Town of Angier Board of Commissioners


Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 7 p.m.

Angier Municipal Building

The Town of Angier Board of Commissioners convened during their regularly scheduled monthly Board of Commissioners’ meeting Tuesday, October 6, 2015, in the Board Room inside the Municipal Building at 28 North Raleigh Street.

Members Present: Mayor R.H. Ellington
Mayor/Pro Tem Commissioner Bob Smith
Commissioner Craig Honeycutt
Commissioner Lew Weatherspoon
Commissioner Alvis McKoy

Staff Present: Town Manager Coley B. Price
Public Works Director Jimmy Cook
Police Chief Bobby Hallman
Town Engineer Bill Dreitzler
Town Planner Jay Sikes
Finance Director Vanessa Young
Angier Librarian Amanda Davis
Planning and Permitting Technician Sean Johnson
Public Works Technician Randy Smith

Public Works Technician Jesse Fife
Public Works Technician Buck Brooks
Town Clerk Kim Lambert

Others Present: No one represented The Daily Record
Planning Board Vice-Chair Tristan Scott
Planning Board Member Paul Strohmeyer
Harnett County Economic Development
Director Nick Dula

2.  Mayor R.H. Ellington presided, calling the Board of Commissioners’ meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

3.  Mayor Ellington led the pledge of allegiance.

4.  Commissioner Bob Smith offered the invocation.

5.  Approval of the October 6, 2015, meeting agenda: Town Manager Coley Price suggested two minor clarifications to the legal terminology included in Agenda Item

6C, Potential Agreement with Garner Gas Company, Inc. regarding access to the alley way.

Board Action: The Town Board voted unanimously to approve the
October 6, 2015, meeting agenda after suggesting two
modifications to the legal document be made.

Motion By: Commissioner Smith

Seconded By: Commissioner Honeycutt
Vote: Unanimous: 4-0

6. Public Forum: Mayor Ellington provided an opportunity for members of the audience
who wished to address the Board of Commissioners on any variety of topics not listed
on the night’s regular agenda.
Planning Board Vice-Chair Tristan Scott of 106 Mary Circle expressed concerns that his
son, a fifth-grader and athlete with the Angier Parks and Recreation Department, was
playing games near or past his bedtime. Board officials said the Town was in
short supply of athletic fields and were searching for adequate satellite fields. Town
Manager Coley Price suggested setting up a meeting with Mr. Scott, Harnett County and
Angier Parks and Recreation Directors Carl Davis and Derek McLean, respectively, to
discuss game times and other space options.
Angier Librarian Amanda Davis asked to comment, saying that her nine-year-old
daughter oftentimes has games that require travel past her bedtime. She told Town
officials that parents should consider time constraints when registering their children
for sports activities.
Tasha McKoy of 272 W. Church Street addressed the Board, suggesting the Town re-
instate a summer Farmers’/Crafts Markets in Angier. Ms. McKoy, whose grandparents
are Edgar and Inez Lee, suggested the site be located on vacant Lot #54 along Highway
55 beside of Two Gals Printing. Mr. Price suggested discussing her plans in detail with
Ms. McKoy and Town Planner Jay Sikes the following week. Ms. McKoy presented a
list of highlights suggested for the proposed Market. (Attachment #1).
Seeing no one else come forward, Mayor Ellington closed the public forum.

7. Consent Agenda: All items on the October 6, 2015, Consent Agenda were considered
for approval by town officials.

A. Minutes – September 1, 2015, Board of Commissioners’ meeting
(Attachment #2) and the September 22, 2015, Special-Called Informational
Finance meeting (Attachment #3).

B.  Budget Amendments #BOA2016.10 (Attachment #4).

C.  Potential Agreement with Garner Gas Company, Inc., permitting them continued access to the alley way at 5005 NC 55 W. (Attachment #5).

D.  Resolution to recognize the efforts of retiring Town of Angier employee, Randy Smith (Attachment #6).

Board Action: The Town Board voted unanimously to approve the
October 6, 2015, Consent Agenda with legal modifications by
Town Attorney Phil Fusco on Agenda Item #6C, the Potential
Agreement with Garner Gas Company, Inc.

Motion By: Commissioner Smith
Seconded By: Commissioner Weatherspoon
Vote: Unanimous: 4-0
Mayor Ellington closed the regular portion of the meeting to open a Public Hearing, as advertised in the Daily Record and various social outlets.

8. Public Hearing:

A. Discussion of the potential Rezoning Case #REZ-15-01: Angier Town Planner
Mr. Sikes introduced the rezoning request by Nicole Locklear to reallocate the .75-
acre parcel located at 8621 S. NC Hwy. 55 from RA-30 to General Commercial
(GC). (Attachment #7). Mr. Sikes said that the Angier Planning Board unanimously
recommended staff approval September 8, 2015.
Mayor Ellington closed the Public Hearing and reopened the regular portion of the
Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

9. New Business:
A. The Rezoning Case #REZ-15-01: Jay Locklear said that the rezoning request
pertained to his current auto sales business, GoGo Auto Sales incepted in 2010 and
located inside a rental facility leased from W.R. Rentals. He had previously been the
owner of Old Mill Motors, which had been incepted during 1993, and is currently
situated next door to GoGo Auto Sales.
Mr. Sikes said that the requested rezoning to General Commercial would be
conducive to the Town of Angier’s Land Use Plan.
Board Action: The Town Board voted unanimously to approve Rezoning Case

Motion By: Commissioner Weatherspoon
Seconded By: Commissioner Smith
Vote: Unanimous: 4-0

B. Recognizing Retiree Randy Smith: Mayor Ellington read aloud an approved
Resolution, recognizing Public Works Technician Randy Smith for his years of
service to the Town of Angier. Public Works Director Jimmy Cook presented
Mr. Smith with an orange, RETIRED, T-shirt.
C. Discussing the Town’s proposed Personnel Policy: Williams Mullen Attorney
Edward Schenk III addressed the Town Board, asking if they had any
questions or concerns of the proposed Personnel Policy. He said that, once the
Policy has been adopted, staff members will attend a workshop/training session for
updates to approved Policy changes (Attachment #8 ~ Due to its extensive length,
the proposed Personnel Policy will be stored in the Town Clerk’s office).

Board Action: To allow the Town Board more time in reading the draft Policy,
members voted unanimously to postpone discussion and potential
approval of the Personnel Policy until its November 2, 2015,
Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

Motion By: Commissioner Smith
Seconded By: Commissioner McKoy
Vote: Unanimous: 4-0

D. Presentation of a potential Business District Analysis by Harnett County
Economic Director Nick Dula: Mr. Dula told the Town Board that the UNC
School of Government had been working with municipalities across the state,
proposing they conduct a market assessment/Business District Analysis. In
Harnett County, Mr. Dula said the cost would be $26,000 split equally among
municipalities for a cost of only $ 4,333.33 each. He said the proposed timeline
would be to complete the work among all municipalities simultaneously within
five months (Attachment #9).

Board Action: The Town Board voted unanimously to participate in the proposed
Business District Analysis.

Motion By: Commissioner Weatherspoon
Seconded By: Commissioner Smith
Vote: Unanimous: 4-0

10. Manager’s Report: Town Manager Coley Price provided the following updates to
the Town Board (Attachment #10):

Ø  There would be no Planning Board meeting in October.

Ø  There would, however, be a Board of Adjustment meeting Tuesday, October 20, 2015.

Ø  The Town Board would be attending the 2015 League of Municipalities’ Ignition! CityVision Conference the following week in Winston-Salem.

Ø  Pastor Jonathan Fletcher would host the event, “Avery’s Run/Pep Rally” to raise money and awareness of the National Craniofacial Association, “FACES” Saturday, October 10, 2015, inside the Jack Marley Park.

Ø  The Angier Chamber would host a Meet-the-Candidates Forum Tuesday, October 13, 2015, inside the Angier Municipal Board Room at 6:30 p.m.

Ø  On Wednesday, October 15, 2015, the Angier Senior Citizens’ Club would host its annual Senior Health Fair ~ 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Angier ~ Black River Fire Department.

Ø  The Harnett County Parks and Recreation Department would sponsor a free Movie in the Depot, “Despicable Me 2,” Friday, October 16, 2015, at 7 p.m. at Depot Square. The Chamber would be selling concessions at 5:30 p.m. (Attachment #11).

Ø  Ferrellgas Company would host its official Grand Opening Saturday, October 17, 2015, from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at its new location at 58 N. Broad Street.

Ø  A Downtown Trick or Treat event would be hosted by the Angier Public Library Saturday, October 31, 2015, from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Angier Depot.

Ø  Election Day would be Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Polls open at 6:30 a.m. Due to the elections, our November Board meeting was to be moved up one day to Monday, November 2, 2015.

Ø  The Town Offices would be closed Wednesday, November 11, 2015, in recognition of the Veterans’ Day holiday.

Ø  The Town Offices would be closed Thursday and Friday, November 26 and 27, 2015, in recognition of the Thanksgiving holidays.

Ø  An update on these events:

► The Chamber hosted its annual Crepe Myrtle Celebration Saturday, September 12, 2015.
► Roman Gabriel, III, from his Sold Out Ministry returned to discuss involving parents in his
alcohol- and drug-abstinence program Thursday, September 17, 2015.

► Charles Archer from Freese and Nichols discussed funding options Tuesday,
September 22, 2015.
► Calvary Assembly’s 5-K was held Saturday, September 26, 2015, at the Park.
► Roy and Bobby Green ~ representing Building And Growing Success (B.A.G.S., LLC) ~
helped clean up the western corridors of the Town September 19, 2015.

Ø  Code Enforcement Report.

11. Town Engineer’s Report/Update to the Johnson’s Landing Booster Pump (Attachment #12).
To increase water pressure, Town Engineer Bill Dreitzler and Public Works Director Jimmy Cook
suggested a potential 10-horsepower booster pump with a 60-psi pressure gradient be implemented
along the northern N.C. 55 corridor. They estimated an approximate cost of $ 135,000 for the booster
pump and engineer’s permit. Mr. Dreitzler said there would be an additional fee if a one-quarter-acre
land acquisition to operate and to store the pump is needed. There is land currently owned by the
Town nearby and officials will investigate whether that land will suffice before any land acquisition
takes place.
Board Action: The Town Board voted unanimously to proceed with
implementing a pump station and for Town officials to investigate
whether additional land acquisition would be required.

Motion By: Commissioner Weatherspoon
Seconded By: Commissioner Smith
Vote: Unanimous: 4-0

Ø  Staff Reports were enclosed in the Agenda Packet (Attachments #13).

12. Mayor and Town Board Reports: There were no items to report.
13. Adjournment: With there being no further business, the Town Board unanimously voted
to adjourn the October 6, 2015, Board of Commissioners’ meeting at 8:18 p.m.
Motion By: Commissioner Weatherspoon
Seconded: Commissioner Smith
Vote: Unanimous: 4-0

R.H. Ellington, Mayor
Attest: ______
Kim Lambert, Town Clerk