MYP Language and Rhetoric 2016-2017 Coversheet

Instructors: Ms. Dent Phone: 970-348-5526

Email: Ms. Dent

Course Description/Objectives Language and Rhetoric fulfills the tenth grade literature requirement for graduation and is recommended for students who have an advanced command of language and literary interpretation skills. It builds on the concepts presented in Accelerated English 9/Freshman MYP by further exposing students to a wide range of authors, styles, and literary periods. Language Arts Standards regarding reading, understanding, and analyzing literature along with oral commentary are an integral part of this course. Genres to be studied may include poetry, short stories, plays, novels, novella, and non-fiction. Students are required to respond to literature through speaking and writing projects.

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to

identify, define, connect, and apply diverse literary terms to classical literature and beyond.

compose and orate an effective critical literary response to a work.

compose formal, written responses addressing a literary topic.

Method of Instructor

You will spend a great deal of time reading various types of literary works both in and out of the classroom. I will choose most titles, but you may be able to choose a novel or two depending on time.

You will work individually, in pairs, and in groups in order to meet all the requirements of this course and the diverse needs of all students.

Grading and Assessments

Because this class will involve diverse instruction, you will be graded on homework, essays, class activities, quizzes, projects, and exams (written and oral).

To pass this class, the student must earn a 60% average.


Attendance will directly influence your success! Be here, and be prepared!

Grading Scale





Below 60% earns a failing grade


Please bring the following with you to class every day:

notebook for this class, fully stocked highlighters(three colors)

writing utensils (blue/black pen, pencil)novels, text books, other written materials


Grading and Assessments

You will be graded on homework, essays, class activities, quizzes, projects, and oral/written exams.

Assignments will include reading literature, analysis of literature, reading about literature, examples of literature, writing about literature, speaking about literature, and then some literature.

There are no re-testing opportunities.

To pass this course, you will definitely need to

earn at least of 60% of the total points available.

read and respond to all readings and vocabulary.

be an active part in class.

enjoy each and every moment in this classroom...or at least most of them.


Daily assignments and quizzes measure how prepared you are on a daily basis; failed assignments and quizzes cannot be retaken.

Make Up Policy- Any make-up workwill be discussed/assigned during Intervention.

Excused absences

Work due on the date of the absence is due when your foot hits the tile.

Missed class work from an excused absence should be made up within two days of your absence. It is your responsibility to ask for work assigned on the date of absence ON THE DAY YOU RETURN TO SCHOOL.

Some activities completed in class are unique to the time and elements in which they are presented, so you may have an alternate assignment to make up the points associated.

Missed quizzes must be taken on the date of return, or you will earn a zero for that assignment.

Missed tests will be scheduled before or after school, during lunch or Homeroom. Make sure to stop in and see me on the first day of your return to schedule that test, or you will earn a zero.

Late work goes to the bottom of my grading stack. If you have a late assignment, your grade will probably not be updated immediately due the large about of regular assignments that I grade every day. If you have an extenuating circumstance such as eligibility concerns or parental concerns, please let me know, and I will do my best to accommodate you.

Work due on the date of an unexcused absence will be accepted BUT NOT RECORDED IN THE GRADEBOOK. This includes major projects and tests!

Work assigned the date of an unexcused absence will not be accepted.

If you are in the building but not in class during class time, you must have a school excused absence. In this case, a parental excuse will not allow you to make up the work due or the work assigned during the block you were absent.

Responsibility and Participation

Have fun! Have a good attitude! In the wise words of my beloved niece Kallie, “Don’t rub your meanies off on the rest of us.”

I expect you to be here; absences will be a problem in this class.

I expect you to do your fair share of group work. Often we have so much to cover that we “divide and conquer” the material. If you don’t do your part, the entire class misses out. We need to be able to rely on you.

You will be expected to read, write, edit and share your writing with other students. Peer editors are expected to be thoughtful and considerate of each other.

You are expected to come to class each day with all required materials and assignments.

Discipline and Class Rules

An atmosphere of respect and a commitment to learning will pervade this classroom; therefore, all rules and procedures of GreeleyWestHigh School will be enforced. Any additional rules pertaining to this class will be implemented as necessary.

Please don't bring any food to this classroom!


See Greeley West Attendance Policy as stated in the student handbook.


If you find yourself outside the classroom door when the bell rings, plan on staying two minutes after the release bell with me. Say, just for the sake of saying, you have a perpetual issue getting here on time…your parents, who love you, and I will make a new plan for you. Still not motivated…detention is in your future.


If you are absent, your parent or guardian has 48 hours to call to excuse you. On the sad occasion that you should accumulate 16 single classes of unexcused absences, you and your parents will be contacted by the district with a plan to help you.


A hall pass policy regarding the first and last ten minutes of class will be followed. Students are not permitted to leave the classroom during this time. Should you need to use the hall pass, you will need to double check that you have your student ID in hand. The last few pages of the planner serve as your Homeroom pass where you will fill out the time, date, and destination in pen, and then get an instructor’s signature. Please note that you have limited destinations which sadly do not include the vending machine, your Boo’s classroom, Stoner’s Corner or other undesirable locations. Plan on using the hall pass no more than three times during the course of the semester.

Specific Expectations

Be to class on time.

Be prepared with all materials

Do your own work. Cheating will not be tolerated. Plagiarism, copying homework, playing the system in a naughty way and cheating on quizzes and/or assessment tests may result in a zero for you and your co-conspirators, a student/teacher conference, parent notification, and a disciplinary referral. All work is regularly checked to ensure that your work is original and no internet or other materials are being used without proper citations.

Treat everyone with respect. Do not disrespect or interrupt class by talking, acting out, or calling attention to yourself. Offensive language, derogatory jokes, or inappropriate comments will not be tolerated.

 Cellular phones and other electronic devices are a constant disruption. I don’t want to see your electronic menagerie. Your cell phone should be turned off, out of sight and not a disruption. If the phone rings, you are text messaging, you are taking photos, or you are looking longingly in the direction of your cell phone, the phone will be confiscated until the end of the day. You may pick up your phone in the office after school.

Personal Project…a commercial break sponsored by the IB Coordinator

The personal project (PP) provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product/outcome and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning. The project offers many opportunities for differentiation of learning and expression according to students’ individual needs. The personal nature of the project is important; the project should revolve around a challenge that motivates and interests the individual student.

  • Students will select and design a project with the assistance of their classroom teachers, a teacher supervisor, and other support individuals.
  • The project culminates in a science fair style presentation open to students and family of Greeley West, as well as the community at large.
  • Portions of the project may be completed in class; however, a significant portion will need to be completed outside of school.

Throughout the process students will keep a process journal to record the progress of the project and to help write the project essay.All students in this course must complete the personal project as its components will be completed as part of the course curriculum.

10th Grade Tasks

  • Project Update with Supervising Teacher, Due by September 23rd (during homeroom)
  • Project Essay Rough Draft, Due October 25th
  • Finish Process Journal TBA with Teacher
  • Visual Aide TBA with Teacher
  • Presentation Night, Wednesday December 7th
  • Project Essay ~1500 words (about 6 pages double spaced) Due December 13th

After all these rules, rules, rules, we are all in this together to help build your amazing future. Nothing is more important than that.


MYP Language and Rhetoric

Please sign the student portion of this form, share the information in the cover sheet with your parent(s)/guardian(s), and have a parent/guardian sign the bottom of this form. Return only the bottom half to me by the second week of class and keep the remainder of the cover sheet in your notebook.


I have read the cover sheet for this course and will provide any support needed to assure that my son/daughter will succeed both academically and behaviorally.

I understand that cell phones are not to be in use during class time. I will leave voice messages for my child which can be listened to at a more appropriate time, or in the case of an emergency I will contact my child through the main office. I understand that if my child uses his/her cell phone in class, it will be confiscated until a parent or guardian claims it.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

I have read and understand the information on the cover sheet for this class. I agree to adhere to the policies set forth for the class and acknowledge that I am aware of the penalties for not doing so.

Student Name (Print) ______Block______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______