Date Submitted / 4/4/17
Grant Year Applying For / 2016/2017
County of Allocation / Siskiyou
Agency Name / Siskiyou County Transit
Investment Name / Bus Stop Improvement
Investment Phase / Phase 2
Amount Requesting / $31,147.00
FIPS Number / 093-95004
Number of Projects / 1
B. Contact Information
Point of contact’s (POC) name and title;
Melissa Cummins, Transportation Service Mgr.
Fax: 530-841-2800
190 Greenhorn Road
Yreka, CA 96097
Email: / Also include the corresponding information for the single authorizing official for your organization—i.e., the individual authorized to sign a grant award
Terry Barber, County Administrator
1312 Fairlane Road
Yreka, CA 96097
Ph. 530-842-8005
C. Investment Funding plan
YEAR______/ CTAF Request Total
8879.58(a)(2) 8879.58(a)(3) / Grand Total
Equipment / 29,809.00 / 1,338.00 / 31,147.00
Total / 29,809.00 / 1,338.00 / 31,147.00
****NOTE –Label each project alphabetically and provide the following questions per project.
Agency Name and FIPS __Siskiyou County Transit – 093-95004______
Letter and Project Title___A- Bus Stop Improvements______
- Provide a brief description for this investment.
These funds will be used toward the continuation of bus stop improvements. Including but not limited to design, purchase of bus shelters or simme seats and necessary improvements to include signage, site work to meet ADA compliance, area lighting, and passenger activated lighting and painting of curbs.
- Describe how this investment specifically addresses capital projects or capital expenditures.
The project will provide designated stops with equipment that will withstand our harsher climates in the north state. The new structures (shelters and/or seats) are designed with durable material.
- Describe how the investment will achieve the safety, security, or emergency response
This project will continue to expand our work in providing a system of designated bus stops and a safer location for our passengers to board and alight the vehicle.
- Describe how this investment specifically meets the useful life for capital assets specified
in subdivision (a) of section 16727.
The funds will be spent in accordance with the County of Siskiyou’s Capital Asset Policy.
- Provide a high-level timeline, milestones and dates, for the implementation of this
investment. Possible areas for inclusion are: stakeholder engagement, planning, major
acquisitions/purchases, training, exercises, and process/policy updates. Up to 10
milestones may be provided.
Milestone 1: Secure funding – Summer 2017
Milestone 2: Identify sites and requirements for each site – Fall 2017 to Spring 2018
Milestone 3:Complete site work – Summer 2018
Milestone 4: Begin Installation – Late Summer/ Early Fall 2018
Milestone 5: Project Completion – March 2019