Assessment Committee
Lynn Barnett...... Executive Assistant
Wesley Bird...... DESE, Director Curriculum & Technology Integration
Don Bristow...... Director, ColumbiaAreaCareerCenter
Wanda Brown...... Principal, HickmanHigh School
Diane Bruckerhoff...... Coordinator, Health Science K-12
Dana Clippard...... Literacy Support Teacher
Linda Coutts...... Coordinator, Math K-5
Cheryl Cozette...... Assistant Superintendent
Jerri Deming...... Coordinator, Early Childhood/Parents as Teachers
Skip Deming...... Assistant Superintendent
Karla DeSpain...... Board Member
Curt Fuchs...... Director of Media Services
Val Garton...... Coordinator, Language Arts 6-12
Nancy Gerardy...... Director, Gifted Programs
Mary Ann Graham...... Coordinator, Staff Development
John Hagar...... Data Analyst
Sharon Hoge...... Coordinator, Language Arts K-5
Mary Humlicek...... Director, Title 1
Nyle Klinginsmith...... Principal, Jefferson Jr. High School
Ann Landes...... Director, Guidance
Becky Litherland...... Coordinator, Science K-12
Chris Mallory...... Assistant Superintendent
Julie Marrone...... Parent Representative
Jan Mees...... Media Director, HickmanHigh School
Monica Naylor...... Coordinator, Multicultural Programs
Judy Parsons...... Coordinator, Social Studies K-12
Kim Ratcliffe...... Director, Special Education
Carolyn Roof...... Coordinator, Elementary Counselors
Tom Schlimpert...... Principal, LangeMiddle School
Chip Sharp...... Coordinator, Math 6-12
Leslie Trogdon...... Coordinator, Grants
JoNetta Weaver...... Principal, Shepard Elementary
Bruce Whitesides...... Director, PE/Athletics
Table of Contents
Part I:Introduction...... 1
Part 2:Testing of Student Achievement...... 3
Part 3:Guidelines for Including Students With Special Needs in State and District-Wide Assessments 30
Part 4:Local Assessment of Standards Not Assessed by MAP...... 38
Part 5:Guidelines for Professional Development Related to Student Assessments...... 40
Part 6:Teaching Test-Taking Strategies for MAP and District-Wide Assessments...... 41
Part 7:Test Security Policy for all Standardized Tests...... 43
Part 8:Motivating Students to Do Well on State and District-Wide Assessments...... 47
Part 9:Making Changes as a Result of Data Analysis...... 49
Appendix A:...... i
Approved by the
Board of Education
July 2003
Part 1: Introduction
Philosophy Statement: Educators in Columbia Public Schools believe that assessment must be an ongoing, systematic, standards-based measure of student learning. Information about student learning and development will inform instruction, direct resources and lead to improved student achievement.
Rationale: In September of 1997, the State Board of Education adopted a new assessment rule that requires districts to have a written assessment plan to assess all students (including special populations) and that, at a minimum, the plan shall include all components of the Missouri Assessment Program being developed as a result of the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993. The plan must also include strategies for assessing locally the Show-Me Standards not assessed on the statewide assessment. The plan does not have to be submitted to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, but will be reviewed by the visiting Missouri School Improvement Team as part of the MSIP review program. This rule gives districts flexibility in planning off-grade assessments.
The Board supports the establishment of the Assessment Plan as one indication of the success and quality of the total education in the district. With time and effort, the Assessment Plan will produce:
- a comprehensive assessment program which monitors a variety of learning indicators for a variety of purposes;
- data driven decision making in regard to curriculum, assessment, instruction, and programs;
- teachers and administrators who are knowledgeable about types of assessments and their uses, data analysis, motivating students to do well on tests, test security policies, and strategies for teaching test-taking skills;
- increased public awareness of student achievement.
Overview: This Assessment Plan includes all components as specified in MSIP Standard 6.2. In compliance to the standard, the Assessment Plan includes:
- a description of tests included in the district-wide assessment program, the purpose of each, and how the results will be used;
- guidelines for including students with special needs into the state and district-wide assessment programs;
- a description of how and in what subjects the district is assessing the Show-Me Standards which are not assessed by the MAP;
- guidelines for staff development in relation to state and local assessment;
- guidelines for teaching test-taking strategies;
- a test-security policy.
Additional components of the Assessment Plan include:
- motivation of students to perform well on assessments;
- informing instruction through data analysis;
- glossary of important terms.
Description of the Processand Involvement: The district used varied processes to develop the different components of the Assessment Plan. Representatives from the district attended an inservice on developing an effective assessment plan. Ideas from this inservice as well as input from teachers, administrators, parents, the Board of Education, community, and students were used to create the Assessment Plan. An Assessment Committee, comprised of central office administrators, principals, district-wide coordinators, and members of the Board of Education, met monthly during the 2002-2003 school year to develop each section of the Plan.
Evaluation of the Assessment Plan: The district believes the Assessment Plan reflects local autonomy and will lead to improved student learning. The Assessment Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis in order to make necessary modifications as needed.
This Assessment Plan document was updated by the Office of Research, Assessment, and Accountability in November, 2005, to reflect adjustments in assessments during the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 school years and special education modifications. This document has also been updated to reflect testing dates for the 2005-2006 school year. The Office of Research updated the Assessment Plan once again in July, 2008, to address changes in assessments during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years. At this same time, the Office of Research inserted the 2008-2009 testing calendar.
Part 2: Testing of Student Achievement
Rationale: The district-wide assessment program is designed to facilitate and provide information for the following:
- Student Achievement: To produce information about relative student achievement so that parents/guardians, students, and teachers can monitor academic progress of the general population and subpopulations.
- Student Counseling: To provide data as a tool in the counseling and guidance of students for further direction and for specific academic placement and remediation.
- Instructional and Curriculum Change: To provide data which will assist in the preparation of recommendations for instructional and curriculum changes to:
- Inform classroom instruction
- Inform curriculum revision
- Inform instructional policy
- Inform the Board of Education in the adoption of instructional policy
- School and District Evaluation: To provide indicators of progress of the district toward the goals and objectives of the CSIP.
The district-wide assessment program will implement the components of the Missouri Assessment Program to monitor the progress of all students in meeting the Show-Me Standards. Other assessments given on a district-wide basis to all students (large scale) and to selected groups of students (small scale) are described in the chart. In some cases, participants in “Small Scale” assessments comprise a large part of the student population at particular grade levels, such as those students who take the ACT. However, that assessment is not required of every student, so it is included in the “small scale” section.
Although the chart is intended to be comprehensive, changes in assessment requirements and needs will necessitate changes in this plan. For that reason, the work of the district Assessment Committee and the Office of Research, Assessment, and Accountability will be ongoing, producing revisions as needed.
Selected Infants and One-Year Olds
Assessment Instrument or Process / Purpose / Administrative Procedure / Utilization / Dissemination of ResultsACADEMIC /
Denver II
/ A measure of development in the areas of language, fine motor/adaptive, gross motor and personal/social development as compared to other children of the same age /Administered by Parent Educator to all children in participating PAT families at 6, 12, 24, and 36 mos. of age
Identify children who need referral and/or further evaluation
Verbal and written summaries provided to parents Information stored in family file
Hearing Observation / Gather information about response to voice and ability to locate sounds
HEALTH / Parent Questionnaire / Gather information regarding prenatal care, birth, health and developmental history, vision and appearance of eyes, responsiveness to auditory stimuli, immunization, etc.
Functional Assessment of Vision / Identify potential problems with vision by examining pupillary response, corneal light reflex, blink reflex, alternate cover response, tracking and peripheral vision
Physical Measurement / Compare height, weight, and head circumference to expected standards
Nutritional Assessment / Identify possible nutritional deficits
Dental Check / Identify possible obvious problems with teeth or gums
Hear Kit
/ Screen for possible deficits in hearing acuity / Administered by Parent Educator to eligible children at 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 mos. of ageTympanometry / Identify potential problems in the middle ear / Administered by supervised MU audiology students to children from 6 mos. to school age / Verbal summary to parent
Selected Two and Three Year Olds
Assessment Instrument or Process / Purpose / Administrative Procedure / Utilization / Dissemination of ResultsACADEMIC / Denver II/DIAL R / Identify potential problems in the areas of language, concepts, fine motor/adaptive, gross motor and personal/social development /
Administered by Parent Educator to all eligible children in participating PAT families at 6, 12, 24, and 36 mos. /
Identify children who need referral and/or further evaluation
Information stored in family file
Verbal summary to parent
Hearing Observation / Gather information about a child’s behavior, language, social skills, response to voice, ability to locate sounds, general physical development, etc.
HEALTH / Parent Questionnaire / Gather information regarding prenatal care, birth, health and developmental history, vision and appearance of eyes, responsiveness to auditory stimuli, immunizations, and parent concerns
Lighthouse Flash Cards or HOTV Chart
/ Screen for possible deficits in visual acuityFunctional Assessment of Vision / Identify potential problems with vision by examining pupillary response, corneal light reflex, blink reflex, alternate cover response, tracking and peripheral vision
Physical Measurement / Compare height and weight to expected standards
Nutritional Assessment / Identify possible nutritional deficits
Dental Check / Identify possible obvious problems with teeth or gums
Pure Tone, Hear Kit, Audiometry and/or Tympanometry / Screen for possible deficits in hearing acuity and/or the functioning of the middle ear / Administered by Parent Educator, supervised MU audiology students, or preschool screener to children from 6 mos. to school age
Selected Four and Five Year Olds
Assessment Instrument or Process / Purpose / Administrative Procedure / Utilization / Dissemination of ResultsACADEMIC
/ Identify potential problems in the areas of language, motor and concept development /Administered by preschool screener to children whose parents request screening services /
Identify children who need referral and/or further evaluation
/ Verbal and written summary provided to parents
Observation during and before testing / Gather information about a child’s behavior, speech and language and hearing, cognitive skills, social skills, general development, etc. /
Information available to elementary personnel upon request
HEALTH / Parent Questionnaire / Gather information regarding prenatal care, birth, health and developmental history, vision and appearance of eyes, hearing, immunizations and parent concerns
Functional Assessment of Vision
/ Identify potential problems with vision by examining pupillary response, corneal light reflex, blink reflex, alternate cover response and trackingLighthouse Flash Cards or Chart / Screen for possible deficits in visual acuity
Physical Measurement / Compare height and weight to expected standards
Nutritional Assessment / Identify possible nutritional deficits
Dental Check / Identify possible obvious problems with teeth or gums
Pure Tone, Audiometry and/or Tympanometry / Screen for possible deficits in hearing acuity / Administered by preschool screener or supervised MU audiology students to children from 6 mos. to school age / Verbal summary to parent
Kindergarten—Large Scale (all students)
Assessment Instrument or Process / Purpose / Administrative Procedure / Utilization / Dissemination of ResultsACADEMIC / District Developed Checklist / Assess the progress in attaining skills considered important for children to develop during the kindergarten year / Administered by classroom teacher throughout school year as appropriate / Informs instruction / Kept by kindergarten teacher to gauge progress
Components of the Observation Survey / Document progress in literacy development / Administered by classroom teacher throughout school year as appropriate / Informs instruction / Shared with Asst. Supts. and principal to gauge progress
Developmental Reading Assessment 2 (DRA2) / Document progress in reading: comprehension, accuracy, and fluency / Administered by classroom teacher in the winter and spring / -Informs instruction and provides data for progress toward district reading goal
-Identifies students needing literacy plans / Shared with Asst. Supts., principals, and Board of Education to gauge progress toward district reading goal
Parent Questionnaire / Gather specific information concerning each child / Kept by kindergarten teacher
Teacher-Student Interview / Assess the child’s expressive language, book handling skills and word knowledge
COMMON DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS / Mathematics: Investigations’ End-of-Unit Assessments / Document progress toward proficiency in mathematics / Administered by classroom teachers at the end of each unit of study / Informs instruction / Shared with students, parents, principals and district math coordinator
GIFTED PROGRAM / Bias Controlled Teacher Assessment / Screen for participation in gifted program / Administered by teacher in October/November / Collected in Office for Gifted Programs and sorted by percentile ranking / Used for screening only
District-made Creativity Test / Evaluation for participation in gifted program / Administered by teachers in Primary Gifted Program in October and November / Collected in Office for Gifted Programs / Used for evaluation only
Kindergarten—Large Scale (all students), continued
Assessment Instrument or Process / Purpose / Administrative Procedure / Utilization / Dissemination of ResultsESL / Home Language Questionnaire / Screening for participation in English as a Second Language Program / Completed by parents as part of enrollment / Kept in permanent record / ESL Teacher or Coordinator
/ Pure Tone and/or Tympanometry / Screen for possible deficits in hearing acuityHealth Check / Monitor health records
School Vision Tests
Titmus II School Vision Tester/Allen Preschool Cards/HOTV Chart/Snellen Chart / Screen for possible deficits in visual acuity and muscle balance
Kindergarten—Small Scale (selected students)
Assessment Instrument or Process / Purpose / Administrative Procedure / Utilization / Dissemination of ResultsESL / Woodcock Munoz Language Survey / Determination of level of English proficiency and possible placement in English As A Second Language program / Administered by ESL Coordinator or ESL Teacher upon enrollment / Kept in ESL Office / Reported to Parents and Teachers
Missouri Assessment of English Language Learning / Missouri Law requires this assessment. Determines adequate yearly progress in English language learning / Administered by ESL Teacher in spring during MAP window / Results are used for program placement, program evaluation and student achievement. / Reported to Parents, Teachers, Principals, District, State
GIFTED PROGRAM / Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence – 3rd Edition / Evaluation for participation in Gifted Program / Administered by teachers in Primary Gifted Program from November to January to students scoring in top 10-15% on Bias Controlled Teacher Assessment / Collected in Office for Gifted Programs and sorted by percentile ranking / Shared with parents, counselors, teachers, principals
District-made Behavioral Checklist / Evaluation for participation in Gifted Program / Completed by parents of candidates for gifted program in December/January / Collected in Office for Gifted Programs / Used for evaluation only
Grade 1 – Large Scale (all students)
Assessment Instrument or Process / Purpose / Administrative Procedure / Utilization / Dissemination of ResultsCOMMON DISTIRCT ASSESSMENTS / Literacy: Observation Survey / Screening of children at risk in literacy learning
Document progress in literacy development / Administered by reading specialist individually to targeted children throughout school year / Utilized for determining need for additional instructional support
Informs instruction / Fall and spring results shared with Asst. Supt. And principal
Reading: Developmental Reading Assessment 2 (DRA2) / Document reading behaviors including accuracy, fluency and comprehension / Administered by classroom teacher in the fall and spring / -Assists teachers making instructional decisions for individuals and groups
Provides cumulative record of change over time
-Identifies students needing literacy plans / Fall and spring results shared with Asst. Supts., principals to gauge progress toward district reading goal
Information shared with parents at conferences
Cumulative record kept on file
Running Record / Document reading behaviors including accuracy, fluency and comprehension / Administered 3-4 times per month / Informs instructional decisions for individuals and groups / Grade level teams, principal
Writing Assessment / Document progress toward district benchmarks / Administered by classroom teachers in the fall and spring / Informs instruction / Performance shared with Asst. Superintendents, principals, and parents.
Mathematics: Investigations' End-of-Unit Assessments / Document progress toward proficiency in mathematics / Administered by classroom teachers at the end of each unit / Informs instruction / Shared with students, parents, principals and district math coordinator
ESL / Home Language Questionnaire / Screening for participation in English as a Second Language Program / Completed by parents as part of enrollment / Student placement / ESL Teacher or Coordinator
Kept in permanent record
HEALTH / Titmus II School Vision Tester/Allen Preschool Cards/HOTV Chart/Snellen Chart / Screen for possible disorders in visual acuity and muscle balance
Pure Tone and/or Tympanometry / Screen for possible deficits in hearing acuity
Health Check
/ Monitor health recordsGrade 1 – Small Scale (selected students)
Assessment Instrument or Process / Purpose / Administrative Procedure / Utilization / Dissemination of ResultsGIFTED PROGRAM / Bias Controlled Teacher Assessment / Screen for participation in gifted program / Administered by teacher in October/November to new students and advocacies / Collected in Office for Gifted Programs and sorted by percentile ranking / Shared with parents, counselors, teachers, principals
Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence – 3rd Edition / Evaluate for participation in Gifted Program / Administered by teachers in Primary Gifted Program from November to January to new students and advocacies / Collected in Office for Gifted Programs and sorted by percentile ranking / Shared with parents, counselors, teachers, principals
District-made Behavioral Checklist / Evaluate for participation in Gifted Program / Completed by parents of candidates for gifted program in December/January / Collected in Office for Gifted Programs / Used for evaluation only
District-made Creativity Test / Evaluate for participation in Gifted Program / Administered by teachers in Primary Gifted Program in October and November to new students and advocacies / Collected in Office for Gifted Programs / Used for evaluation only
ESL / Woodcock Munoz Language Survey / Determination of level of English proficiency and possible placement in English As A Second Language program / Administered by ESL Coordinator or ESL Teacher upon enrollment / Kept in ESL Office / Reported to parents and teachers
Missouri Assessment of English Language Learning / Missouri Law requires this assessment. Determines adequate yearly progress in English language learning / Administered by ESL Teacher in spring during MAP window / Results are used for program placement, program evaluation and student achievement. / Reported to parents, teachers, principals, District, State
SPECIAL SERVICES / Observation, Evaluation of Classroom Performance, Formative Testing, Diagnostic Teaching, Parent/Teacher Referral, and Rating Scale / Provide information about speech and language, behavior, health, vision, academic performance, hearing and cognition that will aid in screening students for special programs / Administered by specialists as needed / Special Education Evaluation / Evaluation Team
Grade 2 – Large Scale (all students)