Math – Grade 7 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language NeededSLO: 1
Speaking, Writing / Apply the properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients (including additive and multiplicative inverse, distributive, commutative, and associative properties). / Listen and take notes to a video using an Outline.
Describe and explain orally and in writing how to use properties of operations to evaluate linear expressions with rational coefficients using a solution Template and a Peer Coach.
Note: ELLs benefit from illustrated videos that demonstrate solutions with visual support (i.e. using a visual of a balance beam to present balancing equations). / VU: Evaluate, properties, rational coefficients, linear expressions
LFC: Present tense, passive construction (is replaced by…)
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve linear expressions with coefficients with order of operations in L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected technical words. / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve linear expressions with coefficients with order of operations in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve linear expressions with coefficients with order of operations using key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve linear expressions with coefficients with order of operations using key, technical vocabulary in expanded sentences. / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve linear expressions with coefficients with order of operations using technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / Outline
Partially Completed Solutions
Peer Coach
White Board
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Pictures/illustrations / Outline
Multilingual Math Glossary
Partially Completed Solutions
Peer Coach
White Board
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support / Outline
Multilingual Math Glossary
White Board
Small group/ triads
Word wall / Outline
Multilingual Math Glossary
White Board
Small group/ triads / Outline
Small group/ triads
White Board
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 2
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing / Use equivalent expressions to demonstrate the relationship between quantities and determine
simpler solutions to a problem, such as a + 0.05a = 1.05a means that "increase by 5%" is the same as
"multiply by 1.05." / Listen and take notes to a video using an Outline.
Describe and explain orally and in writing how to use equivalent expressions to determine simpler solutions to a problem by creating and participating in a group presentation using a word wall, model and White Board. / VU: Equivalent expressions, quantities, simplified, consecutive integer, sales tax, final cost, reduced price
LFC: Verb to be, modals with passive construction (could be used…)
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve equivalent expressions with in L1 and/or use gestures, models and selected technical words. / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve equivalent expressions in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve equivalent expressions using key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve equivalent expressions using key, technical vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Listen, describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve equivalent expressions using technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / Multilingual Math Glossary
Partially completed solutions
White Board
Small group/ triads
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Pictures/illustrations / Multilingual Math Glossary
Partially completed solutions
White Board
Small group/ triads
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / Multilingual Math Glossary
White Board
Small group/ triads
Word wall / Multilingual Math Glossary
Small group/ triads / Small group/ triads
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 3
Writing / Solve multi-step real life and mathematical problems with rational numbers in any form (fractions, decimals, percents) by applying properties of operations and converting rational numbers between forms as needed, and then assess the reasonableness of results using mental computation and estimation strategies / Describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve multi-step equations using a variety of numerical forms and conversions by creating diagrams and illustrations in a PowerPoint presentation using a Template, Graphic Organizers and White Board.
Discuss if the answer is reasonable using examples and charts. / VU: Rate, per hour, percent change, price per quantity, reasonable, yield, batch
LFC: Past tense
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations using a variety of numerical forms and conversions; then discuss if answer is reasonable in L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected, technical words. / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations using a variety of numerical forms and conversions; then discuss if answer is reasonable in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations using a variety of numerical forms and conversions; then discuss if answer is reasonable using key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations using a variety of numerical forms and conversions; then discuss if answer is reasonable using key, technical vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations using a variety of numerical forms and conversions; then discuss if answer is reasonable using technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / Template
Graphic Organizers (flowchart)
White Board
Small group/ triads
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Illustrations / Template
Graphic Organizers (flowchart)
White Board
Small group/ triads
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / Template
Graphic Organizers (flowchart)
White Board
Small group/ triads
Word wall / Graphic Organizers (flowchart)
Small group/ triads / Graphic Organizers (flowchart)
Small group/ triads
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 4
Writing / Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem by constructing simple
equations and inequalities to represent problems.
Equations of the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r and inequalities of the form px + q > r or px + q < r,
where p, q, and r are specific rational numbers / Listen and take notes to a lecture or video using an Outline.
Describe and explain orally and in writing how to use a measurement bar model to create and solve multi-step equations and inequalities from a word problem using a model, a Peer Coach and Manipulatives.
Note: ELLs are not familiar with the U.S. Customary System of Measurement or U.S. money forms and require background knowledge and additional practice in units, equivalents, and conversions. / VU: Variable, inequality, standard measurement terms, U.S. money (names of coins, writing money)
LFC: Verb to be, modals with passive construction (can be used)
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations and write inequalities from word problems in L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected technical words. / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations and write inequalities from word problems in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations and write inequalities from word problems using key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations and write inequalities from word problems using key, technical vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Describe and explain how to solve multi-step equations and write inequalities from word problems using technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / Outline
Teacher Modeling
Manipulatives (measurement)
Peer Coach
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Pictures/illustrations / Outline
Teacher Modeling
Manipulatives (measurement)
Peer Coach
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / Outline
Manipulatives (measurement)
Small group/ triads
Word wall / Multilingual Math Glossary
Small group/ triads / Small group/ triads
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 5
Writing / Fluently solve equations and inequalities and graph the solution set of the inequality; interpret the solutions in the context of the problem. / Describe and explain orally and in writing how to solve equations and inequalities and graph the solution set of inequalities. Interpret solutions in real-world applications using drawings, Small group/ triads and realia. / VU: Expression, surface area, inequality
LFC: Comparative/superlative adjectives (least, greater)
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe and explain orally and in writing how to graph the solution to equations and inequalities; then interpret solutions in real world applications in L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected, technical words. / Describe and explain orally and in writing how to graph the solution to equations and inequalities; then interpret solutions in real world applications in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Describe and explain orally and in writing how to graph the solution to equations and inequalities; then interpret solutions in real world applications using key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. / Describe and explain orally and in writing how to graph the solution to equations and inequalities; then interpret solutions in real world applications using key, technical vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Describe and explain orally and in writing how to graph the solution to equations and inequalities; then interpret solutions in real world applications using technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / Math Journal
Small group/ triads
White Board
Peer Coach
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Pictures/illustrations / Math Journal
Small group/ triads
White Board
Peer Coach
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
White Board
Small group/ triads
Word wall / Math Journal
Small group/ triads / Math Journal
Small group/ triads