Questions: The Formula IV Story
1. What piece of equipment greatly aided the refining of wheat flour and when was it created?
A. The steel roller mill was developed in the 1880’s in Hungary.
2. What observation did Westin Price make about the ability of foods to support insect life?
A. If a food will not nourish insects it will do a poor job of nourishing children.
3. Where was the research on Tre-en-en begun and when did the study begin?
A. North Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital in 1946
4. What was the piece of equipment used to study body chemistry in the Tre-en-en research?
A. The polarograph was developed by Jaroslav Heyrovsky of Charles University in Czechoslovakia. He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1959.
5. How could one briefly describe the conclusions arrived at with the polarography studies?
A. Younger people were experiencing an acceleration in the aging process due to a lack of lipids and sterols in the diet.
6. What does Tre-en-en mean and what food sources does it refer to?
A. Three-in-one; wheat, rice and soy
7. Summarize the story of Wally Wimmer
A. Mr. Wimmer’s wife suffered with rheumatoid arthritis. He ended his career wholesaling coal and became a medical detail man at Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital so he could enroll his wife in the research program. She recovered over a period of 2 ½ years. Mr. Wimmer received the research formula from Dr. Restifo at the conclusion of the research. He later passed the formula on to Don Pickett.
8. What two athletic teams were tested with the original nutritional formula?
A. The Iowa State College Football team and the Cleveland Browns
9. What lessons were learned from the research with athletes?
A. Many male athletes were low in androgen output making muscle building difficult. Even the healthiest portion of the population would benefit from supplementation. Improvement with lipid supplementation is gradual taking 4 weeks for younger people to over 6 months for older people. Lipids provided a stamina effect. Vitamins and minerals stimulated but did not improve the underlying chemistry being studies with the polarography.
10. What lessons were learned from the animal studies?
A. Animal studies were conducted at Texas A and M University in 1962 and 1987. Testing demonstrated that the Ter-en-en oils supported adrenal and sex hormone function. Overall growth and development and cardiac development were improved. Nutrient utilization improved by 50%.
11. What important cellular structure requires lipids for optimal health?
A. The cell membranes