Name______JR _____ INT______SR______

Club ______Grade for 2013-14 ______

To be eligible for county awards 4-H members must be enrolled in the project for the past school year.

After you compete this form, please place itinside the front cover of your record book.

**Return by October 13 with Record Book to 4-H Leaders.

Record books must be turned in on time to receive awards!


___ Aerospace___ Forestry___ Club Treasurer

___ Animal Science___ Health___ Club Secretary

___ Astronomy___ Club Historian

___ Ag and Natural Resources___ Historical Heritage___ Club Reporter

___ Automotive___ Home Improvement

___ Beef ___ Horse, Pony or Mule ___ Bicycle ___ Horticulture/Gardening

___ Bird

___ Bucket/Bottle___ Issues

___ Camping___ Leadership

___ Camping ___ Music ___ Pets

___ Cat ___ Photography

___ Child Development___ Plant Science

___ Citizenship___ Poultry

___ Clothing ___ Public Speaking

___ Clothing Selection___ Rabbit

___ Communications____Rocketry

___ Computer ___ Safety

___Consumer Management ___ Self Determined

___ Crop Production___ Science & Tech

___ Dairy Cattle___ Sheep

___ Dairy Goats___ Small Engines

___ Dog ___ Swine

___ Electric/Electronics___Theatre Arts

___ Environment/Conservation___ Tractor

___Veterinary Science ___ Entomology-Bees ___ Visual Arts ___ Fashion Revue ___ Welding

___ Farm Management ___ Woodworking

___ Fish and Wildlife

___ Food and Nutrition

___ Food Preservation


Each number listed below should be a new tab in your Record Book.

Cover Page – Please use a Green 3 ring-binderor White binder. It is recommended to use a new binder for each 4-H year. Each new 4-H member will receive a free binder, available at the Extension office.

1. Title Page-- A new title page should be made each year. Be sure to include the 4-H year.

The title page helps describe you to others and should contain the following:

1. A current picture of yourself.4. Designate if you are a Junior, Intermediate or Senior 4-H’er

2. Your name5. Years in 4-H

3. Name of your club6. Grade you were in for the 2012/2013 school year

2. (Optional) Your 4-H Stories This is an overview of each 4-H year- what you did and your feelings about your year in 4-H. Current year on top.

3. Yearly 4-H Participation & Project Summary. Produced and available at the Extension Office.****

The summary helps you summarize your participation in 4-H projects, local group involvement, and at the community, county, area, and state levels. Please fill out according to what you did.

4. Photos, newspaper clippings related to 4-H activities (non-project).Label pictures and underline name in clippings. (Citizenship and Leadership pictures should go with those tabbed project records)

5. Awards.Any certificates, achievements, ribbons (not required), or anything else you may want to add.

6. PROJECT SECTIONS.Divided by projects, usealphabetized tabs. Have the current year on top in each project area. All livestock projects must have records and a goal sheet.

4-H Project Records – Goal project sheets are produced and available at the Extension Office or online at If the project has a special project worksheet, you will need to use it also. The financial summary should be completed on the special project worksheet and does not need to be repeated on your goal sheets

a. Behind this form put any information which supports the project. Items such as financial

records,folders(can replace project goal sheets) or any additional supportive information.

  1. Place related pictures, copies of newspaper clippings of work done in each project behind the project record. Label pictures and underline name in clippings.

***If you are interested in applying for county and/or state awards in the future, a project record should be completed for each project.