BEHAVIORS: CHOICES & HABITS / Discussions / I always stay quiet in class. / I only speak when called upon. / I sometimes volunteer. / I volunteer often. / I add comments that push thinking deeper.
Homework / I rarely or never do or turn in homework. / I sometimes complete and turn in homework. / I usually turn in and complete my HW. / I always complete & do my best on my HW. / I often do more on my HW than is required.
Effort / I am not showing effort…yet.
When things get hard, I give up. / I am starting to try.
I avoid things I find difficult. / I usually try.
When things get hard, I get frustrated. / I always give my best in class.
When things get hard, I consider it a challenge. / I seek out new challenges and push myself consistently.
Quality / I am not yet doing my best work in class or on my homework. / I sometimes do my best work. / I usually do my best work. / I always do my best on my schoolwork.
Preparation / I do not yet take time to prepare for class. / I sometimes prep/sometimes check the Daily Log. / I often check the Daily Log/prepare for class. / I am always prepared for class; checking the Daily Log is a habit and routine.
Take risks / I do not yet try new/uncomfortable things in class. / I resist stepping outside of my comfort zone. I prefer to stick with what I am already good at. / I sometimes take risks and try new things. I want to get better at new things. / I leave my comfort zone so I can learn and grow. / I strive to tackle risks so that I can maximize my learning.
Time / I rarely use time in class.
I do not yet plan for or spend time on homework. / I usually use time in class.
I sometimes plan for and spend time on homework. / I use my time in class.
I often plan time for and spend time on homework. / I take advantage of time given in class.
I have a good routine for getting my homework done.
ACADEMIC SKILLS / Listening / I am quiet while other people talk, but I rarely listen.
I disregard or disrespect other people’s opinions. / I sometimes listen to others.
I act respectful, but I feel that my opinions are more important than others’. / I always listen to others.
Sometimes, people make good points. / I listen carefully to others.
I try to understand people’s opinions and ideas. / I try to learn from the comments of others.
I always respect all people’s opinions & ideas.
Annotating / I do not annotate well yet.
My annotations do not show my thinking. / I sometimes annotate the text, but I could show my thinking more. / I am using annotations more consistently to show my comprehension. / My annotations prove that I read, understand, & analyze. / I use annotation to more deeply analyze a text.
Critically / I do not yet think more deeply about what I learn. / I sometimes question and think more deeply about what I learn. / I more often questioning & thinking deeper. / I often question and push my own thinking and my peers’. / I strive to analyze ideas on a deeper level.
I am highly engaged.
Thinking Maps / I rarely or never use Thinking Maps to plan my work or support my thinking. / I sometimes use a Circle Map for brainstorming, but that is the only one. / I use a Circle Map regularly to brainstorm, plus at least one other Map regularly. / I always use at least three Thinking Maps on any given assignment or prompt. / I organize my thoughts and push myself to deeper thinking by using Thinking Maps.
Studying / I do not yet study for tests. / I sometimes study, but I don’t know good ways to study.
When I study, I don’t do better. / I study some for tests.
I am unsure how to study. / I always study for tests.
I know what methods work best for me.
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Analyze structure / I do not yet see that different texts have different structures. / I am starting to learn about various structures in TKAM.
I do not yet see how the structure impacts story. / I understand various structures for TKAM.
I am starting to understand how structure impacts story. / I can identify the structure of TKAM.
I can consider how the structure impacts a story. / I can independently identify TKAM’s structure.
I can use the structure to deepen my analysis.
Comprehend difficult and/or
complex texts / I do not yet use reading strategies.
I give up when I get frustrated reading difficult texts. / I struggle to use reading strategies.
I get frustrated when I am reading difficult texts, and I sometimes give up trying. / I can use the strategies my teacher tells me to use.
I sometimes struggle to comprehend difficult texts, but I keep trying. / I can use strategies to support my comprehension.
I can comprehend difficult texts, when I try. / I can independently use strategies to ensure my comprehension.
I know I can comprehend difficult texts.
Cite evidence from text / I do not yet use evidence from text to support my thinking. / I struggle to find good evidence from texts.
I do not know MLA format. / I can cite evidence sometimes, but I often need help finding good quotes.
I am unclear on MLA format. / I select and cite specific evidence to support my thinking.
I can cite MLA format. / I select and cite strong, focused evidence from TKAM to support my thinking.
I always cite MLA format.
Analyze viewpoints / I do not yet understand the various viewpoints of TKAM. / I can identify various viewpoints related to TKAM, but I do not yet see how they impact the story. / I am beginning to see the various viewpoints for TKAM but I am still learning how to do that.
I am starting to see that the narrator’s POV changes the story. / I can describe thevarious viewpoints forTKAM.
I understand how the narrative POV impacts the story and its reader. / I can analyze TKAM through various viewpoints.
I can analyze how the narrative POV impacts the story and its readers.
Historical context / I do not yet see how a story’s time period connects to it.
I do not yet know anything about the 1930s. / TKAM’s time period is different, but I don’t yet see how that changes the story.
I know a few things about life in the 1930s. / I understand that the story’s time period/history is different than today.
I know many things about the 1930s. / I understand how the time period connects to TKAM.
I understanding the 1930’s clearly. / I can analyze ways TKAM’s is influenced by its time period.
I understand the 1930s clearly.
Identify theme / I do not yet get how to infer a theme.
I do not yet find connections in the text. / I struggle to infer a theme.
I have to struggle to find connections in the text. / I can sometimes infer a theme.
I can sometimes find connections in the text. / I can infer a story’s theme.
I can cite places in the text that develop the theme. / I can infer theme and analyze how it is developed throughout the text.
Write a summary of a text / I cannot yet write a clear & factual summary.
I do not yet get how to identify key details. / I struggle with writing factual, clear summaries.
I don’t know which details to include/not. / I can write factual, clear summaries.
I struggle with choosing key details. / I am comfortable with summary writing.
I can choose key details. / I write effective summaries.
Word Study / I don’t yet understand the differences between a word’s denotations & connotations. / I am starting to understand that some words have multiple meanings. / I understand that a word’s connotation is different than its denotation. / I understand that a word’s connotation changes the meaning of a text. / I can describe how a word’s connotation impacts a reader’s comprehension.
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