Speakers for Psychology Seminar
Spring Semester, 2016
January 12January 19 / Major John F. Forshtay, Selection officer, USMC
January 26 / Randy Frye, Ed.D., St. Francis: MBA/Masters in HR Management programs
February 2 / UPJ Psychology faculty
February 9 / Alumni with jobs
February 16 / Dr. Teich—internships
February 23 / Bob Knipple, Assistant VP of Student Affairs
March 1 / GRE Webinar
March 8 / GRE/Grad School application tips
March 22 / John Mills, Ph.D., IUP Clinical Psy.D. program
March 29 / Master’s degree students, IUP School/Educational Psychology program
April 5
April 12
April 19
Empty spots will be filled as the semester progresses, we are having class on these days!
Light font color means unconfirmed so far.