of directors
SESSION 3 Room 215
Chairman: Asko Miettinen
Victor Scholten, Emiel Wubben, Tom Elfring: Managing external endorsement. How entrepreneurs can profit from allying with incumbents
Krzysztof Zięba: Franchisees in Poland: an empirical investigation
Tarja Niemelä: Inter-firm cooperation capability and the role of trust: the case of networking family firms
Håkan Bohman, Håkan Boter: Long-term competence building via SME cooperation – contrasting tightly and loosely coupled networks
Victor Scholten, Ron Kemp, Onno Omta: Venturing through networks: a first analysis of the effect of prior experience on network non-redundancy, team cohesion, and early venture growth
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.30 Parallel sessions
SESSION 4 Room 115
Chairman: David Watkins
Dirk Deschoolmeester, Olivier Braet, Tom Schamp: The propensity of seeking self-employment among Belgian university students
Ulla Hytti: From unemployment to entrepreneurship: constructing different meanings
Mariusz Bratnicki, Bartłomiej J Gabryś.: Temporal dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship: a dialectical approach
Barbara Kożuch: Entrepreneurial behaviour of public organisations as the new challenge for entrepreneurship research
SESSION 5 Room A-1
Chairman: Eddy Laveren
Juhan Teder, Urve Venesaar: Growth management issues in Estonian enterprises
Harald Stummer, Cäcilia Innreiter-Moser,: Part-time management in SMEs
Harry Matlay, Mark Addis: ICT and e-commerce strategies in SMEs: an HEI-based consultancy perspective
Steve Johnson, Thomas Wayne, Don J Webber.: Factors influencing the use of external business advice by SMEs: evidence from a sub-regional survey
Ingrid Verheul, Roy Thurik: Gender differences in the commitment – orientation of HRM practices
SESSION 6 Room 215
Chairman: Hans Crijns
Rita Klapper: Entrepreneurship teaching at the ESC Rouen
Justin van der Sluis, Mirjam van Praag, Wim Vijverberg: Entrepreneurship selection and performance: a meta- analysis of the impact of education in industrialized countries
Fernando Alberti, Salvatore Sciascia, Alberto Poli: Key issues in entrepreneurship education
Marie T. Moran, Thomas M. Cooney: To what extent can the impact of enterprise education be truly evaluated by state enterprise development agencies?
15.30-16.00 Coffee break Room 101
15.30-17.00 Special session: ECSB Board meeting Room 5
16.00-18.00 Parallel sessions
SESSION 7 Room A-1
Chairman: Piotr Dominiak
Calvelli Adriana, Cannavale Chiara: Entrepreneurial knowledge sharing within networks. Some evidences from Italian firms
Rodgers Waymond, Hedelin Lisbeth: Knowledge formation. A study comparing Scandinavian and American investment bankers
Bellini Emilio: Strategizing knowledge in small firms: a knowing approach for empirical researches in software industry
Byrne Orla, O’Gorman Colm, Pandya Dipti: The entrepreneurial process in terms of information flows: a study of firms located in business incubators
Berglund Karin, Dahlin Maria, Johanson Martin: Technology driven discovery as a catalyst for entrepreneurial action
SESSION 8 Room 115
Chairman: Mariusz Bratnicki
Konrad Elmar D.: Entrepreneurship as an important determinant for successful cultural activities – empirical study on profit and non-profit-organisers of cultural events
Montobbio Paolo, Savatteri Chiara: Entrepreneurship and territorial development in knowledge based economies
Bill Frederic: The last bricoleur! A treatise on the disappearance of the savaged mind
Mitra Jay, Li Jun: Business clusters and entrepreneurship: small and medium sized firm behaviour in clusters
SESSION 9 Room 215
Chairman: Allan Gibb
Aidis Ruta, van Praag Mirjam: Unconventional forms of human capital. Do they make a difference for business performance and motivation? Analyzing the effects of illegal entrepreneurship experience in Lithuania
Vermeulen Patrick A.M., de Jong Jeroen P.J., O’Shaughnessy KC: Identifying key determinants for new product introductions and firm performance in service firms
Friedrich Christian, Frese Michael: Does training improve the business performance of small scale entrepreneurs?
Hyvönen Saara, Tuominen Matti, Erälinna Leena: Market related assets, innovativeness and operational performance of SMEs within the food industry
19.00-20.00 Piano recital – Fryderyk Chopin by Maria Korecka - Soszkowska
20.00-23.00 Banquet at Klub Spadkobierców
8.30-10.30 Parallel sessions
SESSION 10 Room 115
Chairman: Roy Thurik
Malinen Pasi, Stenholm Pekka: Like father like son? Transfer of entrepreneurship in the Finnish small family business succession context
Bloomfield Stephen, Phillips Mike: Innovative family businesses – continuing importance or passing phase?
Ballarini Klaus, Keese Detlef: Changes in succession in small and medium sized enterprises
Römer-Paakkanen Tarja: Family entrepreneurship in senior-Finland 2010
Laveren Eddy, Limère Arthur, Vanbilsen Ellen: CEO experience and firm growth in small family firms
SESSION 11 Room 215
Chairman: Asko Miettinen
Folkeringa Mickey, Meijaard Joris, van Stel Andrè:The effect of innovation on small firm performance
Marsili Orietta: Innovation and new firm creation in the Netherlands
Tikkanen Irma: Conceptualising a high-tech service product: a network model
Ruokolainen Jari: The usage of the reference in complex software business – lessons learned in Thai software industry
Owusu-Ansah Wilberforce, Cooney Thomas M., Urquhart James: How innovative is the public sector? A critical debate
SESSION 12 Room A-1
Chairman: David Smallbone
Watkins David, Reader Diana: Using bibliometrics as a tool to understand the literature of entrepreneurship: a review and framework for a research agenda
Fillis Ian: The methodology for researching entrepreneurship in the smaller firm
Zhan Jun, Deschoolmeester Dirk: Comparison of the Chinese entrepreneurs and their Belgian counterparts in three dimensions: innovativeness, risk handling capability & risk proactiveness, and management professionalization – research methodology
Torres Olivier: Thirsty years of research into SMEs: a field of trends and counter-trends
Wasilczuk Julita: Influence of methodology on the growth research output
10.30-11.00 Coffee break Room 101
11.00-13.00 Parallel sessions
SESSION 13 Room 115
Chairman: Antti Paasio
Cannavacciuolo Lorella, Capaldo Guido, Esposito Gianluca, Iandoli Luca, Raffa Mario: The early stages of the Academic spin-off-creation process: an analysis of tools aimed at facilitating the creation of new business ideas
Lindholm Dahlstrand Åsa, Wallin Martin: Sponsored spin-offs, industrial growth and change
Hulsink Willem: From employee to entrepreneur: the contribution of the parent organization to the success of the spin-off firm
Allen Thomas J., O’Shea Rory P., Roche Frank W.: Entrepreneurial orientation, technology transfer and spinout performance of US universities
SESSION 14 Room A-1
Chairman: Hans Crijns
Smallbone David, Rogut Anna: From transition to accession: the challenge for SMEs in candidate countries
Łuczka Teresa: Polish small and medium-sized enterprises on the European Union market
Najda Marta, Wach Krzysztof: Impact of integrated European business environment on SMEs cooperation strategies
Plawgo Bogusław: Export potential of small and medium enterprises in transition
Sorama Kirsti, Varamäki Elina,: Development of export co-operation between SMEs through network learning
SESSION 15 Room 215
Chairman: David Watkins
Champenois Claire, Engel Dirk, Heneric Oliver: The birth of German biotechnology industry: did venture capital run the show?
Holi Martin T., Klandt Heinz, Krafft Lutz: A survey of the venture capital market in Germany from 1997-2003
Gullander Staffan, NapierGlenda: Business angel networks in the Nordic area
Roure Juan, San José Amparo: Business angels schools: unleasing the potential for business angel investment
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.30 Plenary session devoted to Jose Veciana Room A-1
14.30-15.45 Important announcements Room A-1
Best Paper Award
Rob van der Horst – European Network for SME Research
Zoltan Roman - OECD Workshops and EU Conference on Entrepreneurship and SMEs in September 2003: some lessons
Info about RENT XVIII Conference
15.45-16.00 Closing of the conference Room A-1