#6: Complete General Education Core Curriculum –
modified for students with Severe Cognitive Impairments
Performance Expectations (PE 1-5) forthe Participation Curriculum are aligned with the Michigan Curriculum Frameworks. To facilitate students achieving their greatest potential within the General Education Core Curriculum, section #6 was added. This section includes mathematics, language arts, technology, science, and social studies content. It is recognized that all performance expectationsfor this population are best learned when applied in real life contexts! The content is listed in this separate section for convenience in finding it in one place. An indexed outline of this section is on the next page.
#6: General Education Core Curriculum –
modified for students with severe cognitive impairments
Content Area Sections Page
- Develops Mathematic Skills
- Patterns Relationships and Functions………………………………….3
- Basic Math Skills………………………………………………………….3
- Functional Math, Geometry and Measurement………………………..6
- Data and Probability…………………………………………….………..10
- Develops English Language Arts Skills
A.Listening/Communication Skills…………………………………………11
B.Reading/Functional Reading Skills……………………………..………14
C.Functional Writing and Spelling Skills…………………………………..19
- Uses Technology as a Learning Tool
- Computer Literacy………………………………………………………..22
- Electronic Toys…………………………………………………...... ……23
- Modern Technology……………………………………………………….24
- Develops an Awareness of Science Concepts
- Life Science Concepts…………………………………………...... 25
- Physical Science Concepts……………………………………………..27
- Earth and Space Science Concepts…………………………………...29
- Constructs New Scientific Knowledge………………………………….31
- Reflects on Scientific Knowledge……………………………………….32
- Develops an Awareness of Social Studies Concepts
- Historical Perspective……………………………………………………33
- Geographic Perspective…………………………………………………33
- Civic Perspective………………………………………………...... 34
- Citizen Responsibility…………………………………………...... 34
- Economic Perspective……………………………………………………35
- Inquiry Skills……………………………………………………………….36
- Public Discourse…………………………………………………………..36
Participation Curriculum Section 6: Introduction
* Related goals may be found in other performance expectations within the curriculum, as shown in the columns to the right.
DOMAIN: ACADEMICS (XV – XIX)Performance Expectation: Complete General Education Core Curriculum – modified for students with severe cognitive impairments. / PE 1 / PE 2 / PE 3 / PE 4 / PE 5 / #6
A.Patterns, Relationships and Functions / III A; VB / XV D XVI B1
- Identifies the “same”/ “different” objects, given 2 identical items and 1 vastly different object. (e.g., 2 shoes & 1 banana; or 2 mittens & 1 block).
- Identifies the “same” and “different” in pictures.
- Identifies the “same” and “different” in patterns.
- Recognizes a repeating pattern with 2 items (red, blue, red, blue or circle, square, circle, square).
- Replicates, identifies and extends object and symbol patterns.
B.Increases Basic Math Skills. / Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B1Number Sense & Numeration (Pre-counting) / III G / XV B2
- Discriminates the number one from another object or symbol.
- Demonstrates understanding of one-to-one correspondence (with equal/unequal amounts).
- Constructs corresponding sets (e.g., one spoon in each bowl).
- Duplicates a concrete model with ___ objects. (3, 5, 7).
- Completes 1:1 correspondence tasks.
- Demonstrates set exclusion. (ex.: Makes sets per sample, even though other items are available. Sample set: fork, knife, and napkin. Student does not add a spoon to the set.).
- Demonstrates 1:1 alignment. (ex.: Demonstrates 1:1 correspondence by placing same number of items under sample row, creating evenly spaced rows/columns, (e.g., cookies on a cookie sheet.).
- Divides objects into 2 equal groups.
- Demonstrates quantity concepts (one, all, many).
- Identifies the set with “more”.
- Recognizes/identifies quantitative concepts (more, less, many, few, etc.)
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B2Number Sense & Numeration (Counting) / III G / XV B1, B3 XV B3
- Rote counts to _____ (5, 10, 20).
- Counts up to _____ objects in a row to get a total.
- Counts objects using a consistent strategy, (points, touch and moves, # line, etc.).
- Counts out requested number of objects using a number line.
- Counts out requested number of objects using a jig.
- Counts out requested number of objects.
- Remembers and obtains requested amount from nearby place.
- Counts disappearing objects (ex. items going into a container, objects that appear then fade out on computer screen, etc.)
- Counts repeated actions of others or self (ex. claps, jumps, sit ups, etc.).
- Classifies objects.
- Counts total of objects. (ex. 3 fruits, 4 toys, 5 vehicles.)
- Gets specified amounts using a list or flip chart identifying how many of each pictured item.
- Obtains amount designated by written numeral.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B3Number Sense & Numeration (Recognition of Numerals) / III G / XV B2
XV C1-3 XVI B6
- Matches numbers to . (5, 12, 20, 30, 50, 100)
- Identifies/reads numerals to . (5, 12, 20, 30, 50, 100)
- Identifies/reads numerals in random order. (to 5, 12, 20, 30, 50, 100).
- Identifies/reads numerals in real life situations (bus #, phone #, house #, room #, calendar, clock, price tags, recipes, etc.).
- Identifies/reads fractions. (ex. measuring ¼, ½, ¾, 1 cup).
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B4Number Sense & Numeration (Writing Numerals) / III F
- Traces numerals 0-9.
- Copies numerals.0-9.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B5Number Sense & Numeration (Ordering & Comparing Numbers) / XVI B3
- Demonstrates receptive understanding of the first one.
- Understands ordering concepts of (first, middle, last).
- Understands ordinal numbers – identifies objects by place/position. (first, second).
- Sequences numbers (and objects with numbers) to _____.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B6Numerical and Algebraic Operations / XV B2
- Combines two sets of same objects. (in real life situations and story problems).
- Combines two sets of same objects and counts total objects.
C.Increases Functional Math Skills, Geometry and Measurement. / Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C1 Calendar / III I VI A / VII H / XV B3 XVIII C3 XIX A
- Identifies picture/activities on a picture calendar.
- Recognizes a calendar.
- Understands that a week is made up of seven days.
- Identifies/Names days of the week.
- Orders/Names the days of the week in sequence.
- Identifies words/symbols for days of week.
- Identifies/Names today’s day.
- Identifies/Names day related to today, tomorrow, and yesterday.
- Identifies/Names months of year.
- Orders/Names months in sequence.
- Identifies/Names current month.
- Identifies/Names birthday month.
- Identifies/Names past events that occurred yesterday.
- Identifies/Names future events to occur tomorrow.
- Identifies/Names seasons.
- Identifies/Tells characteristics of each season.
- Puts seasonal pictures in sequence.
- Uses calendar to find (months, current month, birthday month, holidays, current day/date)
- Maintains an appointment/activity calendar/schedule.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C2 Time / III J VI A / XV B3
- Responds promptly to the time concept: “now”.
- Identifies picture/activities on a picture schedule for the day.
- Identifies next activity for the school day according to a picture/written schedule.
- Demonstrates awareness of schedule of school day by going to the next routine location.
- Recognizes time related words (now. later, today, day, night. morning, afternoon, evening, next, after, tomorrow, yesterday, etc.)
- Associates time with clock, looks at clock when asked the time (does not tell time yet.)
- Identifies/Tells what is happening now.
- Identifies/Tells about an experience immediately after it occurs.
- Identifies/Tells about an activity that comes after/before a given activity.
- Sequences activities/events.
- Identifies/names the parts of a day (morning, afternoon, evening).
- Identifies common activities for morning, afternoon and evening.
- Identifies/Tells general time of specified routines. (morning, afternoon, evening, etc.)
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C3 Money / II P III H V B / XI J-K XII R / XV B2 XV B3 XIX E
- Exchanges a picture for an object.
- Participates in token economies.
- Distinguishes a coin from another similar object.
- Recognizes coins or bills as real money.
- Distinguishes between real and play money.
- Through pretend play, demonstrates that people purchase things with money.
- Matches coins and bills.
- Sorts coins from bills.
- Counts out requested number of dollar bills, or coins.
- Receptively/expressively recognizes coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter).
- Uses money to pay for self-service purchases (vending machines, self service checkouts, pay phone, laundry machines, etc.).
- Follows procedures using pre-counted money to pay for real life things.
- Identifies where specific products can be purchased (i.e., food – grocery store; shoes – shoe store; medicine – pharmacy).
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C4 Measurement and Comparison / IV I V G / XVI A4 XVI B1
- Given 2 objects differing vastly only in size, weight, volume, temperature or length, identifies big/little, heavy/light, more/less, short/long, and warm/cold.
- Differentiates between a whole object and part of an object.
- Compares 2 like containers that hold the same/more/less.
- Identifies/demonstrates the function of various measuring tools (ruler, yardstick, tape measure, scale, thermometer).
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C5 Geometry Concepts / III A-B V B / XVI B1
- Places basic geometric shapes in a form board.
- Matches and identifies shapes.
- Matches object to outline.
- Identifies shapes and their characteristics (number of sides and corners).
- Differentiates between round and square or sphere and cube.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C6 Location and Spatial Relationships. / XVI A2
- Demonstrates understanding of self awareness of own spatial position (i.e., sitting, standing).
- Demonstrates understanding of terms describing relative position of objects (between, in, out, inside, outside, under, over, etc.).
- Demonstrates understanding of terms describing self in relation to others. (beside, behind, in front, between).
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C7 Transformation and Symmetry / III P VI A / VII I / XIV I XIX B
- Demonstrates finding targeted items.
- Demonstrates finding targeted areas of classroom/school/familiar environments.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
D.Increases Data and Probability Skills / III A V B / VII A / VIII K / XV A XVI A2 XVI B1 XIX D
- Differentiates between themselves and an inanimate object.
- Differentiates between themselves and another person.
- Organizes data by sorting pictures or objects.
- Identifies which of 2 choices is needed to answer a question or solve a problem.
- Follows an eating, dressing, or physical activity pattern/sequence (limited to indicating or engaging in the next step).
Participation Curriculum #6 Academics Section XV Mathematics
* Related goals may be found in other performance expectations within the curriculum, as shown in the columns to the right.
XVI.DEVELOPS ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS SKILLS / PE 1 / PE 2 / PE 3 / PE 4 / PE 5 / #6A. Increases Listening/Communication Skills. / Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
A1 – Listens Actively. / VI B / VIII B, D VIII H-J / XVI A3
- Shows awareness of speaker.
- Attends without interrupting (to speaker, musical event, activity, radio, CD/tapes, etc.).
- Makes eye contact.
- Nods head when appropriate.
- Demonstrates turn-taking behaviors during communication/interactions.
- Asks relevant questions.
- Responds to language cues (tone of voice, gestures, inflection, body language, physical movement, facial expression, etc.).
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
A2 –Follows Directions. / VI C, E / VII H / VIII L / XV C6
- Follows directions. (oral, signs, pictures, gestures, etc.).
- Responds to basic requests (sit down, stand up, come here, give me, etc.)
- Follows routine directions/rules given by primary caregiver/person in authority.
- Follows specific step-by-step directions to complete tasks.
- Follows directions for spatial terms (up/down, on/off, under/over, in/out, in front/behind, together/apart, between/through/around, toward/away, top/bottom, here there, etc.)
- Follows directions to place self in position in relation to others (in front of, in back of/behind, next to, beside, between, etc.).
- Follows directions to move self directionally (forward/backward, sideways, left/right, toward/away from, etc.).
- Follows directions with modifiers (e.g., Give me the red book.).
- Follows multi-step directions (Pick up the trash and throw it away).
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
A3 –Demonstrates Appropriate Language Skills. / VII C, E / VIII P-Q / XVI A1
- Shows respect to other listeners/communicators (friendly, takes turn communicating, listens etc.)
- Limits remarks to topic, with reminders.
- Communicates in ways that are appropriate to context (tone, volume, language appropriate for location, situation, etc.)
- Uses appropriate means of expression, not aggression to convey feelings.
- Communicates in an appropriate manner when upset or under stress.
- Refrains from using inappropriate language (swearing).
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
A4 – Increases Vocabulary & Uses Language Effectively. / III B / VII C / VIII H-K VIII M-Q / XVI A3 XVI C4 XVIII most XIX A-G
- Uses body language to communicate with others.
- Vocalizes to familiar person who is engaging him/her.
- Takes turns in vocalizing.
- Uses gestures/points to communicate with others.
- Uses pictures to communicate with others.
- Uses a yes/no response.
- Imitates familiar sounds/syllables.
- Imitates some real words.
- Uses words and phrases to communicate with others.
- Identifies familiar items (colors, shapes, sizes, animals, body parts, toys, food, clothing, transportation, classroom items, household items, hygiene items, plants, etc.).
- Responds to sensory experiences (visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, auditory).
- Identifies items in category. (colors, shapes, sizes, animals, body parts, toys, food, clothing, transportation, classroom/ household/hygiene items, plants, visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, auditory, common characteristics, etc.).
- Identifies category title when given a list of items.
- Learns nouns as appropriate to (home, school, community).
- Uses augmentative communication to communicate with others.
- Responds to social questions (e.g., “How are you?”).
- Responds to simple questions (e.g., “What did you have for lunch?”).
- Responds to questions routinely asked of student.
- Responds to “wh” questions (who, what, where, when, why).
- Responds to questions about self/others (I, me, him, her, you).
- Identifies simple actions (jumping, working, running, etc.).
- Uses action (verbs) when communicating.
- Identifies descriptor words for items (adjectives)/actions (adverbs).
- Uses descriptors (modifiers) when communicating.
- Increases sentences length.
- Imitates improved sentence structure or question, given a model.
- Vocalizes with appropriate expression.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
A5 – Interacts and Participates in a Variety of Communication* Situations.
(* speech, augmentative communication, or sign language may be used) / I A
- Uses listening and language skills in familiar/unfamiliar environments (classroom, school setting, community).
- Uses listening and language skills with familiar/unfamiliar people (one-on-one, peers, adults, groups).
- Participates in greeting situations.
- Participates in Circle time activities.
- Participates in peer/adult interactions.
- Participates in conversations (with class, small groups, peers, adults).
- Engages in group discussions (small, large groups).
- Engages in public speaking opportunities within/outside classroom.
B.Increases Reading/Functional Reading Skills. / Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B1 - Visual Discrimination. / III A, B IV I V B / VII C / XV A XV C4 XV C5 XV D XVI A4 XVI B6
- Visually discriminates colors (matches, identifies, names, sorts).
- Visually discriminates shapes (matches, identifies, names, sorts).
- Visually discriminates and orders by size (by sorting and matching objects (big, bigger, biggest; small smaller, smallest; small, medium, large).
- Visually discriminates pictures (matches, identifies, names, sorts).
- Identifies missing parts of objects/pictures.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B2- Reading (Early behaviors and strategies). / I E III C-D VI B / VII A / VIII H / XVI B3-4 XVI B5-6 XVI C2 XIX A
- Identifies self/peers/family members in photographs.
- Identifies objects/pictures.
- Attends to story read by others.
- Holds/looks at books appropriately (carefully, correct position, etc.)
- Looks at pictures in a story book.
- Identifies/recognizes pictures in a book or magazine.
- Looks at pictures from left to right with model.
- Uses concepts about text (title; page turning; 1-to-1 correspondence between word read and printed word; directionality; differences between letters/words/sentences; print/picture convey message; first, middle, last part of word/sentence/story).
- Uses audio books (follows along as book is read on a tape/CD).
- Recognizes own name in writing.
- Recognizes names of family/familiar persons.
- Matches/Recognizes/Reads letters. (upper case, lower case, printed, cursive).
- Recognizes letter to sound/sound to letter.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B3 - Reading (Reader across Content Areas). / I E III D / XVI A4 XVI B2 XVI B4-6 XIX A, F
- Looks at books independently.
- Listens to a book read (one-on-one, to small group, to the class).
- Matches picture with object.
- Pretends to read independently (looks at print/pictures).
- Predicts/confirms content in a book.
- Identifies objects associated with the content of a book.
- Looks at/reads books for enjoyment/interest.
- Looks at/reads books (one-on-one, independently, with a small group, with a buddy, with class).
- Links prior knowledge to text.
- Dramatizes text of a book.
- Identifies key ideas using words, pictures, and/or symbols from content area text.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B4 - Reading (Comprehension) / I E III D
- Manipulates props associated with stories.
- Predicts topic of book from cover.
- Uses cause and effect.
- Makes predictions about text prior, during and after reading.
- Answers simple questions such as, who, what, orwhere, related to simple story elements in narrative text: (e.g., characters, setting, motivations, conflict, story sequence, and human experiences).
- Sequences pictures/story events left to right (first, second, third, etc.).
- Retells story (with augmentative devices, story props, in sequence).
- Answers simple questions regarding basic informational/functional text (e.g., awareness of daily schedule, calendars, dictionary, phone directories, manuals, and websites).
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B5 - Reading (Text Structure/Genre) / I C, E III D / XVI A1 XVI A4 XVI B2-4 XVI B6 XIX A, F
- Explores board books.
- Explores adapted books.
- Explores flash cards.
- Explores pictures and text in environment.
- Listens to simplified stories, rhymes, nursery rhymes, finger plays, etc.
- Responds to/reads pictures/word labels in environment and obtains information.
- Responds to/reads classroom charts/notes and obtains information.
- Explores pictorial or illustrated informational text.
- Reads/listens to a variety of narrative text (fiction, poetry, folktales, fairy tales, fantasy, etc.).
- Explores nonfiction text and biographies.
- Differentiates between different types of narrative text genre (stories, poems, songs).
- Identifies different types of informational/functional text, (e.g., recipes, books, posters, calendars, magazines, personal correspondence, textbooks, reference texts, product labels, newspapers).
- Uses text features such as pictures and/or headings to help find information within text.
- Demonstrates understanding that characters from a story are like people within and across texts.
- Demonstrates understanding that stories have universal themes within and across texts.
- Demonstrates understanding of similar characteristics between texts (character attributes, themes, perspective).
- Identifies rhyming words or rhymes with given words.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
B6 - Reading (Functional Reading) / I E III C-D III G-J V F, N VI E / XI J-K XII Q -S / XIV I / XVI A4 XVI B1-5 XVIII E XIX A-B XIX F
- Matches/recognizes or reads survival words/icons.
- Matches/recognizes or reads common signs (home, school community).
- Matches/recognizes or reads written personal information (name, address, phone, birthdate, etc.)
- Matches/recognizes or reads color and number words.
- Matches/recognizes or reads calendar words/symbols.
- Matches/recognizes or reads menu words/symbols.
- Matches/recognizes or reads grocery words/symbols.
- Reads and follows simple picture/symbol directions.
- Reads and follows simple picture recipes.
- Identifies information from menus or reads menus.
- Identifies information from newspapers/reads newspapers.
- Responds appropriately to critical vocabularies (e.g., warning signs, medicine labels, traffic signs, etc.).
- Uses visual and/or auditory cues to recognize familiar words paired with pictures and/or objects (e.g., safety, self help, daily living, community).
- Uses semantic and/or syntactic cues to recognize familiar words paired with pictures and/or objects in context (e.g., match an object and/or picture accompanied by word, phrase or sentence.
- Identifies frequently encountered words paired with pictures and/or objects associated with familiar environments, contexts, vocations (e.g., school, home, doctor/dentist, restaurants, and vocations such as assembly, laundry, sorting).
C.Increases Functional Writing and Spelling Skills / Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C1 – Uses Writing Utensils/Prewriting / III E / XVI C2 XVI C4
- Holds writing utensil, fisted grasp.
- Makes a mark with finger/tool.
- Holds writing utensil using tripod grasp.
- Secures paper while writing.
- Scribbles spontaneously.
- Attempts to scribble in imitation.
- Imitates simple lines or shapes. (vertical line, horizontal line, circle, diagonal line),
- Uses a template to draw a shape.
- Colors within lines (vertical, circular, horizontal, and diagonal strokes).
- Draws circles/or marks on objects on papers.
- Draws a circle within __ inch(es) on path (left to right).
- Draws lines within inch(es) path (2 in., 1 in., ½ in., ¼ in. path, from left to right, top to bottom, zig-zag, etc.).
- Traces a line left to right.
- Imitates lines and shapes with a left to right progression.
- Colors within lines and contours strokes to theoutline of the object.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C2 – Writing Skills / III C III F / XVI B2 XVI B6 XVI C1 XVI C3-4
- Traces outlined letters of own name.
- Copies own name between lines from model.
- Writes own name when told letters.
- Writes own name from memory.
- Traces/copies/reproduces lower case manuscript letters.
- Traces/copies/reproduces upper case manuscript letters.
- Copies/writes individually selected words.
- Copies/writes personal information.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C3 – Spelling Skills / III C III F / XVI B6 XVI C2
- Spells name (1st, last, middle).
- Spells personally significant words.
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob / Ac
C4 - Views Self as a Writer. / III F
- Uses stamps and stamp pad.
- Places stickers on paper.
- Uses stamps, stickers, etc. to convey an object or thought.
- Pretends to draw or write, assigning meaning to picture or text.
- Writes daily (dots, scribbles, letters, words, pictures).
- Begins to use standard writing conventions (Dear, from, etc.).
- Composes a simple thank-you letter (using picture/symbols, drawings, writings, or technology).
- Requests help in writing a thought.
- Composes a note, message, greeting cards, etc. (using picture/symbols, drawings, writings, or technology).
- Uses computer technology to express ideas.
- Uses pix writer/other computer programs to convey a thought.
- Contributes to a class writing project (using picture/symbols, drawings, writings, ortechnology.
- Assesses personal written work based on predetermined criteria.
- Exhibits an individual style in written/visual messages.
- Exhibits enthusiasm about using written communication and/or communication devices.