Monthly Field Activities Update
Month: August, 2015
Amhara Region
Activities on Capacity Development / Observations/
action required
Vegetable production
In South Wollo, 8 male and 1 Female farmers coached and mentored on Land preparation and propagation methods for onion bulb planting at Tehuledere/Jarie PA.
Fruit production
In south wollo, coaching and mentoring was undertaken on 10 farmers all male at Godiguadit PA/Tehuledere and 12 farmers (all male) coached at Tekake PA of Kalu district on Banana sucker planting and site selection methods.
In West Gojjam, coaching and mentoring was also done on fruit development in Bahir Dar (Mango M-4), and Mecha (Avocado M-6,F-1)
In North Gonder, one animal feed supplier was trained on animal feed preparation software in Bahir Dar university.
Activities on Knowledge Management
In South Wollo, field day was organized at Hitecha PA/Tehuledere district on Oct 13, 2015. A total of 56 (4F) farmers and 7 GO staff (1F) were attended the field day. In the event, production of Bracheria Decumbes and Alfalfa forages was demonstrated.
In North Gonder, field day was conducted in Gonder zuria at Tsion, Degola and Bahira Ginp Pas. In Tsion PA, 38(6F) farmers and 5(1F) experts were participated in the field day. In the event, improved forage development and dairy husbandry were visited. In Degola, irrigated fodder, fruit (Avocado) and vegetable (pepper) were visited by public staff 18(3F) and farmers 26(3F). In the event the district administration and deputy Livestock agency head were participated. In Bahir Ginb, the project intervention on fruit and vegetable was visited by 24 (4) farmers and 15(3) public staffs. Similar event was organized in Dembia at Senbet Deber PA. In the event, vegetable (Pepper production) and animal fodder (Rohades grass, cow pea, bracherya, and densho grass) were demonstrated to 12 male farmers were attending the field day.
Experience sharing visits at North Gondar zone LIVES districts and intervention on dairy farming (dairy farm, dairy housing, and cow management) with focal persons (M-2, F-1)
Promotion / Observations/action required
In South Wollo, School Milk Day was organized in Dessie town at Tigle Fre Junior secondary school. Participants were teachers from different schools, students, milk producers, relevant government officials. The celebration incorporated some funs lessons ideas, activities. Students write poem, prepared song and drama shows that discover a lesson about the importance of children consuming dairy product as part of the health diet. A total of 500 students (270F), 35 GO officials (4F), 17 school teachers (8F) and 42 farmers (3F) participated at the event. Different technologies like animal feed chopper, Cow mats, milking machines, churners, cream separators, sample of different forage species, AI materials were demonstrated. This event was aired by FM 87.9. It is also expected that Amhara TV will also show the event in the coming days.
Knowledge/ experience sharing event has been facilitated by all LIVES zonal coordinators for woreda and zonal focal persons as a study tour to visit experiences of LIVES at each respective zones. In the field trip, 11 male and 1 female experts were participating. Four experts from each zone. Different LIVES’s interventions were visited. Some of them were biogas powered generator, forage and dairy development, poultry farm, fruit production, fruit seedling producer, dairy cooperative and Knowledge centers.
Value chain development
·  In West Gojjam, manual milking machine was introduced to one farmer in Bahir Dar zuria district.
·  In North Gonder, silage making and animal feed chopping were made in Dembia (Senbet deber PA) at 1 farmer. Similarly, animal feed was chopped and made silage with the use of plastic bug on 2 groups in Gonder ketema.
Irrigated vegetables
·  In South Wollo, 150 Kg onion bulb was purchased and distributed to three farmers (1 F) at Jarie PA/Tehuledere district for the purpose of onion seed production. The purpose was to compare the performance of bulb planted at the different months in seed production. The previously planted onion is found at a flowering stage.
·  In West Gojjam, 11 farmers were selected and demonstration materials were distributed at Mosobo kebele of Yilmanadensa district. Some of distributed demonstration materials were carrot (M-6), and cabbage (M-5).
·  Onion production is continued in Gonder zuria. In this regard, last year beneficiary of the project continued onion seed production in one quarter hectare after purchasing the bulb by his own. Similarly, onion seed production was started in Dembya district by distributing 700kg onion bulb for 3 farmers (all male farmers).
Irrigated fruits
·  In South wollo, 209 banana suckers consisted of five varieties were procured from Bahir Dar Zuria and distributed to 18 farmers. Of Which 90 suckers were distributed and planted at 10 farmers’ (all male) plot at kalu district of Tekakie PA and 94 suckers were planted at Godiguadit PA/Tehuledere district on 8 farmers plot (all male) while the remaining 25 suckers were planted at Harbu nursery for sucker multiplication and to compare the management effect.
·  In West Gojjam, 15 grafted mango seedlings were distribution to one grafted seedling producer farmer for mother tree development in Bahir Dar zuria, and also 10 grafted avocado seedlings were distributed to one farmer in Mecha. In addition to this, legalization of grafted seedling producer and suppliers groups in Mecha district was finalized for 38 members (M-36, F-2).
Research and Documentation:
·  The celebration on school milk day was captured with photo camera, video camera and this already edited and prepared with cassettes and CDs.
Activities on Project Management
·  Settled project advance and petty cash expenses

Prepared by: Amhara LIVES team