Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Marketing Department, TexasA&MUniversity
Haipeng (Allan) Chen
August 2012
Marketing Department, MaysBusinessSchool / (Office): (979) 845-3198TexasA&MUniversity, 220P WehnerBuilding, 4112 TAMU / Cell: (512) 565-5877
College Station, TX77843 / E-mail:
1997 - 2002 / Doctor of Philosophy in MarketingUniversity of Minnesota
1993 – 1996 / Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
ZhejiangUniversity, Hangzhou, P.R. China
1989 - 1993 / Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (with honors)
Shandong Institute of Engineering, Zibo, P. R. China
- Behavioral Decision Theory (BDT), Pricing and Behavioral Economics. More specifically:
- Behavioral perspectives on consumer and managerial information processing and decision making
- Cross-cultural differences in decision making processes
- The role of consumers’ mathematical sophistication in marketing communications
- Behavioral perspectives on price rigidity and price elasticity
- Associate Professor (with tenure) and Mays Research Fellow, Texas A&M University, Sept. 2009 –
- Assistant Professor and Mays Research Fellow, Texas A&M University, June 2007 – Aug. 2009
- Assistant Professor, University of Miami, June 2002 – May 2007
- Procter & Gamble (China) Ltd, North China LDC Manager (Logistics Department), Apr. 1996– Aug. 1997
(Some of the following papers can be accessed on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) at:
- Chen, Haipeng,Howard Marmorstein, Michael Tsiros and Akshay Rao (2012), “When More is Less: The Impact of Base Value Neglect on Consumers’ Preferences for Bonus Packs over Price Discounts,” Journal ofMarketing, 76 (4), 64-77.
- Monga, Ashwani, Haipeng Chen, Michael Tsiros and Mona Sinha (2012), “Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Boundary Condition of the Impact Bias,” Marketing Letters, 23, 31-45 (Mona is a former Ph.D. student in Marketing at Mays).
- Levy, Daniel, Dongwon Lee, Haipeng Chen, Robert Kauffman and Mark Bergen (2011), “Price Points and Price Rigidity,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 93 (4), 1417-1431 (equal co-authorship).
From its website:Published by the MIT press, the Review “is a 92-year-old general journal of applied (especially quantitative) economics. Edited at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, The Review has published some of the most important articles in empirical economics.”
RESTAT is one of the “eight blue ribbon journals” in economics ( According to Ritzberger (2008), likely the only comprehensive ranking of journals in economics and all fields of business (including all journals in the categories of “Economics” and “Business” in the Journal Citation Reports), RESTATis in the category of “A: Excellent Journals”.
Mittal, Feick, and Murshed (2008, Marketing Science) listed RESTAT as one of the “Non-marketing Tier 1 Journals”, at the same level as the four “Marketing Tier 1 Journals” (i.e., JCR, JM, JMR and Marketing Science).
- Levy, Daniel, Haipeng Chen, Georg Müller, ShantanuDutta and Mark Bergen (2010), “Holiday Price Rigidity and Cost of Price Adjustment,” Economica, 77 (305), 172-198(equal co-authorship).
From its website, “Economica is a leading economics journal, appearing high in the published citation rankings.” According to Ritzberger (2008), Economica is in the same category (of “good journals”) as the Journal of Marketing and Management Science.
- Hedgcock, William, Akshay R. Rao and Haipeng Chen (2009), “Could Ralph Nader’s Entrance and Exit Have Helped Al Gore? The Impact of Decoy Dynamics on Consumer Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (3), 330-343.
- Chen, Haipeng, Daniel Levy, Sourav Ray and Mark E. Bergen (2008), “Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small,”Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (4), 728-737.
According to Ritzberger (2008), JMEmakes the top 10 (“A+: Top Journals”) list. Cross-validating his ranking with the rankings in Kalaitzidakiset al. (2003) and Palacio-Huerta and Volij(2004), Ritzberger (2008)concludes that “there seems to be little doubt that these are the top-10 journals in economics, finance, business-related fields and econometrics.” (p. 412).
- Chen, Haipeng and Akshay Rao (2007), “When Two plus Two is Not Equal to Four: Errors in Processing Multiple Percentage Changes,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (Oct), 327-340.
- Ray, Sourav, Haipeng Chen, Mark E. Bergen and Daniel Levy (2006), “Asymmetric Wholesale Pricing: Theory and Evidence,” Marketing Science, 25 (2), 131-154(equal co-authorship).
- Chen, Haipeng, Sharon Ng and Akshay Rao (2005), “Cultural Differences in Consumer Impatience,”Journal of Marketing Research, 42(3), 291-301.
- Chen, Haipeng and Akshay R. Rao (2002). “Close Encounters of Two Kinds: False Alarms and Dashed Hopes,” Marketing Science 21 (2), 178-196.
- Chen, Haipeng (1995). “The Significance of Paralinguistic Features in Communications,” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Science Edition), No. 2.
- Doctoral Seminar in Consumer Behavior and Decision Making (MKTG 680), Texas A&M University, Spring 2008, 2010, 2012
- Marketing Management (MKTG 448-906; Undergraduate Capstone), Texas A&M University, Spring 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
- MBA Strategic Marketing (MKT 650; MBA Capstone), University of Miami, Fall 2006 - Spring 2007
- Marketing Management (MKT 303; Undergraduate Capstone), University of Miami, Spring 2003 - Fall 2006
- Marketing Research 302 (MKT 302), University of Miami, Fall 2002
- Principles of Marketing (MKT 3001), University of Minnesota, Spring and Fall 2000
oFacultyTeachingAcademy (Inspiration 103) Certificate, TexasA&MUniversity, 2008
- Joined a selective group of 70 researchers who have published in all four of the leading journals in marketing in the last 22 years (i.e., since 1990). Among these researchers, sixty three (i.e., 90%) hold full professorship, with forty eight (i.e., 69%) in the ranks of endowed or chaired professor, at peer or aspirant universities.
- Nominee, Yangtze Scholar Guest Professor, Sponsored by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (The title of Yangtze Scholar is awarded by the Chinese Ministry of Education to 50 prominent researchers in all fields of science), 2012.
- University of Houston Doctoral Symposium Faculty Representative, 2012
- Research Performance Recognition Grant, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, 2012, 2011
- Dr. Ricky W. Griffin Outstanding Research Achievement Award, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, 2010
- Mays Research Fellow, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, 2007-2011, 2011-2015
- Visiting Professor, Discipline of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, June 15 – July 15, 2011
- Ranked #145 (tie) based on the number of publications in the four leading marketing journals between 2000 and 2007
- 2007 Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholars’ Program Invitee, Park City, Utah
- Co-winner of the 2001 Association of Consumer Research - Sheth Foundation Dissertation Award (Public Policy Track).
- Dean’s Performance Recognition Grant, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, 2008
- Mays Business School Summer Research Grant, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, 2008, 2009
- James W. McLamore Summer Awards in Business and the Social Sciences, University of Miami, 2005, 2003
- School of Business Summer Research Support, University of Miami, 2004, 2002
- Carlson School of Management Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Award, 2001-2002.
- AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2000.
- Albert J. Haring Symposium Representative and Presenter, IndianaUniversity, 1999.
- Vaile fellowship, awarded to students who show prominence or promise of prominence in the field of Marketing, Dept. of Marketing and Logistics Management, University of Minnesota, 1998.
- Nancy & William Gardiner ‘76 Teaching Excellence Award, 2011, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University
- TAMU System Teaching Excellence (SLATE) Award, Spring 2011, 2010, 2009 (every time I taught while the award was in place)
- 2008-2009 Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Montague Scholar, Mays Business School, TexasA&MUniversity
- School of Business Teaching Excellence Award, University of Miami, 2004 (having obtained the highest average teaching evaluation for 2004 among all faculty members in the School of Business)
(presenter(s) underlined)
- Dissertation chair, Min Jun Kim, Doctoral Student in Marketing, Texas A&M University, collecting data for dissertation
- Dissertation chair, Woo Jin Choi, Doctoral Student in Marketing, Texas A&M University, dissertation proposal defended (placement: University of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea)
- Dissertation co-chair, Ying Zhu, Doctoral Student in Marketing, Texas A&M University, dissertation proposal defended (placement: University of British Columbia - Okanangan)
- Dissertation Committee Member, Kehan Xu, Doctoral Student in Management, Texas A&M University (placement: Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China)
- Dissertation Committee Member, Khalid Ballouli, Doctoral Student in Sport Management, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University (placement: University of South Carolina)
- Dissertation Committee Member, Jin Young Chung, Doctoral Student in the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism, Texas A&M University (placement: University of Wisconsin - La Crosse)
- External examiner for Rajat Roy’s Ph.D. dissertation, Marketing and International Business, NanyangBusinessSchool, NanyangTechnologyUniversity
- Graduate Teaching Academy Mentor for Ying Zhu, Doctoral Student in Marketing, Texas A&M University
- Editorial Review Board Member, Marketing Science, 2007
- Editorial Review Board Member, the Journal of Business Research, 2007-2011
- Doctoral Student Editorial Board for Marketing Science, 2002
- Ad hoc reviewer for:
- Journal of Consumer Research
- Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Research
- Marketing Science
- Journal of Retailing
- Journal of Law and Economics
- Marketing Letters
- Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
- Managerial and Decision Economics
- Scandinavian Journal of Economics
- ACR Annual Conference
- SCP Winter Conferences
- AMA Summer Educators’ Conference
- AMA Winter Educators’ Conference
- Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference
- SCP Annual Dissertation Award
- 2009 Behavioral Pricing Conference, Orlando, FL
- 2008 Pricing Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA)
- Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
- Program Committee Member, ACR 2004, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 7-10, 2004
- Area Editor, the Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2008 -
- Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Management Information Systems and International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Special Issues on “Information Systems in Services” and “Service Science in E-Commerce”
- Session chairs for 2004 Frontiers of Service Conference, Miami, FL, Oct. 2004
- Coordinator, Research Seminar Council, Marketing Department, Texas A&M University, 2008-2009 academic year
- Member, Research Seminar Council, and Doctoral Program Council, Marketing Department, Texas A&M University, 2007-present
- Coordinator for the research seminar series, Spring 2006, University of Miami
- Faculty marshal representing the School of Business during the December Commencement Ceremonies, December 2005, University of Miami
- Collection-in-Focus Guide, Chinese Collection, MinneapolisInstitute of Arts, Jan. 2000 – Apr. 2002
- American Marketing Association (AMA)
- Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- The Atlantic (July 6, 2012); The Huffington Post (July 5, 2012); Business Insider (July 2, 2012); The Economist (June 30, 2012)
- Featured on Yahoo.com’s front page (January 24, 2008)
- New York Times (September 17, 2007)
- Economic Times(September 13, 2007)
- Science Mode (September 12, 2007)
- Wall Street Journal's online Econoblog (November 17, 2006)