Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy (PIP) 2015-2016
With the approval of LAUSDs Board of Education, J.A. Garfield High School has written this Parent Involvement Policy (PIP) with input from Title I parents. Garfield High School’s School Site Council developed this policy jointly with staff, students, and parents of the Council on 11/12/15. This PIP was revised by parents in a meeting dedicated to reviewing the Garfield PIP and Compact on 11/17/15. Recommendations from parents were added to the PIP. The School Site Council approved the revised PIP on 12/02/15. The newly adopted PIP was distributed to all parents in English and Spanish using multiple methods, including mailing the PIP home on 12/09/15 and posting on the school’s website ( and through handouts given to students in their Advisory class.
This school-level policy describes the means for carrying out all Title I parent involvement requirements and contains the following four sections: I) Involvement of Parents in the Title I program, II) Shared Responsibility/Home-School Compact, III) Building Capacity for Involvement, and IV) Accessibility [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(c)-(f)].
Section I: Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program
To involve parents in the Title I program, the following practices have been established.
Garfield High School convened the Annual Title 1 meeting on 09/01/15. Through this meeting, parents of Title I students were informed about the Title I requirements and their rights to be involved in the Title I program, its planning, improvement, and reviews during and not limited to:
- Back to School/Open House events (1 per semester).
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (1 per semester).
- Monthly School Site Council meetings, open to the public.
- Monthly English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings.
- Monthly Coffee & Data with the Principal meetings.
- Monthly Academy or SLC meetings.
- A monthly calendar of events at Garfield’s Parent & Family Center.
- Information sent home through monthly mailings.
- Information and reminders sent home through Connect-Ed phone calls, flyers, and through the Remind app for meetings, workshops, classes, and trainings at the Parent & Family Center.
- Volunteer opportunities before, during, and after the school day.
The school offers a flexible number of meetings for Title I parents, such as meetings in the morning or evening.
- Back to School, Open House and Parent-Teacher Conferences are held at varied times of the
school year and in the evening for working parents to attend.
- Monthly School Site Council (SSC) meetings are held at 3:15 p.m. to accommodate staff, students, and parents.
- Monthly English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings are held during the day for parents of EL students.
- Teachers are available through appointments during the day (their conference period) to meet with parents. Teachers can also receive messages to return calls within 3 working days to parents.
The school involves parents of Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Title I programs and the Title I parental involvement policy.
- Annual LAUSD School Experience Survey.
- Monthly Coffee & Data with the Principal.
- Monthly SSC Meetings.
- Monthly ELAC meetings.
- Parent workshops and classes that inform and provide resources to strengthen the parent-school connection.
- Meetings dedicated to reviewing information with parents and gathering parent input.
The school provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs.
- On-going parent workshops provide information on Title 1 and other district and state mandated programs.
- Holding informal and formal conferences throughout the year to obtain information on
Title 1 and other programs.
- Parent school/district notifications, flyers, monthly calendars, and/or memos sent home via
students, school mail, or through Connect-Ed phone calls made to homes at least twice before the event takes place.
The school provides parents of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum used at the school, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
- Back to School, Open House, and Parent-Teacher Conference events provides teachers an opportunity to give an overview of Garfield’s instructional program.
- Parent workshops on understanding district, state, and federally mandated Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and assessments such as: Smarter Balanced formative and summative assessments, the California English Language Development Test (CELDT), and the California Standards Test in Science (CSTs).
- Title 1 and ELD mandatory district, school, and community meetings.
- Meetings whereparents are informed of the fiveDistrict goals.
The school provides opportunities for regular meetings that allow the parents to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.
- SSC and ELAC meetings are open to all parents and include opportunities for the public to comment on school decisions and issues.
- Garfield’s Parent & Family Center Parent Liaison and Local District Parent Community representatives serve as assistants to parents and inform them of other opportunities to participate and be involved at all phases of school related activities, meetings, and functions at the school and district level.
- Parents may also participate in monthly Coffee & Data with the Principal meetings, and other informal parents meetings where they can provide direct input and have meaningful conversations with school administration and leadership.
- Parents may also participate in monthly meetings facilitated by their SLC Lead, Counselor, or Administrator to receive SLC specific information.
Section II: Shared Responsibility/School-Parent Compact
Garfield High School has written a School-Parent Compact to outline how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. Garfield High School developed this Compact jointly with the parents of Title 1 students and staff, students, and parents of Garfield’s School Site Council on 11/12/15. Parents of Title 1 students revised this Compact in a meeting dedicated to reviewing the PIP and the Compact on 11/17/2015. The School Site Council approved the Compact on 12/02/15. The newly adopted Compact was distributed to all parents in English and Spanish using multiple methods, including mailing the Compact home on 12/09/15and posting on the school’s website ( and through handouts given to students in their Advisory class.
The Compact describes how Garfield High School and families will partner together to help all students achieve the State’s high academic standards. It addresses the following legally required items: 1) the school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet the state’s academic achievement standards, 2) parents’ responsibility for supporting their children’s learning and academic achievement; 3) students’ shared responsibilities for improved academic achievement; and 4) the importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through, at a minimum, annual parent-teacher conferences; frequent reports on student progress; access to staff; opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in their child’s class; and opportunities to observe classroom activities. The Compact is included at the end of this Parent Involvement Policy.
Section III: Building Capacity for Involvement
Garfield High School engages Title I parents in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership among teachers, all school support staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the school has established the following practices.
The school provides Title I parents with assistance in understanding the State’s academic content standards, state assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children.
- By holding formal and informal parent conferences, parent workshops by school support staff and other district personnel to understand and discuss the CCSS, CELDT, CSTs, and Smarter Balanced formative and summative assessment data.
- Classes and workshops are provided at the Parent & Family Center for parents to develop positive ad healthy relationships with students at home to help them succeed in school.
The school provides Title I parents with materials and training to help them work with their children to improve their children's achievement.
- Parent workshops led by support staff and other professionals in the area of their expertise to assist parents with being more active in their children’s educational development.
- The Categorical Program Advisor provides workshops on state and district tests such as the Smarter Balanced formative and summative assessments.
- The Parent & Family Center provides resources and workshops to increase the capacity of parents to improve their children’s achievement of the Common Core State Standards and A-G the graduation requirements.
With the assistance of Title I parents, the school educates all teachers and all staff members about the value of parent contributions, and in how to work with parents as equal partners.
- Parent input provided via the annual School Experience Survey is used to determine professional development and training for teachers, administrators, and other staff members.
- Through professional development, all staff members receive the required and recommended resources to enable them to work with their parents as equal partners.
- Teachers are provided with resources and training on effective parent-teacher conferences.
- All staff receives training on the benefits of parental involvement and welcoming environments.
The school coordinates and integrates the Title I parental involvement program with other programs, and conducts other activities, such as parent resource centers, to encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
- Workshops include: the Common Core State Standards, A-G Graduation requirements, School Report Card, College & Financial Aid Awareness, and Social-Emotional Health.
- The Parent Center networks with district and community based organizations to provide workshops to address parent and student needs.
- The Parent & Family Center partners with the on-site Wellness Center and community based organizations such as Bienvenidos, MALDEF, Healthy Start, University of California Nutrition Program.
The school distributes information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to Title I parents in a format and language that the parents understand.
- Announcements are made through the school website, flyers, Connect-Ed calls, monthly mailings.
- All written materials and calls are communicated in English and Spanish.
- Translation services are made available if required.
The school provides support for parental involvement activities requested by Title I parents.
- Morning and evening workshops are held on district, community, school, student program, and parent needs.
- Categorical Program Advisor facilitates Title 1 Involvement meetings with parents on an on-going basis.
- Parents Center Liaison and Community Representatives reach out to parents through personal contact, announcements, Connect-Ed phone calls, and written communication such as the monthly Parent & Family Center calendar.
Section IV: Accessibility
Garfield High School ensures accessibility and participation of all parents of Title I students. Opportunities for the participation of all Title I parents, includes the parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students.
- The Parent & Family Center is open to all parents and guardians.
- The Parent & Family Center is available for school and district support staff, and community based organization representatives to disseminate information to parents and families.
- Announcements, phone calls, flyers, mailings, and all written materials shared with families are communicated in English and Spanish.
- All meetings and events are directed and held in both languages. Translation services are provided.
- Accommodations are made for parents with physical disabilities during conferences, workshops, and meetings.
J.A. Garfield High School
School-Parent Compact 2015-2016
Garfield High School has written this School-Parent Compact to outline how parents, the entire school staff (Administrators, Teachers, and Support Staff), and students will share the responsibility as partners for the improvement of our students’ academic achievement. Garfield High School developed this Compact jointly with staff, students, and parents during a School Site Council meeting on 11/12/15. Parents revised this Compact in a meeting dedicated to reviewing the Garfield PIP and Compact on 11/17/15. The School Site Council approved this Compact on 12/02/15. Garfield High School distributed this newly adopted Compact to all parents in English and Spanish through multiple methods including mailing the Compact home on 12/09/15 and posting on the school’s website ( and through handouts given to students in their Advisory class.
This Compact includes the following sections: 1) Entire School Staff Responsibilities, 2) Parent Responsibilities, 3) Student Responsibilities, and 4) The Importance of Ongoing School-Parent Communication.
Section 1: School Staff Responsibilities
Garfield High School understands the importance of a quality education for every student and our role as educators and positive role models. We support a partnership with our parents as equal partners. As teachers, administrators, and support staff we pledge to provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet the state standards. Our ENTIRE staff will provide Title I parents with assistance in understanding the State’s academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children.
To assist parents in understanding the State’s academic standards, the State’s assessments, such as the Smarter Balanced formative and summative assessments, CELDT, and Early Assessment Program (EAP), the teachers, support staff, and administrative team will:
- Provide parent workshops to help them understand the Common Core State Standards and results of the Smarter Balanced and EAP assessments.
- Provide formal and informal parent conferences to discuss CELDT results and reclassification criteria.
- Discuss state standards and assessments regularly during School Site Council (SSC) meetings, English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings, and Coffee & Data meetings with the Principal to better align resources with areas of need.
- Provide trainings to all parents, staff members, including teachers and community representatives, and administrators on California’s Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) system.
To assist parents understand how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children, the teachers, support staff, and administrative team will:
- Provide training to teachers on how to work with parents to improve student achievement.
- Provide parents workshops to assist parent be more involved in their children’s educational development.
- Provide Parent-Education classes in reading the Smarter Balanced Summative assessment reports and how to use this information to address academic areas of need.
Additionally, as equal partners, Teachers will:
- Prepare all students to graduate in accordance with the school’s School-wide Learning Objectives (SLOs) in order to become effective communicators, critical thinkers, and persons of character.
- Help students meet the Common Core State Standards, state assessments, and address individual needs.
- Analyze data and collaborate with colleagues to identify and address student needs.
- Provide a safe and positive learning environment for students by following the school’s multi-level Discipline Plan.
- Provide clear objectives and expectations along with effective instruction and curriculum that is meaningful, engaging, and relevant to our students.
- Provide ongoing communication and respond to inquiries regarding student progress through the use of the school’s messaging service Connect-Ed, Internet, school mail, and/or telephone calls to inform parents of events, attendance, and academic progress.
- Actively participate in professional development opportunities (PLCs, SLCs, conferences and workshops) that improve teaching and learning.
- Be professional and respectful to students and their families, colleagues, community members, and staff members.
- Be available to meet with parents/guardians at agreed upon times to discuss student progress.
- Keep students informed of their academic progress.
Additionally, as equal partners, Administrators will:
- Provide instructional leadership and support to ensure appropriate instructional practices, high academic standards, student support, and the delivery of a quality core curriculum to all students.
- Analyze data and collaborate with teachers to identify and address student needs.
- Communicate to parents/families in their primary language through flyers, school mailings, parent workshops and other outlets that celebrate student successes and accomplishments.
- Make sound decisions regarding high-quality curriculum and instruction, appropriation of funds, professional development and support services that will enable student mastery of Common Core State Standards and state assessments.
- Be professional and respectful to students and their families, colleagues, community members, and staff members.
- Provide students with the necessary support to graduate having achieved the school’s SLOs.
- Provide a secure and orderly environmenton our campus (for example – requiring proper identification from visitors).
- Provide appropriate professional development for staff and families to improve teaching and learning and to support collaborative partnerships between the school, families and the community.
- Have open communication with students, families, faculty, and staff.
- Provide accommodations and modifications as needed to help students with disabilities meet Common Core State Standards and proficiency on state assessments.
- Provide a safe, positive and healthy learning environment for students through the implementation of our school’s multi-level intervention Discipline Plan.
Section 2: Parent’s Responsibilities