Jordan University of Science & Technology
Faculty of Computer & Information Technology
Department of Information Systems
Year: 2006/2007 / Semester: Fall 2006
Course Information
Course Title / E-business
Course Number / CIS 451
Prerequisites / CIS 3
Course Website / URL: www.
Instructor / Eyad Alshareef
Office Location / Ph 2 Level 0
Office Phone / 7201000 Ext. 23511
Office Hours / Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday è 10 -12
E-mail /
Teaching Assistant / To be determined latter by the department
Text Book
Title / Electronic Commerce from vision to fulfillment
Author(s) / Elias M. Awad
Publisher / Prentice Hall
Year / 2007
Edition / 3th
Book Website /
References / ·  E-business & e-commerce for manager , Deitel 7 Deitel, 2001
·  Electronic commerce a managerial perspective 2002 , David king & Jae Lee , second edition
Assessment Policy
Assessment Type / Expected Due Date / Weight
First Exam / TBD / 15%
Second Exam / TBD / 15%
Final Exam / TBD / 40%
Quizzes / TBD / 10%
Paper & Presentation / 10%
Project / 10%
Course Goal
Provide students with latest information in e-commerce to teach student how to build a successful e-business and use it.
Objectives / Weights
1.  Foundation of Electronic commerce
1.1  ) know update overview of e-commerce
1.2  ) review history and uses of the Internet
1.3  ) presents comprehensive coverage of Internet architecture
2.  The Technology of E-commerce
2.1 ) know distinctive features of Intranets and Extranets
2.2 ) addressing Web management tools and portals
2.3 ) know comprehensive treatment of mobile Technology
3.  E-strategies and Tactics
3.1 ) addresses Web site design
3.2 ) how to evaluate web sites and manage web traffic
3.3 ) know skills and techniques that are unique to e-marketing
3.4) know comprehensive coverage of web based business to business e-commerce / 15%
40 %
Teaching & Learning Methods
·  Class lectures, lecture notes, Quizzes, and project are designed to achieve the course objectives.
·  You should read the assigned chapters before class, participate in class and do whatever it takes for you to grasp this material. Ask questions. Ask lots of questions.
·  You are responsible for all material covered in the class.
·  Please communicate any concerns or issues as soon as practical either in class, by Email.
·  The web page is a primary communication vehicle. Lecture notes will be available before each class. It will contain study guides, and important instructions.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students should
Related Objective /

The expected achieved outcome

3 / ·  Know the essences of e-commerce-what it is, what it is not, where it is used, its benefits and limitations
·  Know information about core of e-commerce, which is the Internet, and know all aspects related to the Internet
·  Know briefly information about Internet Architecture including hardware, Information transfer, and management Implication
·  Address roles and contributions of the Intranet, The use of Extranet and how it is related to the Internet and Intranet.
·  Address the basic for Portal; search Engine, Enterprise Portal technology.
·  Know essence of m-commerce, benefits and limitations, m-marketing, m-payment,
·  Address website design, and how to evaluate web site.
·  Know skills and techniques that are unique to e-marketing
·  Know a comprehensive converge of a web-based B2B
·  Know concept and serious nature of e-security
·  Know main principles of encryption / Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5 & 6
Ch 7
Ch 8 & 9
Ch 13
Ch 14
Course Content
Week / Topics / Chapter in Text
1 / ·  In the Beginning
o  What is E-commerce?
o  Advantages and limitations of E-commerce? / Ch 1
2 / o  The role of Strategy in E-commerce
o  Integrating E-commerce
·  The Internet and WWW
o  Understanding the WWW
o  How to search the web
o  Internet Service Provider / Ch 2
3 / o  Unique benefits of the Internet
o  Bulletin Board systems and Pay services
o  The Language of the Internet
·  Internet Architecture
o  What is Network / Ch 3
4 / o  Information Transfer
o  Network Hardware
o  Designing the network
o  Large scale E-commerce issues / Ch 3
5 / ·  Intranet and Extranet
o  Intranet: the Basics
o  The Technology Infrastructure
o  Planning an Intranet
o  Extranet / Ch 4
First Exam
6 / ·  Web Management Tools and web Portal
o  The Basic
o  The business challenge
o  Enterprise Portal Technology
o  Portal and Web services
o  Implication for Management / Ch 5
7 / ·  Internet Service Provider
o  How ISP work
o  Becoming an ISP
o  Choosing an ISP
o  Choosing and registering your domain name
o  Application service Provider / Ch 6
8 / ·  Mobile Commerce – The business of Time
o  What is M-commerce
o  Critical success Factor
o  How wireless Technology is employed / Ch 7
9 / o  Wireless LAN
o  Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
o  Implication for Management
10 / ·  Designing Web site
o  Life cycle of Web site
o  How to build a Web site
o  Design criteria / Ch 8
Second Exam
11 / ·  Web site Evaluation and Usability Testing
o  Anatomy of a Site
o  What is a cookies
o  What make a Web site Usable
o  Web site content and traffic management / Ch 9
12 / ·  Marketing on the Internet
o  The pros and cons of Online Shopping
o  Internet Marketing Techniques
o  The E-cycle of Internet Marketing
o  Marketing Your Presence
o  Attracting Customer to the Site
o  Tracking customer
o  Customer Service / Ch 10
13 / ·  Business-to-business E-commerce
o  What is B2B E-commerce
o  The supply Chain
o  B2B model
o  B2B Tools
o  Beyond B2B: A2Z / Ch 11
14 / ·  Understanding E-Security
o  Security in Cyberspace
o  Designing for Security
o  How much risk can you afford
o  The virus
o  Security Protection and Recovery
o  How to Secure your system / Ch 13
Additional Notes
Exams / ·  The format for the exams is generally (but NOT always) as follows: general definitions, Multiple-choice, UML notation, draw diagrams, and short essay questions.
·  To make sure you pass the exams, you should do the assignments by yourself.
·  Grades will not be given out via e-mail
Makeup Exams / ·  Makeup exam should not be given unless there is a valid excuse.
·  Arrangements to take an exam at a time different than the one scheduled MUST be made prior to the scheduled exam time.
Drop Date / ·  Last day to drop the course is before the twelve (12th) week of the current semester.
Cheating / ·  Cheating or copying from neighbor on exam, quiz, or homework is an illegal and unethical activity.
·  Standard JUST policy will be applied.
·  All graded assignments must be your own work (your own words).
·  Some of the assignments (programming or homework) may be graded orally.
Additional Notes (Continue)
Attendance / ·  Excellent attendance is expected.
·  JUST policy requires the faculty member to assign ZERO grade (35) if a student misses 10% of the classes that are not excused.
·  Sign-in sheets will be circulated.
Workload / ·  Average work-load student should expect to spend is 8 hours/week
Graded Exams / ·  Instructor should return exam papers graded to students not after the week after the exam date.
Participation / ·  Participation in, and contribution to class discussions will affect your final grade positively. Raise your hand if you have any question.
·  Making any kind of disruption and (side talks) in the class will affect you negatively.
Finally / ·  Make backups of all of your work.
This includes any assignment and project materials you and your group produce.