Margaret W. Frey, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor, Fiber Science
Cornell UniversityChemical EngineeringB.S. 1985
CornellUniversityFiber ScienceM.S. 1989
North CarolinaStateUniversity Fiber and Polymer SciencePh.D.1995
Positions Held:
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design, Cornell University (August 2009 – present).
Associate Professor, Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design, Cornell University (July 2008 – present)
Lois and Mel Tukman Assistant Professor, Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design, Cornell University (2005-2008).
Assistant Professor, Department of Textiles and Apparel, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University (July 2002-July 2008).
Manager of Material Development, Champlain Cable Corporation, (January 1998 – April 2002).
Materials Specialist, Johnson Filaments, (June 1995 – December 1997).
Technical Specialist, Helene Curtis Industries, (August 1988-August 1990).
Staff Scientist, TRI Princeton, (July 1987-August 1988).
First Prize, Fiber Society Student Paper Competition, M. Xiao, M. W. Frey, “The Role of Salt on Cellulose Dissolution in Ethylene Diamine/Salt Solvent Systems”, October, 2007, Davis, CA.
SUNY Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching, M. W. Frey, May 2005.
First Prize, INTC (International Nonwovens Technical Conference)Student Paper Competition, H. Chan, M. W. Frey “Ethylenediamine/Potassium Thiocyanate Cellulose Systems: Dissolution, Rheological Properties and Coagulant Identification”, September, 2004, Toronto, Canada.
Goldfinger award for outstanding dissertation, 1994-1995, M. W. Frey, College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, December, 1995, Raleigh, NC.
Publications (Refereed):
Xiang, C., et al., Controlled release of nonionic compounds from poly(lactic acid)/cellulose nanocrystalnanocomposite fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013: 127.(1) p. 79-86.
Schrote, K. and M.W. Frey, Effect of irradiation on poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly (styrenesulfonate) nanofiber conductivity. Polymer, 2013. 54: 737-742.
Cho, Y.; Cho, D.; Park, J. H.; Frey, M.; Ober, C.; Joo, Y., Preparation and Characterization of AmphiphilicTriblockTerpolymer-Based Nanofibers as Antifouling Biomaterials, Biomacromolecules, 2012, 13(5): p. 1606-1614.
Matlock-Colangelo, L.; Cho, D.; Pitner, C. L.; Frey, M. W.; Baeumner, A. J., Functionalized electrospun nanofibers as bioseparators in microfluidic systems. Lab on a Chip 2012,12(9): p. 1696-1701.
Cho, D.; Lee, S.; Frey, M. W., Characterizing zeta potential of functional nanofibers in a microfluidic device. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2012,372 (1), 252-260.
Cho, D., N. Hoepker, and M.W. Frey, Fabrication and characterization of conducting polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers.Materials Letters, 2012. 68(0): p. 293-295.
Cho, D. W.; Matlock-Colangelo, L.; Xiang, C. H.; Asiello, P. J.; Baeumner, A. J.; Frey, M. W., Electrospun nanofibers for microfluidic analytical systems. Polymer 2011,52
Cho, D.; Bae, W. J.; Joo, Y. L.; Ober, C. K.; Frey, M. W., Properties of PVA/HfO(2) Hybrid Electrospun Fibers and Calcined Inorganic HfO(2) Fibers. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011,115 (13), 5535-5544
Reiffel, A., et al., Creating Surgically Relevant de novo Tissue Engineered Constructs Using Biocompatible Biodegradable Polymers. Journal of Surgical Research, 2011. 165(2): p. 208.
Cho, D., et al., Electrospun nanofibers for microfluidic analytical systems. Polymer, 2011. 52(15): p. 3413-3421.Rebovich, M.E., D. Vynias, and M.W. Frey, Formation and functions of high-surface-area fabrics. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 2010. 3(3): p. 129 - 134.
Li, L.L. and M. Frey, Preparation and characterization of cellulose nitrate-acetate mixed ester fibers. Polymer, 2010. 51(16): p. 3774-3783.
Li, L., M.W. Frey, and K.J. Browning, Biodegradability Study on Cotton and Polyester Fabrics. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2010. 5(4): p. 42-53.
Hendrick, E., et al., Cellulose Acetate Fibers with Fluorescing Nanoparticles for Anti-counterfeiting and pH-sensing Applications. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2010.5(1): p. 21-30.
Buyuktanir, E.A., M.W. Frey, and J.L. West, Self-assembled, optically responsive nematic liquid crystal/polymer core-shell fibers: Formation and characterization. Polymer, 2010. 51(21): p. 4823-4830.
Sohn, A.M., et al., Endothelialization of Sacrificial Polymer-Derived Vascular Channels: Advancement towards the Creation of Surgically Relevant Tissue Replacements. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2010. 126: p. 58.
Xiao, M. and M.W. Frey, Study of cellulose/ethylene diamine/salt systems. Cellulose, 2009. 16(3): p. 381-391.
Xiang, C.H., Y.L. Joo, and M.W. Frey, Nanocomposite Fibers Electrospun from Poly(lactic acid)/Cellulose Nanocrystals. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2009. 3(2): p. 147-155.
Xiao, M. and M.W. Frey, Rheological Studies of the Interactions in Cellulose/Ethylene Diamine/Salt Systems. Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 2008. 46(21): p. 2326-2334.
Frey, M.W., Electrospinning cellulose and cellulose derivatives. Polymer Reviews, 2008. 48(2): p. 378-391.
Xiao, M. and M.W. Frey, The role of salt on cellulose dissolution in ethylene diamine/salt solvent systems. Cellulose, 2007. 14(3): p. 225-234.
Xiang, C.H., et al., Selective chemical absorbance in electrosupun nonwovens. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007. 106(4): p. 2363-2370.
Li, D., et al., Availability of biotin incorporated in electrospun PLA fibers for streptavidin binding. Polymer, 2007. 48(21): p. 6340-6347.
Frey, M.W. and L. Li, Electrospinning and Porosity Measurements of Nylon-6/Poly(ethylene oxide) Blended Nonwovens. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2007. 2(1): p. 31-37.
Frey, M.W., et al., Incorporation of biotin into PLA nanofibers via suspension and dissolution in the electrospinning dope. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2007. 1(2): p. 220-228.
Li, L., M.W. Frey, and T.B. Green, Modification of air filter media with nylon-6 nanofibers. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2006. 1(1): p. 1-22.
Li, L., et al., Formation and properties of nylon-6 and nylon-6/montmorillonite composite nanofibers. Polymer, 2006. 47(17): p. 6208-6217.
Li, D.P., M.W. Frey, and Y.L. Joo, Characterization of nanofibrous membranes with capillary flow porometry. Journal of Membrane Science, 2006. 286(1-2): p. 104-114.
Li, D.P., M.W. Frey, and A.J. Baeumner, Electrospun polylactic acid nanofiber membranes as substrates for biosensor assemblies. Journal of Membrane Science, 2006. 279(1-2): p. 354-363.
Kim, C.W., et al., Preparation of submicron-scale, electrospun cellulose fibers via direct dissolution. Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 2005. 43(13): p. 1673-1683.
Frey, M.W., H. Chan, and K. Carranco, Rheology of cellulose/KSCN/ethylenediamine solutions and coagulation into filaments and films. Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 2005. 43(15): p. 2013-2022.
Frey, M.W. and M.H. Theil, Calculated phase diagrams for cellulose/ammonia/ammonium thiocyanate solutions in comparison to experimental results. Cellulose, 2004. 11(1): p. 53-63.
Cuculo J. A., N. Aminuddin and M.W. Frey“Solvent Spun Cellulose Fibers”, J. A in Structure Formation in Polymeric Fibers, 296-328, D.R. Salem Ed., Hanser Publishers: Munich (2000).
Frey, M.W., J.A. Cuculo, and R.J. Spontak, Morphological characteristics of the lyotropic and gel phases in the cellulose/NH3/NH4SCN system. Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 1996. 34(12): p. 2049-2058.
Frey, M.W., J.A. Cuculo, and S.A. Khan, Rheology and gelation of cellulose/ammonia/ammonium thiocyanate solutions. Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 1996. 34(14): p. 2375-2381.
Frey, M.W., et al., A Review of Lattice Theory for Lyotropic Liquid-Crystalline Polymers, Spinodal Decomposition, and Gel Formation. Journal of Macromolecular Science-Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 1995. C35(2): p. 287-325.
Publications (Non-Refereed):
H. S. Whang, N. Aminuddin, M. Frey, S. M. Hudson*, and J. A. Cuculo, Conversion of cellulose, chitin and chitosan to filaments with simple salt solutions, In Biodegradable and Sustainable Fibers, R.S. Blackburn, Ed. Woodhead Publishing, London, 2005.
C.Jordan, B. Crawford and M. Frey*, “Investigation of Textile Finishing – A scientific discovery experiment for children of all ages” Journal of Textiles and Apparel, Technology and Management,4(3) (online journal), 2005.
C.Xiang, M.W. Frey, A.G. Taylor, M.P. Hoffmann, J. Gardner, “Controlled Release Agricultural Chemical Delivery System”PCT/US09/59076, 9/2009.
E. Hendrick, E.Herz, M.W.Frey, U. Wiesner, “Polymeric Materials Incorporationg Core-shell Silica Nanoparticles” PCT/US09/043608. 5/2009.
M.W.Frey, A.J. Bauemner,D.Li, P. Kakad, “ElectrospunNanofiber-Based Biosensor Assemblies” US application #11/417,188, filed May 12, 2006.
M.W. Frey and Y.L. Joo, “Method for Formation of Cellulose Micro and Nano Fibers via electrospinning”, US application # 10/834,041, filed April 29, 2004.
M.W. Frey, L. Li, T. Green, “Cellulosic/Polyamide Composite”, US application # 11/637,745, filed December 13, 2006, PCT/US2006/048458 filed December 20, 2006.
Courses Taught:
TXA 135: Fibers, Fabrics and Finishes; Spring 2003, Spring 2005, Spring 2007, Fall 2010, Fall 2012
TXA 136: Fibers, Fabrics and Finishes Laboratory; Spring 2003, Spring 2005, Spring 2007, Fall 2010, Fall 2012
TXA 237: Structural Fabric Design; Fall 2002-2009. Spring 2011-2013
TXA 639: Mechanics of Fibrous Structures (coordination and 5 lectures); Fall 2003, Fall 2005
TXA 666: Fiber Formation Theory and Practice; Spring 2004.Spring 2006. Spring 2010, Spring 2012
Independent Studies:
TXA 400: Directed Readings
Ms. Jamie Mullaly – 1 credit, Fall 2004
Ms. Kathleen Donley – 1 credit, Fall 2006
TXA 401: Empirical Research
Ms. Allison Lucier – 3 credits, Fall 2003. 3 credits, Spring 2004
Ms. Courtney Levin – 1 credit, Fall 2004
Ms. Jamie Mullaly – 2 credits, Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006
Mr. Geoffrey Kozen – 2 credits, Spring 2005
Ms. Kathleen Donley – 2 credits, Spring 2007
TXA 402: Supervised Field Work
Ms. Jacqueline Pribil – 1 credit, Spring 2003. 1 credit, Spring 2004
TXA 403: Teaching Apprenticeships
Ms. Shannon Delaney – 2 credits, Spring 2005 TA for TXA 136
Ms. R. Ginger Allister – 2 credits, Spring 2005 TA for TXA 136
Ms. Marissa Markowitz – 2 credits, Spring 2007 TA for TXA 136
Ms. Darcie Gillespie – 2 credits, Spring 2007 TA for TXA 136
NS 499: Honors Thesis
Ms. Jamie Mullally – Fall 2006, Spring 2007
TXA 899: Masters Thesis and Research
Ms. Hester Chan
Ms. Jessica Schiffman
Mr. PrashantKakad
Ms. Chunhui Xiang
Ms. Erin Hendrick
TXA 999: Doctoral Thesis and Research
Ms. Min Xiao
Ms. Chunhui Xiang
Undergraduate Research Supervised:
- NMR and FTIR study of Cellulose Dissolution Process, Ms. Allison Lucier; Fall 2003-Spring 2004.
- Development of Phase Diagrams for the Cellulose/salt/ethylene diamine system. Ms. Courtney Levin (work/study); Spring 2003 – Fall 2003.
- Thermal Analysis of the Cellulose/salt/ethylene diamine system. Ms. Jessica Davis; Fall 2004 – Spring 2004.
- FTIR Study of Fiber Coagulation from cellulose/salt/ethylenediamine system. Ms. Kristin Carranco, NSF funded CCMR-REU student; Summer 2004.
- Rheological study of cellulose dissolution, Mr. Troy Gould, NSF funded CCMR-REU student; Summer 2005
- Effect of metal loading on electrospun fiber properties, Ms. Calinda Yew and Ms. Tina Tsong, NYSTAR Jumpstart funding.
- Selective Absorbance in Electrospun Nonwovens, Ms. Mary Rebovich,NSF funded CCMR-REU student; Summer 2006
- Adsorption of Volatile Organics From Air, Ms. Kathleen Donley; Fall 2006 – Spring 2007, ongoing.
- Electrospun Nonwovens for Adsorption of Indoor Air Polutants, Ms. ShirronLeshure, Summer 2007, Visiting Graduate Student from TuskegeeUniversity via CornellCenter for Materials Research.
- Real Time Measurement of Volatile Organic Adsorption by Textiles, Ms. Anna Molina,NSF funded CCMR-REU student; Summer 2007
- HONORS THESIS: Electrospun Cellulosic Membranes of Differing Hydrophilicity for Biosensor Substrates, Ms. Jamie Mullally, Fall 2005 through Spring 2007.
- Jenna Puckett CCMR REU student from NCSU
- Paid Research Summer Engineering 0 Larissa Buttaro CCMR-REU student from Alfred University
- Research for Credit Spring HE 3 Tracey Ho Electrospinning fabrics with bi-modal pore size distribution
- Research for Credit Fall HE 1 Ashley Weiner Biomedical device drawings
- Research for Credit Fall HE 3 Tracey Ho Fibers with enzyme activity
- Volunteer Fall Engineering 0 Aric Stocks Wicking behavior of sweat in fabrics
Graduate Students/Post-Docs Supervised:
Masters of Engineering Students:
Ms. Hester Chan, Materials Science and Engineering ‘04
Mr. Jason Konopack, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering ‘05
Ms. Jessica Schiffman, Materials Science and Engineering ‘04
Masters of Science in Fiber Science:
Ms. Chunhui Xiang ‘06
Ms. Erin Hendrick, ‘08
Ms. Mary Rebovich ‘10
Ms. Katherine Hammes, ‘12
Ms. Sun Young Park, ‘12
Ms. Meryem Pehlivaner, ‘13
Ms. Larissa Buttaro, ‘13
Ms. Cathering Reyes, in progress
Ms. Nidia Trejo, in progress
Doctorate in Fiber Science:
Dr. Min Xiao,‘08
Dr. Chunhui Xiang, ‘09
Dr. Erin Hendrick, ‘11
Post Doctoral Research Associate:
Dr. Dapeng Li, 2005-2006
Dr. Lei Li, 2005-2006
Dr. Dionysios Vynias, 2006-2007
Dr. Lili Li (2009-2010)
Dr. Chunhui Xiang
Dr. Daehwan Cho
Graduate Student Theses:
Hester Chan, M.Eng. 2004, “Dissolution, rheology and film formation from cellulose/KSCN/ethylene diamine solutions”.
Jessica Schiffman, M.Eng. 2004 “Biodegradation of chitosan films, electrospun PLA mesh, and chitosan films reinforced with electrospun PLA mesh”.
Chunhui Xiang, M.S. 2006, “Biodegradable Non-Woven Fabrics Electrospun from Renewable Polymers for Controlled Release Delivery of Chemicals.”
Erin Hendrick, M.S. 2008, “Cellulose acetate fibers with fluorescing nanoparticles for anti-counterfeiting purposes”
Min Xiao, Ph.D. 2008, “Cellulose dissolution in ethylene diamine/salt systems : dissolution process, rheological properties, and dissolution mechanism”
Chunhui Xiang, Ph.D., 2009, “Biodegradable nanocomposite fibers electrospun from renewable polymers for controlled release of pesticides”.
Mary Rebovich, M.S. 2010, “Electrospinningpoly(lactic acid) with a bimodal inter-fiber pore size distribution”
Invited Lectures:
- ‘Spinning functional PLA nanofibers for controlled release, pathogen capture and sensing’, ACS - NERM, Rochester, NY 10/2/2012.
- ‘Formation and functions of nanofiber fabrics’, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India,February 16, 2009.
- ‘Formation and functions of nanofiber fabrics’, Dublin City University Sensors and Diagnostics Workshop Dublin, Ireland, June 6, 2009.
- ‘Nanocompositenanofibers for controlled release delivery of agricultural chemicals’,Tokyo Institute of Technology, December 3, 2008.
- ‘Nanofiber membranes for capture and detection of biohazards’, Tokyo Institute of Technology, December 3, 2008.
- ‘Nanofibers for air filtration and VOC capture’, Tokyo Institute of Technology, December 2, 2008.
- ‘Formation and functions of nanofiber fabrics’, The Catholic University of Korea, November 11, 2008
- ‘Formation and functions of nanofiber fabrics’, Seoul National University, November 10, 2008.
- ‘Fibers from renewable polymers’, CCMR-POP symposium, Cornell Center for Materials Research, May 21, 2008.
- ‘Fibers from renewable polymers’, Green Materials Symposium, Cornell Center for Materials Research, September 24, 2007.
- Nanocompositenanofibers for controlled release delivery of agricultural chemicals’,Tokyo Institute of Technology, December 3, 2008.
- ‘Nanofiber membranes for capture and detection of biohazards’, Tokyo Institute of Technology, December 3, 2008.
- ‘Nanofibers for air filtration and VOC capture’, Tokyo Institute of Technology, December 2, 2008.
- ‘Formation and functions of nanofiber fabrics’, The Catholic University of Korea, November 11, 2008
- ‘Formation and functions of nanofiber fabrics’, Seoul National University, November 10, 2008.
- ‘Sub-micron Fibers and Cellulose Solutions’, Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design, CornellUniversity, April 26, 2007.
- ‘Fiber based biohazard detection systems’, CornellNano-BiotechnologyCenter, March 6, 2007.
- ‘Fiber based biohazard detection systems’, Department of Materials and TextilesUniversity of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, March 8, 2007.
- ‘Fabric based biohazard detection systems’, Reckitt-Benkiser, Inc. February 8, 2007.
- ‘Women in Science Forum’: Cornell University Reunion event, June 2005.
- ‘Academic vs. Industrial Careers’, Panel discussion hosted by University of Vermont Society of Women Engineers (student chapter) and North Country section (professional chapter), October 2005.
- ‘Electrospun non-woven fabrics and cellulose dissolution’, NCSU Textiles graduate seminar series, November 9, 2005.
- ‘Advances in Fiber Formation’: CCMR Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, 1/25/2005.
- ‘Advances in Fiber Formation’: CCMR Members Meeting 12/8/2004.
- ‘Cellulose Dissolution and Fiber Formation’: Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering (BEE 687 “The Science and Engineering Challenges to the Development of Sustainable Bio-Based Industries”), 10/21/2004.
- “Novel Fibers from Renewable Resource Polymers”, M. Frey, Human Ecology Alumni Association, June, 2003.
- “Electrospinning Fibers from Cellulose Solutions”, M. Frey, CornellCenter for Materials Research Polymer Outreach Program (POP), May, 2003.
Papers/posters Presented at Meetings:
- A. Naik, E. Hendrick, M.W. Frey, Modifying the surface hydrophilicity of PLA Fibers CURB, Ithaca, NY 4/25/2012.
- Patricia Grippo, M.W. Frey, C. Xiang, Formation of Polymer Beads Using Electrospinning Technology, CURB, Ithaca, NY 4/25/2012.
- M. O. Pehlivaner and M.W. Frey ,The Effect of Organic Solvents on the Conductivity of PEDOT:PSS Nanofibers, CCMR Symposium, Ithaca, NY 5/22/2012
- L. Buttaro and M.W. Frey, Phase Separation to Create Hydrophilic yet Non-Water Soluble PLA/PLA-b-PEG Fibers via Electrospinning, CCMR Symposium, Ithaca, NY 5/22/2012
- K. Schrote and M. W. Frey, The Effect of X-ray Irradiation on PEDOT:PSS Nanofiber Conductivity, CCMR Symposium, Ithaca, NY 5/22/2012
- D. Cho, M. W. Frey and Y. L. Joo, Measurements and Control of Electrical Charges in ElectrospunNanofibers CCMR Symposium, Ithaca, NY 5/22/2012
- L. Matlock-Colangelo, D. Cho, C. L. Pitner, M. W. Frey, A. J. Baeumner, Nanofiber-integrated microTotal Analysis Systems CCMR Symposium, Ithaca, NY 5/22/2012
- Patricia Grippo, M.W. Frey, C. Xiang, Formation of Polymer Beads Using Electrospinning Technology, ACS - NERM, Rochester, NY 10/2/2012.
- L. Buttaro, E. Drufva, and M.W. Frey, Phase Separation to Create Hydrophilic yet Non-Water Soluble PLA/PLA-b-PEG Fibers via Electrospinning,ACS - NERM, Rochester, NY 10/2/2012.
- M. O. Pehlivaner and M.W. Frey The effects of solvents on the morphology and conductivity in PEDOT:PSS/PVA nanofibers ACS - NERM, Rochester, NY 10/2/2012.
- L. Buttaro, E. Drufva, and M.W. Frey, Phase Separation to Create Hydrophilic yet Non-Water Soluble PLA/PLA-b-PEG Fibers via Electrospinning,The Fiber Society Meeting, Boston, MA 11/7-9/2012.
- M. O. Pehlivaner and M.W. Frey The effects of solvents on the morphology and conductivity in PEDOT:PSS/PVA nanofibers The Fiber Society Meeting, Boston, MA 11/7-9/2012..
- M. W. Frey, D. Li, C. Xiang, E. BuyuktanirSpinning functional PLA nanofibers for controlled release, pathogen capture and sensing, The Fiber Society Meeting, Boston, MA 11/7-9/2012.
- ‘Modifying the Surface Hydrophilicity of PLA Fibers’, CURB, April 27,2011, Ithaca, NY, (Aditi Naik)
- ‘Piezoelectric PVDF Fibers’, CURB, Ithaca, NY, April 27,2011 (Aric Stocks).
- ‘Poly(lactic acid) Electrospun Fibers Integrated into a Prototype Fluidic Device’, CCMR Symposium, May 24, 2011,Ithaca, NY, (Erin Hendrick)
- ‘Novel Fabrication of Cellulose Nitrate Nanofiber Membranes’CCMR Symposium, May 24, 2011, Ithaca, NY, (Katherine Hammes)
- ‘Functional Nanofibers for Microfluidic System and Their Charge Potentials as a Function of pH’, CCMR Symposium, May 24, 2011 Ithaca, NY, (Daehwan Cho).
- ‘The Influence of Spinning Parameters on PVDF NanofiberCrystallinity and Crystalline Phase Formation’,The Fiber Society meeting, October 10-13, 2011, Charleston, SC. (Sun Young Park)
- ‘Poly(lactic acid) Electrospun Fibers Integrated into a Prototype Fluidic Device’, The Fiber Society meeting, October 10-13, 2011, Charleston, SC. (Larissa Buttaro)
- ‘ElectrospunNanofibers for Microfluidic Analytical Systems’The Fiber Society meeting, October 10-13, 2011, Charleston, SC. (Margaret Frey)
- ‘Self-Assembly of Optically Responsive Nematic Liquid Crystal/Polymer Core-Shell Fibers’, The Fiber Society meeting, October 10-13, 2011, Charleston, SC. (Ebru A. Buyuktanir)
- ‘Nanofiber Enhanced Microfluidic Devices for Point of Need Diagnostics’, DTRA CBD S&T Conference, November 14-17, Las Vegas, NV. (Margaret Frey)
- 'pH-indicatingelectrospun fibers', The Fiber Society meeting, Oct. 20-22, 2010. Snow Bird, Utah.(Erin Hendrick)
- 'High-performance non-woven nylon-6 fabrics by electrospinning', The Fiber Society meeting, Oct. 20-22. Snowbird, Utah. (Chunhui Xiang).
- 'pH-indicatingelectrospun fibers', 239th ACS National Meeting, March 22-26, San Francisco, CA (Erin Hendrick).
- 'Electro-optically responsive nematic liquid crystal/polymer composite fibers', 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC),July 11-16, 2010, Krakow, Poland. (EbruBuyuktanir)
- 'Design and investigation of functional electrospun bioactive-nanofibers', International Conference on Intelligent Textiles (ICIT), June 16-18, 2010, Seoul,S.Korea, (Daehwan Cho).
- ' PLA/Cellulose Nanocrystalsnanocompositenanofibers for controlled release chemical delivery', C. Xiang, M. Frey, ACS National Meeting, March 23, 2009. Salt Lake City, UT.
'Cellulose Acetate/Nitrate mixed ester fibers', L. Li, M. Frey, ACS National Meeting, March 23, 2009. Salt Lake City, UT.
'M07CR01: Fiber Based Biohazard Sensor Assemblies', M. Frey, AATCC/NTC meeting, Greenville, SC. October 27, 2009. - “Formation and functions of nanofiber fabrics”, International Conference on Intelligent Textiles, November 2008, Jeju, S. Korea
- “Hydrolytic Degradation of ElectrospunPoly(lactic acid)/Cellulose-NanocrystalsNanocomposite Fibers”, Chunhui Xiang, M.W. Frey, Fiber Society Meeting, October 2008, Boucherville, QE, Canada.
- M08-CR01 Fiber Based Biohazard Sensor Assemblies, NTC Forum, June 2008, Greenville, NC.
- M08-CR05 Authentication/Anti-Counterfeit Fibers, NTC Forum, June 2008, Greenville, NC.
- M05-CR02 Creation of a new class of cellulose engineering materials, NTC Forum, June 2008, Greenville, NC.
- “Cellulose Dissolution in Ethylene Diamine/Salt Systems”, Min Xiao, M.W. Frey, CCMR-POP symposium, May 2008, Ithaca, NY.
- “Electrospun Fabrics with Bimodal Pore Distribution”, Mary Rebovich, M.W. Frey, CCMR-POP symposium, May 2008, Ithaca, NY
- “Cellulose Acetate Fibers with Fluorescing Nanoparticles for Anti-counterfeiting purposes”, Erin Hendrick, M.W. Frey, CCMR-POP symposium, May 2008, Ithaca, NY.
- “Electrospun Fabrics with Bimodal Pore Distribution”, Mary Rebovich, M.W. Frey, Fiber Society Meeting, May 2008, Mulhouse, France.
- “Cellulose Acetate Fibers with Fluorescing Nanoparticles for Anti-counterfeiting purposes”, Erin Hendrick, M.W. Frey, Fiber Society Meeting, May 2008, Mulhouse, France.
- “Cellulose Dissolution in Ethylene Diamine/Salt Systems”, Min Xiao, M.W. Frey, ACS National Meeting, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials, March 2008, New Orleans, LA.
- “Nanocomposite Fibers Electrospun from Biodegradable Polymers”, Chunhui Xiang, M.W. Frey ACS National Meeting, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials, March 2008, New Orleans, LA.
- “Formation and functions of nanofiber fabrics”, International Conference on Intelligent Textiles, November 2008, Jeju, S. Korea
- “Hydrolytic Degradation of ElectrospunPoly(lactic acid)/Cellulose-NanocrystalsNanocomposite Fibers”, Chunhui Xiang, M.W. Frey, Fiber Society Meeting, October 2008, Boucherville, QE, Canada.
- “Electrospun Fabrics with Bimodal Pore Distribution”, Mary Rebovich, M.W. Frey, Fiber Society Meeting, May 2008, Mulhouse, France.
- “Cellulose Acetate Fibers with Fluorescing Nanoparticles for Anti-counterfeiting purposes”, Erin Hendrick, M.W. Frey, Fiber Society Meeting, May 2008, Mulhouse, France.
- “Nanocomposite Fibers Electrospun from Biodegradable Polymers”, Chunhui Xiang, Margaret W. Frey,Fiber Society Meeting,October 2007, Davis, CA.
- “The Role of Salt on Cellulose Dissolution in Ethylene Diamine/Salt Solvent Systems”, Min Xiao, M. W. Frey,Fiber Society Meeting,October 2007, Davis, CA. (Winner, student paper competition).
- “Nanocomposite Fibers Electrospun from Biodegradable Polymers”, Chunhui Xiang, Margaret W. Frey,Asian Textile Conference 9 (ATC-9),June 2007, Taichung, Taiwan.
- “The Role of Salt on Cellulose Dissolution in Ethylene Diamine/Salt Solvent Systems”, Min Xiao, M. W. Frey,Asian Textile Conference 9 (ATC-9),June 2007, Taichung, Taiwan.
- “Availability of Biotin Incorporated in Electrospun PLA Fibers for Streptavidin Binding”, M. W. Frey, D. Li, A. J. Baeumner, Fiber Society Spring Meeting, May, 2007, Greenville, SC.
- “Nanocomposite Fibers Electrospun from Biodegradable Polymers”, Chunhui Xiang, POP2007,CCMR, May, 2007, Ithaca, NY.
- “Studies of cellulose solutions in ethylene diamine/KSCN”, Min Xiao, Margaret W. Frey,POP2007,CCMR, May, 2007, Ithaca, NY.
- “Fabrics for V.O.C. Capture and Conversion”,D. Vynias, M.W. Frey,POP2007,CCMR, May, 2007, Ithaca, NY.
- “Fabrics for V.O.C. Capture and Conversion”,D. Vynias, M.W. Frey, ACS National Meeting, March, 2007, Chicago, IL.
- “Biodegradable Non-Woven Fabrics Electrospun from Renewable Polymers”