Minnesota County Recorder’s Association
Business Meeting
February 5, 2015
Susan Roth called the meeting to order.
Betti Kamolz led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Mona Hammer presented the Secretary’s Report from the Business Meeting of June 11, 2014. Joel Beckman made a motion to waive the reading and approve the minutes as presented in our packets. Amy McGinn seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Jill Cordes, acting on behalf of Mary Ann DeGroot, presented the Treasurer’s Report dated December 31, 2014. Checking account balance was $114,664.81. Odyssey Certificate of Deposit was $36,083.41 bringing a total of $150,748.22. The balance in the Special Account was $1,742.24. Joel Beckman made a motion to waive the reading and to approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted in our packets. Jeff Aitken seconded the motion. The motion carried.
District Reports
District 1-Kristen Hultgren, District 2-Katie Norby, District 3-Nicole Lueth, District 4-Elaine Martig, District 5-Rhonda Olson, District 6-May McGinn, District 7-Lynn Wilson, District 8-Sharon Budin and District 9-Jill Cordes Each district gave a brief summary of their meetings and the number of times they have met.
Future Conference Updates
2015 Jennifer Wagenius-Conference will be held June 9-12 at Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge. The theme will be “The Future Is Now”. Registration fee will be $25.00. There will be a session for new recorders on Tuesday morning. A time has been set aside for district meetings.
2016 Betti Kamolz-Conference will be held June 14-17 in New Ulm.
2017Michelle Cote-Conference will be held June 12-16 at Ruttgers or Craguns.
Committee Reports
Torrens-Kathy Conlon Workshop was held at St. Cloud and there are plans for another workshop this coming fall.
PR/Committee of the Future/Website-Betti Kamolz Would like to rename the committee and will referred the matter to the By-Laws Committee.
MACO Vitals-Joan Boesen No new legislation coming up. MDH is looking at the possibility of having e-training for vitals. Security paper contract has been extended with Bank-Note for the next year. Discussion on problems that some counties have had with their security paper. If counties are experiencing problems, they should contact Joan or Susan.
MOMS-Kay Wruke Updates where given at the vitals session earlier in the conference.
Education-Kari Aaneson New recorders met and there will be a new recorders session at summer conference.
Historian-Kari Aaneson Asking for more individuals to join the committee
MN PREP-Kathy Conlon No report
MN Conveyance Blanks-Gail Miller Working on Mortgage Addendums, Contract For Deed-Individual and Business, Notice of Continuation of Homestead
UCC-Josh Amland Not enough interest to continue the effort in getting UCC’s back at the county level. Discussion to disband the committee. Will wait until summer conference to see if legislators address the matter.
Audit-Joyce Anderson Met Wednesday morning for the audit. Committee examined the reports, checked receipts and examined disbursements of the Treasurer of MCRA for the period 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2014. It was the committee’s opinion that the records correctly reflect the income and expenses of the Association for the period stated with the following exceptions and/or recommendations: One outstanding check in the amount of $50.00 written in October, Bank error of $.03 and corrected the following month and looking at dissolving the special fund. Committee will review the balance to budget ratio to be sure it meets the guidelines. Mary Ann DeGroot has resigned as Treasurer.
Legislative-Michelle Ashe Regular meeting was held in August. Michelle asked that if anyone would see a legislative bill that is of interest to MCRA to email her with that information. There are weekly updates form Ewald.
Nominating-Lynn Ette Schrupp Committee is made up of the past three president but due to Darby Bowen retiring there are only two. Susan Roth will be the new chairman.
Bylaws & Resolutions-Joyce Anderson No report
New Business: Amend and streamline bylaws in 2015. Proposal to disband the UCC Committee, rename the Committee of the Future and Public Relations, disbanding the Vitals Committee as it is now part of MACO. Notice of proposed changes will be sent out in advance of summer conference. Discussion was held on the Special Account funds and how the funds should be used.
Other Business:
New Members: The following new members came forward to introduce themselves: Mick Moriarty-Aitkin County, Amy Rodeberg-Chippewa County, Carol Schmaltz-Ottertail County, Evey Larson-Murray County, Patty Swenson-Becker County and Judy Van Erp-Rice County
New Name Badges: Jill Cordes has a list of new recorders and she will send an email to each of them with information on ordering name badges.
Future Retirees: None
Other: None
Nomination and Election of Officers for 2015:
A nomination was made for Mona Hammer to be Secretary. Joel Beckman made a motion, seconded by Jeff Aitken for nominations to cease and cast a unanimous vote for Mona Hammer as Secretary. Motion carried.
A nomination was made for Jill Cordes to be Treasurer. Joel Beckman made a motion, seconded by Amy McGinn for nominations to cease and cast a unanimous vote for Jill Cordes as Treasurer. Motion carried.
A nomination was made for Becky McCann to be 3rd Vice President. Joel Beckman made a motion, seconded by Marty McCormick for nominations to cease and cast a unanimous vote for Beck McCann as 3rd Vice President.
A nomination was made for Michelle Cote to be 2nd Vice President. Joel Beckman made a motion, seconded by Kris Basillici for nominations to cease and cast a unanimous vote for Michelle Cote as 2nd Vice President.
A nomination was made for Betti Kamolz to be 1st Vice President. Joel Beckman made a motion, seconded by Marty McCormick for nominations to cease and cast a unanimous vote for Betti Kamolz as 1st Vice President.
A nomination was made for Jennifer Wagenius to be President. Joel Beckman made a motion, seconded by Kris Basillici for nominations to cease and cast a unanimous vote for Jennifer Wagenius as President.
There being no other business, Bev Bauer made a motion to adjourn. Deb Blood seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by
Mona Hammer
Minnesota County Recorder’s Association