To support children resident at the school hostel, arrangements are in place to share information between the Dunoon Grammar School(DGS) and Dunoon School Hostel, within the context of the individual child’s progress, health, safety and wellbeing.
Liaison Procedures/Working Practices
- All pupils will enroll with their parent/carer at DGS and then if appropriate at the school hostel. The school hostel will ensure the school office have an up-to date list of current hostel residents.
- During enrolment at the hostel parents/carer will receive a copy of this partnership agreement along with a pro forma to give their consent to the agreement.
- Hostel staff will contact the appropriate head of houseto discuss the well-being and progress of a new enrolment following a short settling period (within 2 weeks).
- Within a month of a new school session, heads of house will meet with hostel staff, at the school hostel to discuss how pupils have settled in and any current concerns.
- Hostel Staff, in liaison with Depute Head Teacher (Support)will be invited to one support departmental meeting each term to discuss joint working
- DGS will provide the hostel manager with copies of all progress/ attainment reports issued to those pupils resident at the hostel.
- In the case of pupil illness, the hostel staff will phone the school office on the morning of the first day of the absence.
- DGS will phone both parent and hostel staff if a pupil’s health is a cause for concern or to report any injury. Hostel staff will discuss any concerns with parents thereafter.
- DGS will send letters regarding behavior, progress, homework etc direct to parents who will liaise with hostel staff.
- DGS office will send the hostel a summary of merits/demerits for hostel residents. This will take place at the end of each month.
- Daily signatures of parent/carer will be provided by the hostel staff in consultation with the family e.g. monitor sheets. When possible, all school consent forms will be issued for return following weekend with parents. In certain circumstances hostel staff may sign consents with parental agreement.
- Contact to discuss concerns regarding a specific pupil can be initiated by DGS or hostel staff anytime.
- DGS and hostel will share general information at the beginning of each school session, including copies of handbooks and roles of key staff.
- Copies of all standard letters to parents will be copied to hostel staff i.e. early closure of school, notification of events, etc.
- When appropriate, hostel staff will be invited to support plan/reviewmeetings for any pupil in their care.
Should you have any queries regarding any aspect of this partnership agreement, please do not hesitate to contact:
DunoonGrammar School,
Link Senior Leadership Team (SLT) - Stuart Clark, Depute Head Teacher
Tel-01369 705010
DunoonSchool Hostel,
Stuart Wilson, Officer in Charge
Tel-01369 703744
Reviewed: June 2015