AHSS PhD Teaching Fellows Application Form
Faculty of AHSS PhD Teaching Fellowships (EU Fees) 2015
Application Form[1]
Closing date 5PM (local time)JUNE 9th 2015
Applications by email only to
I confirm that I have attached to this application form (please tick):
Two academic references
Transcript for BA and MA if appropriate
I am a new PhD student
I am an existingPhD student already registered at UL
To be completed by currently registered PhD students only:
I have undertaken a successful PhD Panel Review
I have applied for IRC PhD Scholarship Funding in 2015
I ______(print name) confirm that the information contained in this application is correct and accurate.
Signature ______Date ______
Name of PhD Teaching Fellowship you wish to be considered for:1. Application details
Project title (maximum 100 words) / Applicant
2. Applicant details
Name / Gender
Telephone / Date of Birth
Address / Email address
Postcode (if applicable) / Country of citizenship
Area where you are ordinarily resident
(EU/non EU)
Do you currently hold a scholarships, funding, awards or grants?
If answering yes, please specify
3. Academic qualifications
Undergraduate qualifications – Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent
Institution name / Country
Start date / End date
Qualification type & name / Grade
Additional information
(e.g. project title, area of study, etc.)
Postgraduate qualifications – Master’s Degree
Please indicate whether it was taught or by research / Taught
Institution name / Country
Start date / End date
Qualification type & name / Grade
Additional information
(e.g. project title, area of study, etc.)
Please complete ONLY if you have already registered for a Doctoral Degree programme at the time of your application.
Institution / University of Limerick / Country / Republic of Ireland
Department / Research supervisor
Subject area
Start date / Proposed end date
Research project title
Other education
Other relevant courses can be put in this section (for example, training courses, Professional courses, etc.). Please provide course name, location and dates (maximum of 500 words)
Research Achievements
Please provide any additional information regarding publications to date, conference papers, patents and/or other awards achieved. (maximum 400 words)
4. Proposed research
Type of Degree /
- PhD Degree
- Structured PhD in Applied Languages
- Structured PhD in Criminal Justice
- Structured PhD in New Media and Film
- Structured PhD in Politics
- Structured PhD in TESOL
(please circle as appropriate)
Name of Institution / University of Limerick
Date of Registration
Teaching Experience: / Please document details of teaching experience (if any) to date [800 words]
Project title
Keywords describing proposed research / .
Primary Areas / Discipline / Other Research Area / Second categorisation if interdisciplinary
Abstract of work proposed (maximum 200 words). Please bear in mind this could be read by non-specialists, as well as peers, and should be written in order to communicate with them effectively.
Description of topic to include, for example, aims, objectives and central research questions (maximum 1,000 words)
Methodology, to include, for example, investigative and analytic methods and theoretical frameworks (maximum 500 words)
Research plan to include, for example, a schedule for the completion of tasks/phases of the project and efficient management and performance of research (maximum 400 words)
Description of the relationship of the project to existing research. Suggest how the project will make a new contribution to knowledge. Do not provide bibliographical lists or footnotes here (maximum 400 words)
Description of any specialist knowledge/data required to undertake the project (e.g. language competence, technical skills, use of specialist software, etc.). Describe plans for acquiring this knowledge/data if it is not already in place. Describe how data required for this project will be accessed (maximum 400 words)
Reason for choosing the institutions and supervisor for the project. Please provide details of the project if it will be part of the work of an established research team (maximum 300 words)
Please provide detail on any proposed research trips (more than three weeks duration) which will be necessary as part of your proposed project (maximum 200 words)
Description of dissemination plans (i.e. conference papers and publications) and potential impact, where relevant (maximum 200 words).
If you have any diagrams which accompany your research proposal please upload here in PDF format.
Have you commenced the course of research for which you are applying?
If answering “yes”, please indicate the date of commencement and outline progress to date, to include completed tasks, chapters, etc. (maximum 500 words)
Training and Development Planidentify courses you will take / training programmes planned etc. and how you will develop skills as a researcher over the course of your PhD(max 500 words – can be table also)
5. Personal Statementinclude details of your motivation for pursuing this research and what you hope to achieve by completing it; how will the funding help(max 500 words)
6. Academic Supervisor details
Name / Position
Institution / Department
Telephone / Email address
7. Referee details
Referee 1 – details
Name / Position
Telephone / Email address
Referee 2 – details
Name / Position
Telephone / Email address
8. Ethical Statement
Does the research proposal outlined in this submission require approval by the relevant University/Institutional Ethics committee? / Yes/No
Confirmation has been received from the Head of Department that the above statement is true? / Yes/No
[1]Adapted from Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scheme 2013.