Curriculum Vitae
Name : Kyu-Suk Kang (Ph.D.)
Gender and Marriage : Male and married with two children
Nationality : Korean
Date of birth : December 15,1965
Education : B.Sc. (1988) - Seoul National University (Forestry)
M.Sc. (1992) - Seoul National University (Forest Genetics)
Ph.D. course work (1993-1995) - Seoul National University (Forest Genetics)
Ph.D. (2001) - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Forest Genetics)
Affiliation : Senior scientist
Division of Forest Genetic Resources
Department of Forest Genetic Resources
Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI)
Communication :
Address) 44-3 Omokcheon, Kwonsun, Suwon,
Kyonggi 441-350, Republic of Korea
E-mail ) , fax) +82 31 292 8468, Tel) +82 31 290 1155
Working fields : Forest genetics and tree breeding, Progeny tests (OP & CP)
Seed orchard genetics and management
Gene conservation of forest genetic resources
Present research projects : Theoretical development in seed orchard genetics
Optimizing gain and diversity for tree breeding program
Conservation and breeding of conifer species
Progeny testing and genetic parameter estimation
Work history :
Date / Position / Organization2008. 6 – 2008.10 / Visiting scientist / Faculty of Forestry, UBC, Canada
2007. 7 – present / Projector leader, senior researcher / Dep. of Forest Genetic Resources, KFRI
2001. 8 – 2007. 6 / Researcher / Division of tree breeding, KFRI
1997. 8 – 2001. 7 / Ph.D. candidate / Dep. Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, SLU-Umea
1996. 1 – 1997. 7 / Junior Researcher / Division of breeding, Korea IFG
1993.10 –1996.12 / ” / Interior breeding station, Korea IFG
1991. 3 – 1992. 2 / Instructor / Institute of Agricultural Development
Research achievements and awards :
- Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (2005) - awarded by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
- Research Achievement and Outstanding Research Article Award (2004) - awarded by the Korea Forest Research Institute
- Award (bronze medal) for Innovation Idea Competition (2004) - awarded by the Korea Forest Research Institute
- Outstanding Research Article Award (2003): “Considerations of correlated fertility between genders on genetic diversity: Pinus densiflora seed orchard as a model”, awarded as the best article in Forest Research and Technology - given by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
- Research Achievement Award (2003): “Development of seed orchard management options” (awarded by the Korea Forest Research Institute)
Recent major publications :
- K.S. Kang and K.Y. Lee. 2008. Trade-off between gene diversity and seedling production for gene conservation: Cornus kousa as a model. For. Ecol. Manage. 255: 1446-1451.
- Kang, K.S., Chun, B.W., Han, S.U., Kim, C.S. and Choi W.Y. 2007. Genetic gain and diversity under different selection methods in a breeding seed orchard of Quercus serrata. Silvae Genet. 56(6): 277-281.
- Kang, K.S. and Mullin T.J. 2007. Clonal fertility variation and its effect on gene diversity of seeds in a clonal seed orchard of Chamaecyparis obtusa in Korea. Silvae Genet. 56(3-4): 134-137.
- Kang, K.S., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Kim, C.S., Kang, Y.J. and Chung, M.S. 2005. Fertility variation and effective number in a clonal seed orchard of Cryptomeria japonica. Silvae Genet. 54(3): 104-107.
- Kang, K.S., Choi, W.Y., Han, S.U., Lindgren, D. and Mullin, T.J. 2005. Genetic gain and diversity of orchard crops under alternative management options in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus thunbergii. Silvae Genet. 54(3): 93-96.
- Kang, K.S., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Han, S.U., Kim, C.S. and Choi, W.Y. 2005. Genetic gain and diversity number under different thinning scenarios in a breeding seedling seed orchard of Quercus accutissima. For. Ecol. & Manage. 212: 405-410.
- Nebi Bilir, Kyu-Suk Kang and Dag Lindgren. 2005. Fertility variation in six populations of Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) over an altitudinal range. Euphytica 141(1-2): 163-168.
- Kang, K.S., Choi, W.Y., Han, S.U. and Kim, C.S. 2004. Effective number and seed production in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus koraiensis. For. Genet. 11(3-4): 277-280.
- Bilir, N., Kang, K.S., Zang, D. and Lindgren, D. 2004. Differences in fertility variation and status number between a base population and a seed orchard of Pinus brutia Ten. Silvae Genet. 53(4-5): 161-163.
- Kang, K.S., Lindgren, D. and Mullin, T.J. 2004. Fertility variation, genetic relatedness and their effects on gene diversity of seeds from a seed orchard of Pinus thunbergii. Silvae Genet. 53(5-6): 202-206.
- Choi, W.Y., Kang, K.S., Jang, K.H., Han, S.U., and Kim, C.S. 2004. Sexual asymmetry based on flowering assessment in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus densiflora. Silvae Genet. 53(2): 55-59.
- Kang, K.S., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Choi, W.Y., Han, S.U. and Kim, C.S. 2003. Genetic gain and diversity caused by genetic thinning in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus densiflora. Silvae Genetica 52(5-6): 220-223.
- Bilir, N., Kang, K.S. and Lindgren, D. 2003. Fertility variation and effective number in the seed production areas of Pinus radiata and Pinus pinaster. Silvae Genet. 52: 75-77.
- Kang, K.S., Bila, A.D., Harju, A.M. and Lindgren, D. 2003. Fertility variation in forest tree populations. Forestry 76(3): 329-344.
- Kang, K.S., Kjær, E.D. and Lindgren, D. 2003. Balancing gene diversity and nut production in Corylus avellana collections. Scand. J. For. Res. 18(2): 118-126.
- Kang, K.S. and El-Kassaby, Y.A. 2002. Considerations of correlated fertility between genders on genetic diversity: Pinus densiflora seed orchard as a model. Theor. Appl. Genet. (TAG) 105(8): 1183-1189.
- Bilir, N., Kang, K.S. and Ozturk, H. 2002. Fertility variation and its effect on gene diversity of seed in clonal seed orchards of Pinus brutia, Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris. Silvae Genetica 51(2-3): 112-115.
- Kang, K.S., Lai, H.-L. and Lindgren, D. 2002. Using single family in reforestation: gene diversity concerns. Silvae Genetica 51(2-3): 65-72.
- Kang, K.S., Harju, A.M., Lindgren, D., Nikkanen, T., Almqvist, C. and Suh, G.U. 2001. Variation in effective number of clones in seed orchards. New Forests 21(1): 17-33.
- Kang, K.S., Lindgren, D. and Mullin, T.J. 2001. Prediction of genetic gain and gene diversity in seed orchard crops under alternative management strategies. Theor. Appl. Genet. (TAG) 103(6-7): 1099-1107.
- Kang, K.S., Bila, A.D., Lindgren, D. and Choi, W.Y. 2001. Predicted drop in gene diversity over generations in the population where the fertility varies among individuals. Silvae Genetica 50(5-6): 200-205.
- Kang, K.S. 2000. Clonal and annual variation of flower production and composition of gamete gene pool in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus densiflora. Can. J. For. Res. 30(8): 1275-1280.
- Kang, K.S. and Lindgren, D. 1999. Fertility variation among clones of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.) and its implications on seed orchard management. Forest Genetics 6(3): 191-200.
- Kang, K.S. and Lindgren, D. 1998. Fertility variation and its effect on the relatedness of seeds in Pinus densiflora, Pinus thunbergii and Pinus koraiensis clonal seed orchards. Silvae Genetica 47(4): 196-201.
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