September 22, 2015



Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish

Seattle, Washington

ARTICLE I – NAME: The name of the organization shall be the Our Lady of GuadalupeCYO Board, herein after called theOLG CYO Board.

ARTICLE II – PURPOSE: The purpose of the OLG CYO Board shall be to organize, promote, finance and supervise athletic activities of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. The ideals, rules and regulations of sponsored athletic competition shall be in accordance with the standards of the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) of the Archdiocese of Seattle as authorized by the OLG CYO Board and Christian principles, in general.


  1. The administration of the general policies, business and property of the OLG CYO Board shall be vested in the Board Members hereinafter called “the Board”, consisting of six (6) elected members. The original five (5) members of OLG CYO Board will be selected by the Parish Pastor and Parish CYO Director(s).
  1. The members of the Board will work collectively on all matters of OLG Athletics and the designatedofficers of the Board shall be Treasurer and Secretary. The offices of Treasurer and Secretary may be combined into one office.
  1. The term of membership of all members of the Board will run from June 1 through May 30 for a term of three (3) years. Each Board member shall be eligible serve for an additional three (3) year term with the approval of the board.
  1. The Pastor or his official representative, and current Parish Athletic Director(s) shall be ex-officio members of the Board.
  1. The Board will collectively discuss potential new members and make recommendations (by voting) to the Parish Pastor who will make the final decisions.

ARTICLE IV – ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ATHLETIC BOARD: The Board will consist of the general members as elected by the parish, as well as the officers of the Board as elected by the general members of the board each year. The elected officers of the Board serve a term of one year. Election and change of office will take place at the May meeting. Officers may run for re-election.

The responsibilities of the elected officers and coordinators are as follows.

  1. Treasurer - Shall be responsible for keeping the financial records of OLG

CYO Athletics and reporting periodically to the Board on financial


  1. Secretary - Shall be responsible for taking and preparing the minutes of the Board meetings and other duties related to that office.


  1. A coordinator for each major sport will be nominated and approved by the Board members. The following sports will each have a coordinator:
  1. Soccer
  1. Basketball
  1. Baseball
  1. Volleyball
  1. Track
  1. Cross Country

b.Each Coordinator will be responsible for organizing and coordinating his/her sport with duties consisting of, but not limited to: registration of participants, collection of fees, recruiting of coaches, preparation of budgets, purchasing and maintaining of equipment, ensuring that all uniforms are returned at the end of the particular season, and ensuring that the particular program is in accord with the guidelines of CYO and basic Christian principles.

c.The respective coordinators are responsible for obtaining practice and game fields as needed for each sport. Visibility with the Seattle Recreation Department is suggested to maintain Our Lady of Guadalupe ina position of favor.

d.The respective coordinators and the Board are responsible for coach selection. Returning coaches will have priority on coaching their prior season team in the current season as long as they received a favorable review by the Board on their last completed season (from any sport). If the returning coach declines to continue coaching, the Board will communicate to the Parish Community that a coaching position is available. The Board will work together to review all the new candidates and will vote/appoint the new head coach. Coaches will be responsible for selecting their own assistants.

  1. The respective coordinators are responsible for the sizing, distribution and inventory of returned uniforms.


A. The board shall meet periodically as determined by the Board depending on the current agenda, but at a minimum must meet at least once every 60 days. These meetings shall be closed except for that portion of the agenda open to visitors, unless otherwise specified.

B. All regular meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with the following order of business:

  1. Call to Order
  1. Approval of minutes
  1. Treasurers Report
  1. Communications
  1. Coordinators’ Report
  1. Old Business
  1. New Business
  1. Adjournment

The order of business may be changed, altered or modified at the discretion of the Board with the approval of all the Board members present.

  1. Special meetings may be called by the Parish Pastor or his designated representative, or any Board Member when circumstances warrant.

ARTICLE VI – VOTING: All board members shall have the right to one (1) vote at a Board meeting.

ARTICLE VII – QUORUM: For the purpose of transacting official OLG CYO Board business, it shall be necessary that a minimum of six members of the Board be present and voting.


  1. BUDGET: Expenditures for uniforms and/or equipment must be approved by the Board if they exceed $100 in any one season. If expenditure is needed on an emergency basis, it may be authorized by the Parish Athletic Director(s).
  1. SUPPLIES: The Board shall purchase, control and determine the disposition of all equipment, uniforms and supplies owned by the OLG CYO Board.
  1. FUNDS: All funds held by OLG CYO shall be held on deposit in a properly constituted bank account. The authorized signers of this bank account shall be the Parish Accountantand the Parish Pastor. The Board Treasurer shall be the officer responsible to the Board for these funds and will use currently acceptable accounting procedures to report these funds to the Board. The Treasurer will present the Board with Monthly status reports and at least one annual financial statement, accurately outlining the present condition of the past (12) months history of the finances of OLG CYO Athletics. The Treasurer may also be required to supply financial information on request of the Parish Athletic Director(s), a majority of the Board, or the Parish Pastor.

ARTICLE IX – VACANCIES IN OFFICE: If a Board vacancy occurs by the resignation or removal from office, the unexpired term of that member will be filled by the Board appointment for the remainder of the term. Three unexplained absences from the Board meetings during a calendar year constitute automatic dismissal form the Board.

ARTICLE X – AMENDMENTS:Amendments may be made to this constitution at any regular or special meeting of the Board by a Yes vote of six (6) members of the Board. Formal written notice of any amendment (proposed) will be given to all Board members at least Fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting in which the amendment is to be acted upon.

ARTICLE XI – ATHLETIC DIRECTOR(S): The Athletic Director(s)of OLG CYO will be selected solely by the Parish Pastor. The Board will be responsible for the oversight of the Athletic Director(s) and communicating to the Parish Pastor any issues that arise.

ARTICLE XII - ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION: This constitution shall be ratified by a majority vote of the members present at the Board meeting on November 4, 2015.