Regional Retreat

Los Angeles Trade tech College Representative

John M Eleby

Taqwa Beamon

Sadie McNish

Franklin Andres

Date from 9-9-16 to 9-11-16

Day 1 started at 1pm

SSCCC did a nice welcome

All the schools introduce themselves

We was instructed when we take picture use the hash tag #SSCCC

San Bernardino Valley College did a brief introduction

The first activity was Rock, Paper, and Scissors. It was part of the Ice breaker. A lot of conversation was brought out of it.

SSCCC was explain which stand for Student Senate for California Community Council

They advocate for students on the state level.


Council / Region


They spoke on two ways to reach SSCCC members

General Assembly (Resolutions)

Regions (Delegate)

They discuss some of their projects



California State Budget

Cal Grants

Campaign of the 2SRF

Attaining the 501c3

Best Practice Handbook

Implementation 0f the 2012-2017 Strategic Plan

Over Hauling the SSCCC Website

Comprehensive Reviewing of the SSCCC Board


SSCCC discuss being part of share governance on the state level you will have travel, room, and food paid for.

SSCCC discuss Share Governance Consultation

System Partner Committee

CCCCO Advisory Committee

SSCCC explain where the SRF would go




The structure of SSCCC is


Executive Board

EVP (Executive Vice President)

VPLA (Vice President of LegislativeAffair)

VPRA (Vice President of Regional Affairs)

VPC (Vice President of Communications)

VPSA (Vice President of System Affairs)

VPF (Vice President of Finance)

Director from all 10 regions

These positions (Have an automatic seat on SSCCC) are the following

Regional Affair Director

System Affair Director

Legislative Affair Director

Your Directors for Region VII are

Director Saleem (Legislative Affair Director)

Director Aguilar (Regional Affair Director)

SSCCC discuss how to be involved

Delegates was heavily involve since they are the liaison between region and ASO’s

The job duties of the Delegate are






What is a Delegate?

An elected or appointed individual in your ASO who represent ASO and is the liaison between region and your ASO.

Report on monthly happening in the ASO to the region

Give ASO opinion to the region about serious topics within the state. Main Spoke Person.

Purpose of Region

Take stances on items

Discuss action taken place on monthly SSCCC meeting

Advocate for region schools

Ensure 9 plus 1 rights are establish in schools

Protect, defend, and preserve the rights of Region VII

Community Service Efforts

Resourceful for students who have questions, comments, or concerns about regional or statewide issues.

Meet Monthly

Implementation and Write Resolutions

SSCCC went over what is General Assembly

When delegates come and vote on resolutions

It will be held November 11th – 13th

Have Various Workshop to empower student leaders

Empowerment through the SSCCC and your campus. What does this mean?

They will assist schools in the following

Shared Governance Training

Refined Leadership Skills

Organized Advocacy efforts

Stronger Understanding of California Legislative Process

They discuss the General Assembly Schedule for Fall 2016

SSCCC did a brief presentation on How to write a Resolutions

Form an Idea

They use example from their departments

Executive Department

Parliamentarian Opinion

Intuitional Memory

System Affair Department

Advocate for Health System

Advisor Roles

Homeless Student Housing

Regional Affair Department

Implementation of a non-denomination mediation space

ASO Ethic Training

Food pantry program in Community College

Legislative Affairs Department

AB540 reformation

Student Mental Health Support System

Increase Access to financial assistance for Self-supporting student

Financial Department

ASO Budget Reserve

Administration ASO Support and responsibility

Improvement of Implementation of student learning center

Communication Department

Resolution Database

SSCCC Newsletter

Social Media Policy

Parliamentarian Opinion

Resolution Databased

Status Report Update

Event Department

General assembly Fairness and Affordability Policy

Hall Food Options

Resolution Debate Time

Equitable Practice

Implementation of a Non-Denominal mediation Prayer Space

Schools Safe Zone for undocumented Students

Affirmative Task Force

SSCCC explain the format after the idea

Whereas (must have 4 of them) explain the problem. You should have facts in the whereas. They warn us to start citing our quotes.

The Resolution Passing system is as follow

ASO - Can pass 3 Resolutions

Regions – Can pass 4 Resolution

Caucus- can pass 3 Resolutions

SSCCC – Can pass 2 Resolutions

The resolutions become the property of the sponsor and must send minutes to show it was approved. They can be draft minutes.

To appeal a Rejected Resolution you must

Respond 7 days before General Assembly

General Assembly delegate will vote yay or nay if your resolution can be added to the agenda

SSCCC share tips and tricks for Resolutions

1st Research (Have facts and reasoning)

2nd Pro Mic (Author go first)

3rd Time (You get 2minutes to speak)

4th The Chair (Address the Chair)

5th Topic (Stick to it)

6th Slow and Steady (Take deep breathes)

7th It okay (Don’t Take it personal if someone don’t like your resolutions)

Resolutions Follow up

Find out what committee your resolutions is on

Join that committee

Assist with the Implementation

Request the resolution accountability Report

When reading resolution read bottom up

Sunset was discuss and it was explain

Sunset mean when a resolution dies due to not being feasibly

Loop hole (it can be brought back by a school)


9-27-16 First Resolutions Disposition

10-7-16 Original Resolution Packets is sent

10-19-16 Amendment to resolutions (Final Packets)

Encourage People tojoin the SSCCC Listserv