APA Professional Development
Application for CPD accreditation
External Provider
and review for courses previously accredited
Name of Organisation
Course Convenor/Organiser
Address for correspondence
Ph: Fax: Mobile:
Please tick:
This is a new accreditation application
This is a re-accreditation application
Course Name (MAX 60 characters)
At what level would this be aimed at? (Tick)
1 2 3
Has this course previously been accredited? (Tick)
If yes, When?
Preferred Date/s:
Number of Participants:
Min: Max:
Practical Sessions (please tick appropriate box)
This activity contains practical sessions which are…
student to student
lecturer to student
student to patient
lecturer to patient
not applicable
Tutor to Participant Ratio:
(Please note that the APA recommends a ratio of 1:10. If ratio falls outside of recommendation, please advise reasons)
Step 1 Rationale and Goal Statement
Why is the course/activity needed?
What is the overall aim of the course/activity?
Step 2 Target Audience and Prerequisites
Who will benefit most from attending the course / activity?
What must participants already know or be able to do? (List skills, experience, qualifications)
Step 3 Learning Objectives/Outcomes
(Copy from original course acceptable or see NOTE below)
Provide a simple statement (one sentence) that answers the question: What are participants expected to learn? One statement is required for each session of the course / activity. The learning objectives/outcomes should be listed in the table below (max of 10).
The learning objectives/outcomes sentences must begin with either of the below:
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to: …………………………………………
During the course, participants will be expected to: ……………………………………………..…………
Learning Outcomes1.
Step 4 & 5 Course Outline and sequence & Teaching strategies and learning activities
Provide an outline of the course: (please photo copy additional pages if there is insufficient space)
· Session times (Start & Finish)
· Topic or element (include morning tea, lunch & Afternoon tea)
· Names of presenters
· Teaching strategies or learning activities (please define whether the topic is a lecture, demonstration, discussion, practical session. You can list more than one)
· List corresponding learning outcome number for each session which you completed in step 3
Day 1
Start & Finish Times (am/pm) / Topic or Element(include lunch and tea breaks) / Presenter’s Name / Teaching Strategies and learning activities (lecture, demonstration, discussion group, practical session) / Learning Outcome Number(s)
Day Two
Start & Finish Times (am/pm) / Topic or Element(include lunch and tea breaks) / Presenter’s Name / Teaching Strategies and learning activities (lecture, demonstration, discussion group, practical session) / Learning Outcome Number(s)
Additional Day (Please photo copy this page if there is more than two days (If applicable)
Step 6 Learning Assessment
The assessment task(s) should be designed by answering the following questions:
(a) How could participants apply their new knowledge and skills?
(b) What standard of achievement is expected and how will this be measured?
Brief description of each assessment task and how performance will be rated / Corresponding Learning Outcome (refer to step 3) / Timing of task (During or after course)Step 7 Presenter/s Qualifications and Experience
Provide a summary of the relevant qualifications and experience of course presenters.
Principal Presenter’s Name / Relevant qualifications/experienceAdditional Presenter’s name / Relevant qualifications/experience
Additional Presenter’s name / Relevant qualifications/experience
Additional Presenter’s name / Relevant qualifications/experience
Step 8 Course Evaluation
Please attach a copy of the evaluation form to be used for this course with your application.
Step 9 Underpinning Research
Please write a short paragraph (300-500 words or more if necessary) on the topic demonstrating the research underpinning the course content. The content outline must include a description of the research component of the course. Wherever possible, please provide an estimate as to the proportion of the course content that is based on, or underpinned by, research and evidence. This should also include reference to 3-5 peer-reviewed or published studies.
By signing this application form, I declare that the content and payment information is true & accurate. I confirm that I have read and accepted the terms and conditions that have been outlined.
For further assistance & to submit your application form:
Learning and Development Division
C/o Accreditation
P: +61 3 9092 0888
Fees payable:
If your application for accreditation is approved, a fee of $1500 (+GST) will be invoiced to the Organisation listed on Page 1.
For re-accreditation, a fee of $1500 (+GST) will be invoiced to the Organisation listed on Page 1.
Note: Course accreditation is a mechanism to ensure quality professional development activities and is a separate process from course administration and coordination
DOC: 3 Page 6 Last updated Jun-15