RALC Quarterly Volunteer’s Meeting
September 8, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 AM by President Miriam DePriest.
A motion to approve the minutes as posted on the web site was made seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Marshall Dean
- The complete Treasurer’s report is available on the web site. We have $11, 060.29 in checking and $12,525.02 in savings for an overall total of $23,585.31.
President’s report: Miriam DePriest
- Windows 10 installation is completed on all classroom computers in time for the Fall class session.
- Office 2016 has been installed on all computers as well as the server which is working good.
- Carroll Myers has volunteered to be the secretary a well as the staffing responsibilities.
- There is a need for some instructors to come forward to take over some of the fall classes.
Curriculum Committee Report: Bill Buttrick
- Miriam DePriest is in charge of all flash drives and if anyone needs more for their classes, please let Miriam know or instructors can prepare their own.
- There will be a new 2 hour class on Google apps. Debra Duggan agreed to prepare an information class on the subject.
- Student manuals will be stored on Google Drive Cloud. Instructions will be provided on how to get to them.
- For those instructors needing latest software upgrades, home users can contact Don Hogan and download them onto the computer rather than using a flash drive.
- Working on classes covering Games on computers for seniors. Bill Buttrick was asked to make one flyer for two of the classes.
- Frank Padula said that he has broken down Word Foundation to Seven 2 hour classes for thespring quarter. The 8-week Word Processing - Foundation class is also scheduled.
- One feedback form was reviewed and the individual loved Miriam’s Introduction to the IPad class.
Tech/Webmaster Report: Don Hogan was unable to attend
Manuals Report and Status of Server: George Fuller
- All manuals are in and the server is operating well. Although the cabinet is not locked, manuals can be stored in it without fear of being stolen.
Staffing Report: Carroll Myers
- Carroll has done a good job taking over this position and has kept all informed of staffing needs.
- There are no coaches for email class but perhaps there will not be a need for any
- Possibility of a course on eBooks. Marshall Dean will think about putting one together.
- There is no publicity chairman and there is a need for someone to send prepared information each quarter to newspapers.
Lab Report: Will Christopher
- Still very few attendees. The Lab now operates on a “by appointment” basis. Will asked if there could be someone to be available on the 16th in his place while on vacation or instructors could arrange an appointment with their student, if need be.
Other Issues/New Business:
- Regarding sponsors’ names and donation to the new Wellness Center: At this time, the glass wall announcing our donation of $2,500 has not been completed.
- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marge DeBenedetto, acting secretary