Reference number: R12/2139
Site address: 2B Longrood Road, Bilton, Rugby. CV22 7RG.
Description: Erection of a two storey side extension and a single storey front & rear extension
Case Officer Name & Number: Sachin Parmar tel: 01788 533549
The Proposal:
Permission is sought for three extension elements which are linked together. The first is a single storey front extension with a height of 3.3 metres which projects out by 1.5 metres to enlarge the existing lounge, office and garage. This is also linked with a new porch extension which projects out 2.8 metres and includes a gable end roof. This gable end roof projects out 3.5 metres and incorporates an open canopy feature with oak posts.
The second element is a two storey side extension to the south side elevation which has a width of 4.2 metres and will help to enlarge the garage and utility to the ground floor and accommodate two new bedrooms to the first floor. The design includes a matching roof to the existing main property.
The final element is a single storey rear extension which has a height of 3.6 metres and includes a pitched roof. The height to the eaves is 2.2 metres and the extension projects out in part by 3.7 metres and in part by 4.5 metres from the original rear elevation. Theelement projecting out 4.5 metres will accommodate a new kitchen and includes a gable end roof design. The element projecting out 3.6 metres include a pitched roof and will help to create a dining room and annex.
Site History:
14255A 63/02/09: Development of estate and erection of houses, bungalows & garages – Approved 08/04/63
Third Party Consultations:
One letter of comment; Rear extension would result in a loss in light. Would like proposed window to be obscured and worried by potential change in character due to rendering. Would also like plans to clarify the position of rooflights.
Technical Consultees:
Rugby Council Tree Preservation Team – Requested a Tree Protection Plan. No objection subject to condition.
WCC Ecology Team – No objection subject to informatives
Relevant Planning Policies:
Core Strategy – Complies with Policy CS16: Sustainable Design
Local Plan:
Complies with saved Policy E6: Biodiversity
Complies with saved Policy T5: Parking Facilities
Sustainable Design and Construction (SPD): Residential Extension Design Guide – Complies
NPPF section 7: Requiring Good Design – Complies
Relevant Site Information:
The site is located within the Rugby Urban Area. The dwelling is an east facing two storey detached property which is set back from the road. There are two mature lime trees within the open space frontage which have TPO protected status. The main property features white cladding below ground floor windows within the principal elevation and an integral garage with adjoining car port. Overall there is a lack of any specific architectural featureswhich enhancethe character. There is an ample hardstanding driveway (approx 10 metres long) and open green space within the frontage. The rear garden has an even gradient and is over 15 metres long.
The neighbouring houses to the site are property No.2 Longrood Road to the south boundary and property No.2A Longrood Road to the north boundary. No.2is interlinked to the application site in an unusual manner as between the properties along the south curtilage boundary there is a 2.5 metre high wall which adjoins onto car ports to either side (one for No.2).No.2 has a considerable single storey rear extension however this is screened from view when within the rear garden of the application site due to the boundary treatment of approx 3 metre high hedgerows. No.2A shares a similar form to the application site and there is a buffer of approx 5 metres between main properties.
Determining Considerations:
The main issues of the proposed extensions relate to the visual & residential amenity.
Visually it is considered that the extension elements will sit subserviently with the existing dwelling and will make use of the adequate space around the property which the application site currently offers. The front extension will enhance the profile of the principal elevation including a more prominent main entrance feature. It is considered that the two storey side and front & rear extension elements are each designed in proportion to the original property and would not constitute dense overdevelopment within the street scene. The application outlines the use of white/cream rendering to the ground floor principal and rear elevation. This will significantly develop the character of the property whilst the use of matching red bricks, concrete roof tiles and UPVC frames will enable the extensions to sit harmoniously in terms of visual impact.
The overall parking capacity as a result of the front extension element of the proposal will remain the same as the hard standing driveway will still be able to accommodate 3-4 off-road parked vehicles in addition to the retained integral garage. The proposal therefore does not conflict with saved Policy T5: Parking Facilities of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006.
The three extension elements are considered to have minimal adverse impacts on the amenity of occupants of the neighbouring properties. The front extension is outside of the 45° guidance where a line is taken from the midpoint of the nearest habitable room of property No.2 and No.2A. This is due to the adequate buffer between the main properties. Therefore there will be no impact in terms of loss in any sunlight/daylight and minimum impacts in terms of overlooking or invasion of privacy as the element that projects out 1.5 metres will have blank side elevations to either side.
The two storey side extension would also result in minimal adverse impacts including minimal loss in daylight/sunlight to No.2 due to the adequate buffer between properties. Additionally as the proposed south side elevation and No.2’snorth side elevation are blank there will be no issues in terms of overlooking or invasion of privacy.
Furthermore the third element of the proposal is considered to have minimal impact on neighbouring amenity. The rear extension projects out in part by 3.7 metres and in part by 4.5 metres. The proposal is again outside of the 45° guidance due to the adequate buffers. In addition the height is considered to be not overly prominent. To the south boundary the boundary treatments will result in minimal loss in any daylight/sunlight to No.2. As both side elevations of the rear extension are blank there will be no issues in terms of undue overlooking or invasion of privacy to neighbours.
The comments raised by the neighbour have been addressed as amended plans and elevations show all the proposed rooflights. The rear extension is considered to not result in a major loss in light (outside of 45° guidance) and the character of the property will be enhanced due to the proposals.
Rugby Councils Tree Preservation Department has requested a Tree Protection Plan which outlines a construction exclusion zone. This has been submitted and the Tree Team have no objection subject to condition.
Warwickshire County Council’s Ecology team also have commented on the application and have no objection subject to informatives.
Overall, the proposal complies with Policy CS16 of the Rugby Borough Council Core Strategy 2011, saved Policy E6 & T5 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006, the Residential Extension Design Guide (from the Sustainable Design and Construction Supplementary Planning Document) 2012 and the NPPF 2012.
Recommended Approval
Report prepared by: Sachin Parmar 18/12/12
Report Sheet