2004 Australian and New Zealand
Academic Library (CAUL) Statistics
The Australian and New Zealand academic library statistics are collected and published annually for CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians). CAUL has engaged CAVAL Collaborative Solutions to collect and compile the statistics.
Reporting Structure
The 2004 statistics include 48 entries, which cover 39 Australian and 8 New Zealand academic library systems and 1 co-operative store.
As CAUL requested that data be supplied for each institution as a whole no breakdown by branch or campus library is available.
Data Collection
The data for the 2004 CAUL Statistics was collected using the Input Module of the CAUL Statistics Online website. This site, at http://statistics.caul.edu.au, was developed for CAUL by CAVAL. Each participating library was supplied with a logon to the Input Module and entered its data directly into the statistical database. A range of data validation checks were incorporated, and the general instructions and detailed data definitions were made available for download and printing. The verified data was then extracted from the database to create the tables to be printed for this publication.
Three new data elements were added to the 2004 data. These are
· ULA/ULANZ Loans (in Library Services)
· ULA Borrowers (in Institutional Population)
· Expenditure e-resources (in Library Expenditure).
The “Deemed List”, containing title counts of full-text electronic databases, was updated for the collection of the 2004 data. This list was available to participating libraries from the Online website and they were instructed to use it for calculating new, cancelled and current Serial Titles for e-journals which are part of Publisher's Collections or Aggregations.
The collection procedures and publication details for the 2004 data are as recommended by the CAUL Statistics Focus Group and endorsed by CAUL. The instructions, and “Deemed List” can be viewed from the CAUL statistics web page http://www.caul.edu.au/stats/.
Statistical tables and data
The statistical tables provided in this publication are shown in the same format as for 2003. The implementation of the online input module provided the opportunity to make some logical changes to the order of data elements and to discontinue the use of column numbers. Nonetheless the arrangement of data within the printed tables follows the same pattern as in previous years as much as possible.
The following data elements are not shown in the 2004 printed tables, as the supply of data for them was optional. However all available optional data can be displayed through the Online website.
· Library Organisation
Ø Floor space
Ø Shelving
· Library Staff
Ø Staff listed by HEW level
· Library Services
Ø Info Literacy: groups
Ø Info Literacy: persons
Ø Reference Transactions
Ø Inter-campus/Branch loans
Ø Turnstiles
· Information Resources
Ø Serial volumes: added
Ø Serial volumes: withdrawn
Ø Serial volumes: Total
Ø Archives
The entries in the main statistical tables for the Australian libraries have been arranged alphabetically within states, followed by the data for the New Zealand libraries. The only exception is the Australian Catholic University which is listed ahead of the other institutions.
The reference date is 31 December 2004, with the exception of data relating to institutional populations. This is 31 March 2004 for Australian University staff data, 31 August 2004 for Australian University student data and 1st July 2004 for New Zealand University Libraries. Other specific exceptions are listed under 'General Comments and Explanatory Notes'.
Population data was supplied by DEST (Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training) for all Commonwealth government funded higher education institutions in Australia. However Charles Darwin University, University of Newcastle, LaTrobe University, RMIT University, Swinburne University, Victoria University and Edith Cowan University supplied additional data for their TAFE populations.
Population data for the New Zealand universities and private institutions was supplied by the institution concerned.
Data which is an estimate only is shown in italics. The symbol CP indicates that data COULD NOT BE PROVIDED for that column. A BLANK entry indicates that the item in question is NOT APPLICABLE to that library.
Eight rows of statistical information for both Australian and New Zealand libraries have been added to the main tables. These rows show the TOTAL for all Australian libraries, the TOTAL for all New Zealand libraries, the TOTAL for Australian and New Zealand libraries, the MEDIAN, the MEAN, the LOWER QUARTILE (25%), the UPPER QUARTILE (75%) and the VALID NO. of libraries used for the statistical calculations for each column. Statistics are not shown for those columns where the number of valid libraries is less than 25. Library Expenditure data is in Australian dollars for Australian libraries and in New Zealand dollars for New Zealand Libraries. With the exception of the sub-total of New Zealand libraries expenditure which is in New Zealand dollars, all other calculated statistics are for Australian libraries only and are in Australian dollars.
Two tables ranking the total library systems according to criteria selected by CAUL are included. Both Australian and New Zealand universities are included in these ranking tables. These tables, headed 'Rankings of total library systems for selected ratios' show the same ratios published for the 2003 data. For each ratio the MEAN, MEDIUM, LOWER QUARTILE (25%), UPPER QUARTILE (75%) and the VALID NO. of libraries used to calculate that column are included. Note that expenditure for New Zealand Libraries has been converted to Australian Dollars for these ratios. As noted in previous reports, interpretive comparisons of these statistics should always be made with caution.
Amendments to the 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000 statistics are included in this report. Please note that the online statistical database maintained by CAVAL is updated whenever notification of a correction is received. Excel spreadsheets containing the statistical data from 1983 to 2004 are available for downloading from the CAUL Web pages http://www.caul.edu.au/stats/.
Online Statistics
This service, http://statistics.caul.edu.au, developed and maintained by CAVAL, went live in April 2005. It enables manipulation of the CAUL statistics online, including facilities to graph and download data, and to benchmark between a range of self-selected institutions.
This is the thirteenth year that CAVAL has collected and compiled these statistics. Thanks are due to all the participating academic librarians for their cooperation and their enthusiastic and timely responses to this year's online data collection.
Cathie Jilovsky
Information Services Manager
CAVAL Collaborative Solutions
Australian and New Zealand academic libraries listed by state
¨ Australian Catholic University
Australian Capital Territory
Australian Defence Force Academy (University of NSW)
♪ Australian National University
University of Canberra
New South Wales
Charles Sturt University
Macquarie University
Southern Cross University
University of New England
§ University of New South Wales
University of Newcastle
► University of Sydney
University of Technology, Sydney
University of Western Sydney
University of Wollongong
Northern Territory
Charles Darwin University
Bond University
Central Queensland University
Griffith University
James Cook University
Queensland University of Technology
University of Queensland
University of Southern Queensland
University of the Sunshine Coast
South Australia
Flinders University of South Australia
University of Adelaide
University of South Australia
University of Tasmania
Deakin University
La Trobe University
Monash University
RMIT University
Swinburne University of Technology
University of Ballarat
University of Melbourne
Victoria University
Western Australia
Curtin University of Technology
Edith Cowan University
Murdoch University
University of Western Australia
New Zealand
Auckland University of Technology
Lincoln University
Massey University
University of Auckland
University of Canterbury
♫ University of Otago
University of Waikato
Victoria University of Wellington
¨ The Australian Catholic University comprises four divisions. These four divisions are in turn composed of the following libraries:
Canberra Division - Signadou campus
New South Wales Division - MacKillop campus and Mount St Mary campus
Queensland Division - McAuley campus
Victorian Division - Aquinas campus; Christ campus and Mercy campus.
♪ Includes the Institute of the Arts which is part of the Australian National University.
§ Includes the College of Fine Arts Library. However this library operates independently of the University of New South Wales Library.
► Includes all libraries in the University of Sydney Library system plus the Sydney Conservatorium of Music Library.
# The CARM (CAVAL Archival and Research Materials) Centre is a cooperative store managed by CAVAL Collaborative Solutions for its member libraries – the nine Victorian Universities and the State Library of Victoria.
♫ The University of Otago return does not include data for the Wellington and Christchurch Clinical School libraries, which are not under the control of the University Librarian. However data is included under the Information Resources and Library expenditure sections for an un-staffed, non-lending libraries at the University of Otago’s Auckland campus and also a second site in Wellington. These are not counted as separate library sites, as they are un-staffed facilities, and as such technically provide no service.
Amendments to 2003 statisticsAuckland University of Technology
Col. 14 / should read / 277,826
Australian Defence Force Academy
Col. 15 / should read / 3,983
Curtin University of Technology
Col. 12A / should read / 635 / Col. 12B / should read / 6,967
Col. 35 / should read / 14,703 / Col. 35C / should read / 559
Col. 41 / should read / 30,506 / Col. 41C / should read / 3,192
Lincoln University
Col. 57 / should read / 398 / Col. 63 / should read / 3,335
Col. 67 / should read / 3,896
Queensland University of Technology
Col. 35 / should read / 8,708 / Col. 35D / should read / 8,525
Col. 41 / should read / 33,813 / Col. 41D / should read / 24,143
University of Ballarat
Col. 21A / should read / 3,157 / Col. 25 / should read / 242,157
Col. 26 / should read / 7,161
University of New South Wales
Col. 67A / Should read / 3,394,559
University of Queensland
Col. 22 / should read / 46,185 / Col. 25 / should read / 1,643,607
University of Western Australia
Col. 3 / should read / 2,797 / Col. 12A / should read / 554
Col. 12B / should read / 11,079 / Col. 12C / should read / 34,018
Col. 14 / should read / 287,635 / Col. 49 / should read / $1,274,242
Col. 51 / should read / $14,252,815
Amendments to 2002 statistics
University of Ballarat
Col. 25 / should read / 235,142 / Col. 26 / should read / 6,600
Amendments to 2001 statistics
University of Ballarat
Col. 25 / should read / 233,172 / Co. 26 / should read / 7,935
Amendments to 2000 statistics
University of Ballarat
Col. 22 / should read / 14,247 / Col. 25 / should read / 222,812
Australian Consumer Price Index: Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities
(Base Year: 1989-90 = 100)
Year ending 30 June
/ All Groups1998 / 121.0
1999 / 122.3
2000 / 126.2
2001 / 133.8
2002 / 137.6
2003 / 141.3
2004 / 144.8
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics Catalogue Number 6401.0
Available from http://www.abs.gov.au/
Exchange Rates of Foreign Currency per Australian Dollar
(Base May 1970 = 100.0)
Year Ending 30 June / Japan / U.K / U.S.A. / European Union / Germany / Trade-weightedrate of Aust $
Yen / Pounds / Dollars / Euros / Marks / Index
1998 / 86.16 / 0.3681 / 0.6135 / 1.1096 / 57.9
1999 / 79.66 / 0.4188 / 0.6596 / 0.6282 / 1.2286 / 58.4
2000 / 63.19 / 0.3941 / 0.5986 / 0.6282 / 53.3
2001 / 62.94 / 0.3603 / 0.5075 / 0.6002 / 49.7
2002 / 67.48 / 0.3700 / 0.5648 / 0.5715 / 52.3
2003 / 79.99 / 0.4038 / 0.6674 / 0.5840 / 59.4
2004 / 74.82 / 0.3815 / 0.6889 / 0.5702 / 59.1
Source: Australian Economic Indicators Catalogue Number 1350.0.
Available from http://www.rba.gov.au/Statistics/
Exchange Rates and Reserve Bank Foreign Exchange Operations
Rankings of total library systems for selected ratios
These are shown on the following four pages.
(i) Forty-seven total library systems have been used, comprising both Australian and New Zealand universities. CARM has been excluded from these rankings
(ii) Expenditure for New Zealand Libraries has been converted to Australian Dollars. Rate (31 Dec 2004) sourced from: http://www.rba.gov.au/Statistics/Bulletin/F11hist.xls
(iii) Data elements used for the various ratios are:
Seats / Seating: Total + Seating: ClassroomLibrary staff / Positions: Total Staff
Population members / Institutional Population EFTSU
Non-serial volumes purchased / Non-serial items: Acquired
Serial titles / Serial titles: Total current
Serials expenditure / Expenditure: Serials subs
Acquisitions expenditure / Expenditure: Non-serials + Expenditure: Serials Subs
Expenditure on Information Resources / Expenditure: Non-serials + Expenditure: Serials subs + Expenditure: Binding
Expenditure on Salaries / Expenditure: Salaries
Total expenditure / Expenditure: Total
General Comments and explanatory notesAustralian Academic Libraries
Number / Charles Darwin University / Addition of Alice Springs campus (was Centralian College). All Alice Springs stats entered on this return are for the period April 2004 - Dec 2004 (9 months only).
La Trobe University / In addition services are offered to La Trobe students on 2 campuses through 2 TAFE joint use facilities.
RMIT University / Aerospace Resource Centre closed.
University of Adelaide / Plus 60% participation in the Universities Research Repository South Australia (a shared storage facility).
Opening Hours / Central Queensland University / Reduced this year.
Deakin University / This does not include extended exam period opening hours trial.
Total seats / Charles Darwin University / Includes 79 seats at Alice Springs campus. Additional seating due to installation of Learning Precinct workstations replacing bookshelves.
University of the Sunshine Coast / Includes the Information Commons, doesn't include OPACs or express computer workstations.
Classroom Seats / Charles Darwin University / Includes extra 15 classroom seats at Alice Springs.
Deakin University / Closed Seminar Room at Waterfront.
Positions: Library Support / Charles Darwin University / Includes Access services staff included as part of restructure and 3 Alice Springs staff.
Other Professional / Deakin University / This includes all other Learning Services staff in professional positions.
Griffith University / This total now includes IT staff who covered first tier library and IT enquiries in InfoServices (face-to-face and by phone).
University of Wollongong / Copyright Officer - Paid by the University
WUC Faculty Librarian - Paid by the Wollongong University College
Research Training Librarian - Paid by RaID
Web Development Officer
Computer Systems Support Officer
Promotion and Partnerships Officer.
Other / Deakin University / This includes all other Learning Services staff in other positions.
Griffith University / Includes Copying Services staff not previously entered for 2003.