St Anne’s Newsletter
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,
Happy New Year from all the staff at St. Anne’s. We hope you enjoy reading about all the exciting events that have taken part this month. The children have gained so much from all these lovely opportunities and are looking forward to the activities we have planned for February and March. A big welcome to all our new families that have joined us this term.
School Value - Understanding
Our value this half term is understanding. The children have been amazing at discussing our new value, what it means to them and how they show understanding towards others. Pupils have been nominating their peers for showing their understanding and they have gained our value award in praise assembly! We are so proud!
“Trust the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your understanding.”Proverbs 3:5
To enable your child to reach their full potential, it is vital they have a good attendance record. Please support your child in achieving a green lightwith an attendance of 97% - 100%. We would like to remind all parents that we will notauthoriseany holidays during the school term. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time to prevent them missing valuable lesson time.
Congratulations to all the children who were successful in achieving 97% - 100% attendance in the autumn term. We had a lovely assembly to celebrate the children’s achievements and presented them with special postcards and medals. All the children who achieved 100% attendance were entered into a prize draw and six prizes of £50.00 were awarded.
The Monkey Project
Our Year Three and Four pupils are really enjoying taking part in The Monkey Project. This is a wonderful series of workshops designed to structure story writing through drama!! The workshops involve the children in creative activities and special writing tasks in their monkey journal! The best stories will then be performed by Altru drama for the children and parents to enjoy. We can’t wait to see their stories come to life!
Mobile Phones
We recognise that mobile phones are part of everyday life for many children and that they also play an important role in helping pupils feel safe and secure on the way to and from school. We kindly ask that parents inform their child’s class teacher or Mrs Simons if their child needs to bring a mobile phone to school. In this instance, phones will be collected by the class teacher in the morning and returned at the end of the school day. Children are NOT allowed to use their mobile phones under any circumstances during the school day. We take E-Safety very seriously at St. Anne’s and take every precaution to protect our children. We appreciate your support in this matter.
Year Three and Four children have really enjoyed taking part in swimming lessons on a Friday morning. We have seen great improvements in both their swimming ability and water confidence. Learning to swim is so important in giving children the skills to keep safe around water.
Once again we are extremely proud of the children’s behaviour whilst they are at the swimming pool.
Gardening Club
As the spring approaches, gardening club will be focussing on growing their own plants and attracting wildlife to our outdoor classroom. When the weather is wet we will be decorating planters, gnomes, wind-chimes and bird feeders. See if you can spot them in our outdoor areas as the weather improves!
Children’s Progress
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher or the school SENCo, Mrs Carlsen.
Please contact her through the school office on 0151 228 1506 or email her directly at
Professor Fluffy
Year Five and Six pupils had a wonderful time when Professor Fluffy and Rehab Jaffer from Liverpool University visited the school. The children enjoyed taking part in workshops as they discovered the opportunities available to them at university. They even ended their sessions with a graduation ceremony!Everyone found the visit really enjoyable and informative and many of the children said they would love to go to university in the future. A huge thank you to Rehab for all her hard work and the lovely resources given to the pupils.
RSPB’s Big Schools Birdwatch
Year Two are taking part in the RSPB’s Big Schools Birdwatch. The children have registered to become part of an important scientific study, monitoring the number of bird species in our local area. The bird feeders are up, all we need now are visits from our feathered friends!!
Keeping Safe
In our PSHE lessons this term, we will be discussing the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule.This is designed to teach pupils how to stay safe from sexual abuse, without givingexplicit information or telling scary stories or even using the term “sexual abuse.”
In the lesson, children will learn about the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which stands for:
- Privates are privates
- Always remember your body belongs to you
- No means no
- Talk about secrets that upset you
- Speak up, someone can help
The lesson will be delivered in a way that is fully age appropriate. More information about the Underwear Rule, including a parent guide and short film can be found at
Barnardo’s LifeSkills
We are pleased to announce that we are one of the first Liverpool Schools to be participating in the Barnardo’s LifeSkills programme. LifeSkills is an evidence based programme that provides children and young people with the skills to make positive healthy choices. As well as preventing substance misuse, it also leads to important improvements in other core skills which are key for healthy development amongst young people. These include self-esteem, communication, social skills and ability to cope with stress. Recent research by Barnardo’s has proven LifeSkills to be successful in helping young people communicate clearly, develop healthy relationships, build resilience and deal with peer pressure, skills that will help children and young people have healthier and more enjoyable lives!
Church News
Please check the tree shaped notice board in the front yard for up to date church notices. Here are the most recent notices.
Toddler Group – Takes place in the Church Hall every Thursday from 9.15am until11.15am. The group is aimed at children aged 0 to 4. Children 50p (under 1’s go free!) and adults £1.00. Please note toddler group is only held during term times.
Messy Church – A Messy Easter – 19th March at 3.00pm to 5.00pm
This is a free session for children of all ages!! Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult.
Confirmation – Year Five and Six – 10th April
Further details and application forms are available from the school office.
Staff News
We are pleased to announce the arrival of two new babies. Mr and Mrs Lucas are proud to introduce their beautiful baby girl Isabelle. Mr and Mrs Stokes are thrilled to announce the arrival of beautiful baby Ella. A huge welcome to the world from all at St. Anne’s! We can’t wait to meet them soon!
Fossil Hunters
Our Nursery and Reception had a wonderful day as they hunted for fossils with Dinosaur Darren in our very own archaeological dig!! They carefully used tools to reveal skulls, horns, teeth and tail spikes from different dinosaurs. It was lovely to hear the children talking about their experience and using some wonderful dinosaur terminology!!
Y2L’s Family Assembly
Mrs Lovell’s class performed fantastically as they retold the story of The Little Red Hen. They enjoyed telling us the importance of being understanding and how much they value each other’s friendship. Their singing, acting and speaking skills were wonderful and their behaviour was excellent! They were a real credit to their families. Thank you to all the parents who joined us on the day. Well done Y2L and thank you!!
FAST Programme
We are excited to announce that Year One are taking part in the Families and Schools Together(FAST) programme. This is an award winning early intervention programme that brings parents, children, teachers and the wider community together, to make sure children get the support they need to fulfil their potential at school and in life.
Y4P’s Pizza Express Trip
Y4P visited Pizza Express in Liverpool One. They discovered lots of new tastes trying different pizza toppings. Then the children all made their own pizza from scratch. They kneaded and shaped the dough and then added tomato and cheese. Their behaviour was fantastic and they all enjoyed eating their pizza creations!! Thank you so much to all the staff at Pizza Express. Y4K and Reception are looking forward to their visit soon!
Liverpool School’s Parliament
Our school parliament visited Liverpool Town Hall to take part in Liverpool’s Holocaust Memorial Day. They met three survivors of the Holocaust and listened carefully to their stories. They were then given the opportunity to ask them questions about their experiences. The children really appreciated this wonderful opportunity.
Year Five – Animal Homes Design and Technology Project
Year five pupils were given a design and technology project to build a home for an animal. The children and their families came up with some wonderful designs and then produced the homes. These are fantastic and we are sure real animals would love to live in them. A big thank you to all the parents who supported their children in building the homes and for the children who donated their homes to our science garden!
Y2N’s Family Assembly
Y2N delighted their audience as they performed the story of The Hard Working Ant and The Lazy Grasshopper. They were really confident as they sang, danced and narrated their way through the story. The whole school and the parents were thrilled as the children told us they had the power to make a difference! They had us all dancing in our seats. Well done Y2N, you are superstars!! A big thank you to all the parents that joined us for the occasion.
Nursery Places – September 2016
Please remember to apply for a Nursery place as soon as possible, if you would like your 3 to 4 year old child to attend our Nursery next academic year. If you know any families looking for a Nursery place, please ask them to drop in and we will gladly show them around!! No appointment necessary! Thank you for your continued support.
Governor News
The Governors had a lovely time visiting us this month. They walked around the school and enjoyed watching the children taking part in lots of different activities. They loved looking at the children’s books and left special stickers to let the children know they were very impressed with their hard work!! They also enjoyed talking to the English and Maths leaders, discovering all the exciting plans they have for the future. A big thank you for all their support.
Football Competition
Despite losing 7-1, Year Five and Six boys had a great time playing against Knotty Ash Primary School. Their behaviour was wonderful and they demonstrated real determination and respect. Well done and thank you for being a real credit to our school!
As you can see we have had a very busy month! We really appreciate your support in getting the children to school on time and working together to ensure all our children reach their full potential. We are thrilled at the amount of parents/carers who attended our family occasions. We would love to provide many more opportunities for home, school and church to work closely together. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Lovell
Deputy Head teacher
NSPCC Number Day / Monday 8th FebruaryChinese New Year Themed Lunch / Friday 5th February
Safer Internet Day / Tuesday 9th February
Y2 Playhouse Theatre Visit / Wednesday 10th February
Y4K Pizza Express Visit / Wednesday 10th February
Eucharist Service - Church / Wednesday 10th February – 2pm
Valentine Disco / Thursday 11th February
Y1 & Y2 The Alice Experience Visit / Friday 12th February
Y1S – Family Assembly / Friday 12th February
School closes for half term break / Friday 12th February
School opens for the new term / Monday 22nd February