Last Revised or Saved on 5/18/2019
Theresa Freas
Kerry Kriesel
Tim Fox
Daniel Vander Valk
Collaborative Team Name: PE
- Knowledge of heath related components
- CO: Students will be able to identify and define the 5 health related components
- CO: Students will be able to apply the health related components to a personal fitness program
- Time to complete: (a= 2-4 days classroom time; b=semester long application)
- Knowledge of skill related components
- CO: Students will be able to identify and define the 6 skill related components
- CO: Students will be able to apply the skill related components to a personal fitness program
- Time to complete: (a= 2-4 days classroom time; b= semester long application)
- Know the difference between Personal Fitness and Physical Activity
- CO: Students will be able to differentiate their personal fitness level and the national recommended level for their age group
- Time to complete: (1-2 days classroom time; semester long application)
- Know the benefits of well rounded Physical Activity
- CO: Students will be able to design a personal fitness program that incorporates a variety of physical activities
- Time to complete: (1-2 days classroom time; semester long application)
- Understand how to set short-term and long-term goals
- CO: Students will be able to demonstrate ability to monitor and adjust a personal fitness program to meet individual needs and long term/short term goals…St 4 Ct 1 PO 4
- Time to complete: (3-5 days classroom time; semester long application)
- Comprehension of the principles of training
- CO: Students will be able to identify and define the FITT principle ( Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type)
- CO: Students will be able to identify and define the Principles of Progress, Overload, and Specificity
- Time to complete: (a & b= 2-4 days classroom time; semester long application)
- Maintain and monitor a personal fitness plan
- CO: Students will be able to monitor and adjust activity to meet personal physical activity needs
- Time to complete: (1-2 days classroom time; semester long application)
- Understand the importance of proper attire
- CO: Student will be able to display responsible behavior in physical activity settings
- Time to complete: (1 day classroom time; semester long application)
- Understand the importance of proper stretching, warm ups, and cool down
- CO: Students will be able to demonstrate proper stretching and warm up and cool down techniques
- Time to complete: (1 day classroom time; semester long application)
- Learn the importance of a lifetime activity, skills, choices, and responsibility
- CO: Students will be able to identify attitudes associated with regular participation in physical activity and/or fitness development activities
- CO: Students will be able to understand the importance of self motivation and how to overcome physical and mental/emotional obstacles
- Time to complete: (1-3 days classroom time; semester long application)
Total classroom instruction could range from 4-6 weeks depending on student comprehension of content material.
Week 1-3:
- Knowledge of heath related components ( Chapter 2 pg 26-35, Chapter 6 pg 106-119, Chapter 7 pg 128-143, Chapter 8 pg 152-172, Chapter 10 pg 216-233)
- Knowledge of skill related components (Chapter 2 pg 36-37)
- Know the difference between Personal Fitness and Physical Activity (Chapter 1 pg 4-12)
Week 4-6:
- Know the benefits of well rounded Physical Activity (Chapter 1 pg 13-17)
- Understand how to set short-term and long-term goals (Chapter 3 pg 50-62)
- Comprehension of the principles of training (Chapter 5 pg 92-97)
Week 6-18: Implementing and continuing to implement previous content objectives throughout the remainder of the semester
- Maintain and monitor a personal fitness plan
- Understand the importance of proper attire
- Understand the importance of proper stretching, warm ups, and cool down
- Learn the importance of a lifetime activity, skills, choices, and responsibility