Blue Earth
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Blue Earth Economic Development Authority
Regular Board Meeting
Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 7:15 am
Official Proceedings
Call to Order
Chair Prestegard called the meeting to order at the Blue Earth City Council Chambers.
Roll Call and Determination of a Quorum
Members Present: Brooke Prestegard-Chair, Bill Rosenau late - Vice Chair,DarylePomranke -
Secretary/Treasurer, Rick Scholtes, John Huisman and Ann Hanna, Kara Drake
Members Absent:
Also Present: Tim Ibisch- City Administrator, Tim Clawson – FCDC Executive Director,
Kristi Yost - FCDC Administrative Assistant,Cindy Lyon – Chamber of Commerce and Chuck Hunt -Faribault County Register.
A quorum was determined to be present.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Hanna, seconded by Huisman to approve the Agenda as amended. The motion was carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Hanna and seconded by Pomranke to approve the amended Minutes from the October 12, 2017 regular meeting.The motion was carried unanimously.
Approval of Bills and Financials:
Motion was made by Pomranke, seconded by Drake to accept the bills and financials for October 2017 as presented. The motion was carried unanimously. There was a correction made to the Financials to be changed to correct month.
New Business:
BE Commercial Building Exterior Improvements Grants:
Jack Heinitz Edward Jones -Clawson presented an application from Jack Heinitz Services for Back door, Remove Wood Awnings, Paint front of Building and Install New Awning. Motion made by Scholtes and seconded by Huisman to approve the Commercial Building Exterior Improvement Grant for up to $8,296.75 for the door, Awnings, painting. Motion was carried unanimously.
Armon Decorating - Clawson presented an application form Armon Decorating for Tuckpointing, replacing bricks, securing and caulking; tin strips as needed. An estimate from Stateline Tuckpointing,was included in the application. Motion was made by Scholtes and seconded by Hanna to approve the Commercial Building Exterior Improvement Grant for up to $10,000 for the tuckpointing and repoint work the motion was carried unanimously.
Cedar Inn- Car Wash: Clawson presented an application from the Cedar Inn car wash for the replacement of (3) Three Overhead doors. A motion was made by Scholtes to approve the (3) Three doors but to not exceed the $10,000.00 grant, seconded by Drake the motion was carried unanimously.
Rainbow Food Coop: Clawson reported he had delivered an application to Rainbow Food and as of Monday it was not returned. Prestegard said we might need to reach out one more time to help them. It was Unanimously voted that we would do that.
Manske Property: Clawson reported that we do have an agreement to purchase Manske Property at $30,000.00 an acre approximate cost ($546,000.00). It was discussed that we should talk with the realtors about a co-agreement, Clawson agreed and will discuss this with them.
Slate of Officers: Prestegard requested to move this to the bottom as Bill was going to be late and would like to wait on him before proceeding.
Voting for officers:
Bill Rosenau – Chair
DarylePomranke – Vice Chair
Ann Hanna _ Secretary/TreasurerMotion was made by Scholtes to approve the new officers and was seconded by Hanna, the motion was carried unanimously.
Old Business:
Loan Forgiveness – Pilot Program:Clawson discussed the possibility of using the EDA’s existing Forgivable Loan Program as a template to create a new pilot project that would help position young adults coming out of College to move to Blue Earth to take over existing businesses where the owners are looking to sell or retire. There was a lot of discussion with the Board on terms and details that would need to be in the program. Ibisch presented the information on the Rural Veterinarian Loan Forgiveness Guidelines which is a state program. He felt we could adapt portions of this program into a local Pilot Project to meet the area’s need for professional to take over existing businesses. Prestegard suggested that we write up this loan and present it to the board or e-mail it. Makotah Vet has potential students to come and see if they would be interested in taking over his existing business.
3 Sisters wall repairs and painting:Clawson noted that the siding on the front of the buildings had been removed and the brick behind looked as though it was in tough shape, so we were going to get bids to put steel siding over the front two buildings. Also add awnings and look into the cost of Heating. The discussion was to also look into Stucco and if we did do siding to make it the same color as the South wall paint (Tan) we will proceed to look into these items.
SMIF- Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV) kick off meeting Nov 14th.: Ibish discussed the REV grant that Blue Earth received and are very excited about. They will be discussing what is expected for the 3-yr commitment. Deed will be paying to have the City hire a Community Coordinator to spear head the group. Ibish and 3 others will be attending the meeting, there is one seat available.
Correspondences, Loan Updates, and Staff Reports;
Correspondences: None
City Administrator Update: The City Administrator’s report was included in the agenda packet.
FCDC Update: Clawson stated the November Administrative Report was included in the agenda packet
Chamber of Commerce Update: The Chamber of Commerce Report was included in the agenda packet.
Other Business:
Closed Session - Contract/Labor Agreement:Motion was made by Huismanand seconded by Scholtes, to go into Closed Session. The motion was carried unanimously. Motion was made by Scholtes and seconded by Huisman to adjourn the Closed Session.No action was taken during the closed session.
Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Next regular meeting scheduled for December 14, 2017 at 7:15 am
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