Return to Midwifery Practice (2015-16)
Week 1 / LunchMonday
28/09/15 / 9.00 – 9.30
Introductions /self dec. forms ? what is this?
P Bramble HS3.14 / 9.30 – 12
Programme aims, learning and teaching strategy, assessment strategy
Article review
Group tutorial (Formative Assignment)
(Fay Polson /L Mc Namee) / 1.00pm – 2.45pm
IT Skills: My mail / Blackboard / Embedding Health Informatics
P.B H1.41 / 3-4pm
Moving & handling (Fay)
NMC codes, standards and statutory guidelines
(Fay Polson /L Mc Namee)
29/09/15 / 09.00 – 12
Academic writing / Confidentiality, Data protection
SWOT / LC , Critical thinking skills / Reflection
P. Bramble HS3.14 / 1-2pm
National and Local NHS structure
P.B HS3.15 / 2.30 – 4pm
Fitness to practice
Midwifery supervision
Scope of practice /The Law & Ethics related to Midwifery
(L Mc Namee)
30/09/15 / 09.00-10.30
Principles of Infection Control
(R Morris) CL2.06 / 11.00 – 12
Legal and ethical implications for Practice / raising and escalating concerns
P.B. CL 2.06 / 1-2pm
Portfolio workshop:
Planning of clinical experience
Essential evidence
Student Learning needs
(L Mc Namee) / 2.30 – 4pm
Philosophies, frameworks and organisation of midwifery care
(L Mc Namee)
01/10/15 / 09.00 – 12
Moving and Handling
P.B HS3.03 / 2.00 – 4pm
Library Induction + Directed study: retrieval of information/ access pertinent NSF, NICE, DH LIS
02/10/15 / 9-10.30
Adult Resuscitation BLS
L Braithwaite HS3.14 / 11.00 – 12.30
Preparation for practice - workshop
Monitoring equipment
Base assessment tools e.g. Braden NEWS, Falls and Clinical Skills.Net
P.B HS3.14 / 1.30 - 4.00
Health Informatics
Access to Information and Information Sharing in the NHS
The Language of Health: Clinical Coding and Terminology
Clinical Information Systems
PB HS3.14
Evening sessions for remaining theory Wednesdays 6- 9 pm
Week 2
07/10/15 / 6-9pm
Data bases / literature retrieval Room D 2.02 / J. Waine
Week 3
14/10/15 / 6-9pm
Drug calculations 6-7.30pm
7.30-9pm Ethical issues applied to health care / Matt Capsey
P. Bramble
Week 4
21/10/15 / 6-9pm
Contemporary issues in midwifery practice (L McNamee) / L Mc Namee
Week 5
28/10/15 / 6-9pm
Electronic submission of formative assessment
Normality in Maternity care
Record keeping/MEOWS
Reflective practice
Portfolio development / L Mc Namee
Week 6
04/11/15 / 6 – 9pm
Portfolio development
Reflective practice
Feedback (formative assessment) / Fay Polson
Week 7
11/11/15 / 6-7pm
Midwifery and the public health agenda
7.15 - 9pm
Evidence based midwifery / Fay Polson /L Mc Namee
Fay Polson /L Mc Namee
Week 8
18/11/15 / 6 - 9pm
Breastfeeding Initiative
Current midwifery education
Personal Development Plan/Portfolio development
Tutorials / Launch student medical seminars / Nursing RTP midwifery update (Fay Polson)
L Mc Namee
Week 9
25/11/15 / 6 - 9pm
Emotional well being
Breast feeding OSCE / Fay Polson /L Mc Namee
Week 10
02/12/15 / 6 - 9pm
Caring for women and infants with complex issues (student seminars) / Fay Polson /L Mc Namee
Week 11
09/12/15 / 6 – 9 pm
Virtual maternity unit scenarios (shoulder dystocia; PPH/APH; Breech; Malposition’s; resuscitation (maternal & neonate); Deteriorating patient (sepsis);
Portfolio development / Fay Polson /L Mc Namee
Learning is also supported by learning materials provided on the virtual learning environment with the use of workbook, dedicated e-learning websites, and directed reading.
Midwifery Mandatory study days are attended as part of the educational learning
Reading lists and extensive resources through the library in the form of textbooks, e-books, journals and online journals.
Group Tutorials are timetabled and individual tutorials are booked with the academic. Support for study skills and academic writing are also available at the Learning Hub in the Library.
FSP / L Mc April 2015