ParishSOFT Data Conversion Checklist

Data Conversion Checklist

Parish Name:Telephone Number:

Primary Contact:Email of Contact:


Current Data Software:

Conversion Information
Please complete to confirm what data you are tracking in your current software and are having converted. For questions requiring more than a Yes/No answer please enter the answer in the Comments field. Please emailas attachment when you have emailed your data or placed your data on our ftp site. / Contact Information:
ParishSOFT, L.L.C
825 Victors Way, Ste 200
Ann Arbor, MI48108
Telephone: 866-930-4774
Fax: 734-205-1011

Census - Do you track this data in your current software?
Yes / No / Comments
1. How many Registered Families? / #
1a. How do you get this number?
2. How many Un-Registered Families? / #
2a. How do you get this number?
3. How many Active Families? / #
3a. How do you get this number?
4. How many Inactive Families? / #
4a. How do you get this number?
5. Do you have other Family Status designations? If so, what? And How many?
6. Have Registered Status?
7. Have Membership/Registration Date?
8. Families have an Envelope number?
9. One envelope per family?
10. One envelope per member?
11. How many Families Receive envelopes? / #
12. How Many Families Do Not Receive Envelopes? / #
13. How many Member Receive Envelopes? / #
14. How do you designate Non Envelope Receivers in your current software?
15. Do you use Envelope Numbers to group Families? Provide details if Yes. (Example: 0-1000 Registered, 7000-7999 moved, ect)
16. Have Phone number?
17. Have Home Address, City, State and Zip?
18. Have Geographical Code?
19. Have Mailing Address, City, State and Zip? Separate from Home Address.
20. Have Alternate/Snowbird Address, City, State and Zip? Separate from Home or Mailing?
21. Are any Families in Groups? If so, how?
22. Do you a Family Email Address?
Members - Do you track this data in your current software?
Yes / No / Comments
1. How many Active Members? / #
2. How many Inactive Members? / #
3. How many Deceased Members? / #
4. Religions?
5. Career Type/Occupation?
6. Employer?
7. Gender?
8. Role in Family?
9. Birth Date?
10. Death Date?
11. Ethnicity?
12. School?
13. Work Phone?
14. Cell Phone?
15. Pager?
16. Fax?
17. Email?
18. Language?
19. Grad Year?
20. Education Level?
21. School Grade?
22. Background Screening Information?
Sacraments – Do you track this data in your current software?
Yes / No / Comments
1. Baptism Status?
2. Baptism Dates?
3. Baptism Places?
4. Additional Baptism Information?
5. First Communion Status?
6. First Communion Dates?
7. First Communion Places?
8. Additional First Communion Information?
9. Confirmation Status?
10. Confirmation Dates?
11. Confirmation Places?
12. Additional Confirmation Information?
13. Married?
14. Marriage Dates?
15. Marriage Places?
16. Canonical Marriage Indicator?
17. Additional Marriage Information?
18. Marital Status (M, W, D, Sep, A)
19. Reconciliation Status?
20. Reconciliation Dates?
21. Reconciliation Places?
22. Additional Reconciliation Information?
23. Deaths?
24. Cemetery Place?
25. Any Funeral Details?
26. Any Burial Details?
27. RCIA Status?
28. Have Dates?
29. Have Places?
30. Birth Place?
Offering - Do you track this data in your current software?
Yes / No / Comments
1. Have Fund Descriptions?
2. Have Contribution Dates?
3. Have Check Numbers?
4. Earliest ContributionDate in Database?
5. Most Recent Contribution Date in Database?
Pledges - Do you track this data in your current software?
Yes / No / Comments
1. Have pledge funds?
2. Payment Terms? (Monthly, Weekly, Annual)
3 How many families have pledged in each fund? / #
4. List names of pledge funds
5. Total Amount of Pledges for each fund?
6. What is the date range for each pledge
Time & Talent - Do you track this data in your current software?
Yes / No / Comments
1. Have Ministers? (members by group?)
2. Have Ministry Types/Skills/Talents/Activities/Groups?
3. Have Mass Times?
Religious Ed – Do you track this data in your current software?
Yes / No / Comments
1. How many Students per year?
2. How many years of data?
3. How many Rel Ed classes in current/ last year provided for conversion?
4. Have Start Dates and End Dates?
5. Have Start Times and End Times?
6. Have Class Descriptions?
7. Have a Grade level for each class?
8. Have Room # for each class?
9. Have Catechists assigned to each class?
10. Have Aides/Co Cats assigned to each class?

Preferences in Conversion, please choose your selections:

Mailing Name: Formal communication with a family used in our statements and labels.

Family Directory – Mailing Name field?
Yes / No / Comments
1. Use your current Mailing Name field?
2. Create Mailing Name for you? (default 2b)*
2a. We create for you: John and Susan Smith*
2b. We create for you: Mr. Mrs. John Smith*
3. Use “ & “ in Mailing Name field?
4. Use “ and “ in Mailing Name field?

*Based on data available at a member level. Head, Husband, Wife first names, Family LastName, Gender and Status used.

Family Salutation (Tag) Name: Formal communication with a family used in the body of our statements or communication withHead’s, Husband and Wivesfirst names by family.

Family Directory – First Name(s) field? (Heads, Husband and/or Wives)
Yes / No / Comments
1. Use your current Salutation Name field?
2. Create Salutation for you? (default 2b)*
2a. We create for you: John & Susan*
2b. We create for you: John and Susan*
3. Use “ & “ between names?
4. Use “ and “ between names?

*Based on data available at a member level. Head, Husband, Wife, Gender and Status used.

3 additional fields are created based on Member data on the family information screen using what is called an “Auto Fill” field. Available for use in Mail Merge letters:

Informal Name – John and Sue Smith**

Formal Salutation – Mr. and Mrs. Smith**

Informal Salutation – John and Sue**

**Based on data available at a member level. Head, Husband, Wife, Salutation, NickName, Gender and Status fields, Family Last Name used. Auto-fill is not 100% correct i.e. Wife who kept maiden name.

Additional Information you would like to add regarding your data conversion:

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