Teacher:Emilia Maertense-mail:
Remind101: Text @mathplus11 to #81010 to subscribe
Planning Period: 5th hourRoom Number: G210
COURSE OBJECTIVE:The short-term purpose of this course is to help all of you succeed in both your Algebra 2 course and on the M-STEP/SAT state tests which you will take April 2016. The long-term purpose of this course is to help you develop problem solving strategies and stamina to succeed in college, a career, or any direction you choose to go in life.
Otherwise, Norms will be determined and posted in class and on my blog. In addition to class norms, all school policies and rules apply to this classroom. The consequences for not following school policy and classroom norms will go as follows:
First incidence: Oral warning
Second incidence: Phone calls to parent(s)/ guardian
Third incidence: Referrals will be written and students will be sent to the appropriate administrator. This will result in suspension and /or parent conference.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Cheating will not be tolerated in this class. Cheating is not the way to solve a problem, and it will not help you in the future either. If students are caught copying off of each other, each student involved will receive a zero on the assignment. A student who cheats is in violation of the course policy and the DPS core values. Violations will result in the following actions:
- A phone call will be made to your parents.
- Your counselor will be notified.
- Referrals will be written to the appropriate administrator.
Summative Assessments - 80% of grade (SLOT quizzes, SAT Quizzes, PARTICIPATION!!)
Formative Assessments - 20%of grade(SLOT, Classwork, Khan Academy, projects)
93-100 A87-89 B+80-82 B- 73-76 C67-69 D+60-62 D-
90-92 A-83-86 B77-79 C+70-72 C-63-66 D 0 - 59 E
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Students MUST always bring the following materials to class.
-Binder with 3 dividers and loose paper
-bound notebook (SAT Toolkit)
What will my grade be based on?
-Participation: Participation is mandatory in this course. You will recieve a 100 point summative grade for participation (to emphasize its importance). If you break a class norm you will lose 5 summative points. If you are using your phone inappropriately, you will lose 5 summative points. You may also earn participation points back by volunteering to do bell work/work on the board, answering in class discussion questions, and by helping your peers.
-SAT Toolkit: We will talk more about this, but each student will keep a notebook with notes and SAT problems, as well as example problems we have completed together. These will periodically be collected and graded for completion.
-In-class assignments: Sometimes there will be assignments, exit tickets, or activities that are graded in class. Students will be asked to turn these in the same day or it will be assigned as homework to be turned in the next day.
-Khan Academy: Khan Academy is an online skill practice which will be assigned weekly. Students will be making an account and logging on to complete Algebra skills or SAT practice as assigned. Students will keep track of notes and work which will be turned in and checked periodically. Students will be given homework grades for completion of these skills.
-SAT Quizzes: Every week there will be at least one Summative SAT practice quiz. This will be graded on effort, problem solving skills, and fully attempting the problems to completion.
-SLOT Quizzes: Every other week, approximately, there will be a SLOT quiz based on the previous SLOT skills that are reviewed during bell work.
Are there retakes?
-There are no retakes or “re-dos” for in-class assignments nor will late work be accepted. If there is an absence, the missing assignments are the student’s responsibility and can be found in the ABSENT folder on the front bulletin board. Each day absent will mean one day to complete missing work. All notes can be copied from blog or another student if an absence occurs.
-Retake contracts are available for SLOT Quizzes and SAT practices. Retakes or make up quizzes will occur according to the retake contract.
Students who are not in their seats when the bell rings will be marked TARDY and will not receive credit for SLOT that day (but will still be required to complete the work to prepare for SLOT quizzes!!!). Fordson attendance policy is followed in this class. Over TEN absences (or 40 tardies or any combination) will cause audit status. This means you may not receive credit for the class.
It is each students’ responsibility to do their BEST in my class. I expect a high level of achievement and effort in this course. I am available for tutoring after school until 3:30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and Friday by appointment. I will notify students of changes. Otherwise, e-mail questions to or call my classroom at 313-827-1400 X23574. Please subscribe to my blog and remind 101 for class updates and reminders.
The syllabus must remain in your binder for reference, but this sheet must be signed returned by2/6/2016
My signature below confirms that I have read Ms. Maertens’ Syllabus, and understand and agree to follow the guidelines/classroom rules/policies herein.
Printed Student Name Student Signature
Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian e-mail address Parent/Guardian preferred phone
I prefer (circle one): Phone Call e-mail
Parents or students please leave me any information you would like me to have regarding communication of your student’s achievement in my class below.
The syllabus must remain in your binder for reference, but this sheet must be signed returned by2/6/2016
My signature below confirms that I have read Ms. Maertens’ Syllabus, and understand and agree to follow the guidelines/classroom rules/policies herein.
Printed Student Name Student Signature
Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian e-mail address Parent/Guardian preferred phone
I prefer (circle one): Phone Call e-mail
Parents or students please leave me any information you would like me to have regarding communication of your student’s achievement in my class below.