Friends of the Derwent Valley Line

Minutes of Open Meeting, Tuesday 21st July 2015, Brunswick Inn, Derby

Present:John Weaver (Chairman)Ernie Marchant, Patrick Rigby, Ian Ambrose, Stuart Smith,Alastair Morley,John Morrissey,David Willmott, Allan Dare, Roger Jackson.

Apologies: Chris Darrall (Secretary), Robin Lumb, Paul Mobbs, David Leyland, Garry Purday.

Minutes of last meeting on 21st April 2015

These were ACCEPTED.

Current Train Service Issues

There was positive feedback on the Belper Poundland lighting matter from rail passengers who asked whether the evening lighting could remain on till 1130 pm rather than 1100 pm as at present. Action Alastair Morley.
The screen on the new ticket machine at Duffield is proving difficult to read on sunny days. Action Alastair Morley.
There have been 3 train cancellations recently with a replacement bus provided on one occasion. ActionIan and Alastair to investigate further.
It was noted again that when a single car operates on Saturday then overcrowding occurs. Action Already on our Future Franchise Consultation List.
The pause in the MML electrification scheme is regretted. Action Secretary: Letter to be sent to Patrick McLaughlin

Update from Community Rail Partnership

Passenger numbers were up by 8% to March, compared with the same period last year.
A solution to the Matlock Bath rockfall problem is being implemented and the Illuminations programme will now have 7 fireworks nights. Longer trains have been requested by Alastair.
At Cromford the WHS Visitor Centre will open in the Autumn. It was reported that the footway alongside the river bridge needs repair. Action Alastair.
It was noted that the mosaic at Belper which involved the schools has proved to be popular.

Future Franchise Consultation

The East Midlands Trains Franchise will end in October 2017 (now possibly March 2018), and consultation for this is due to take place in Spring 2016. In advance of this, it was felt to be a good idea for the group to give some thought as to what we would wish to see in a new franchise, so that our considered views can be submitted during the consultation. It is important that our views are allied to those of the CRP, so that we do not present opposing views. The following list is reviewed and revised at each meeting.
  • Current timetable to be the basis of the new minimum service specification
  • All trains to be at least 2 cars, with 3 or 4 cars on busy services
  • Improved evening service Nottingham – Derby – Matlock, with later last trains
  • More trains to and from Chesterfield and Sheffield to call at Belper
  • Sunday service to be hourly, and to start earlier than at present
  • Increase capacity on the branch to enable a ½ hour service frequency where justified
  • Greater provision for cycles on trains.
  • Improvements to ticketing for people who travel regularly but not every day.
  • Provision of train services on most routes on Boxing Day.
  • Franchise to remain as at present ie Derwent Valley line included in the Sheffield- London mainline franchise and NOT split off to another franchisee.
The Competition and Market Authority are consulting on a number of options for future franchises. This includes a number of options where more than one franchisee could operate within one franchise. Responses are required by 16th October. It was agreed that FDVL would submit a response drawing attention to the huge benefits that the Derwent Valley service has by being fully integrated with the mainline service. Action Secretary.
Stuart Smith gave an interesting update on progress to create a DVL Route Map to be installed in the waiting room on platform 2 at Derby. This will show key attractions in the Peak District.
Members were concerned about the amount of trees and vegetation alongside the DVL which now swipes the train in places. Action. Secretary to report to NetworkRail.
Members agreed that our Chairman should stand for election to the DVLCRP Management Group as the non-funders representative.

Future Meetings

The next meeting will be held on:
Tuesday 20thOctober 2015.
All meetings will all be held at the Brunswick Inn, Railway Terrace, Derby, commencing at 17.20
