General Education Committee
September 25, 2015
LRC 210
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Co-chairs:Amy Pritchett, Brent Davis
Faculty:Vineta Harper, Manlia Xiong, Tracy Myers, Josh Muller,
Articulation Officer: Greg Keen
Student Representative: Edgar Godinez
Guest:Jennifer La Serna
- Announcements
Amy Pritchett introduced herself as the new Co-chair of the committee, along with Brent Davis. She asked members of the committee to introduce themselves. Jennifer La Serna introduced Linda Jones as the new notetaker for the meetings. At that time, Amy asked members what kind of notes/minutes they wish to see: basically the decisions that were made and any relevant information.
- Announcements
- October 15 is the deadline for submissions of courses. Four courses have been submitted thus far: ARCH 030, ARCH 162, DRAFT 114, GD 159. A review of the requirements for submission ensued, and there are four forms/documents that have to be submitted in order to have the course considered: Justification, outcomes, current assessments, and course outline of record (that has been reviewed no longer than two years ago) (some members thought that was three years). Amy will notify the faculty member/s who submitted the courses that those four documents need to be included with the submission.
She will also send copies of those forms to members of the GE Committee.Amy questioned committee members about what kind of notes/minutes they want to see from the meetings: basically, the decisions that are made and any relevant, worthwhile information.
B .At that point, Greg said he would like official approval of WELD 104 as COS GE. It was determined that since GE had approved it for Fall 2016, it would become effective Fall 2016 based on a directive from Jennifer La Serna. She didn’t think the course should be held hostage to the framework and related policies that were delayed until Fall 2017 as the effective date.
A bit later Greg asked if GE approvals had to go to the Board of Trustees for approval; Joni Jordan has said the Board doesn’t need to approve and Linda Jones has never included that information in Curriculum Reports that go to the Board of Trustees. The consensus was that GE approvals should go to the Board. Now the question remains how and when that information will be communicated to the Course Librarian so s/he can include that information in the Board report.
- Jennifer La Serna: Curriculum and Assessment Discussion
For AACJC reporting, she needs help in determining which is the ultimate source from which she pulls the number of courses and programs we have and the number of each for which we have assessments. Ultimately, it’s the catalog, at least for the total number of active courses at a given time.
- Review End of Year Survey Results: Amy reviewed the few responses that were received; basically, get someone to record the minutes.
- Initiatives for 2015-2016
- Evaluate effectiveness of rubric that’s been used to determine eligibility for GE inclusion
- Create bylaws
- Review the GE application form