Area 38, District 11 Minutes

April 10, 2016

Meeting at the Coca-Cola Community Building was called to order at 4:30pm by Susan S., and opened with the Serenity Prayer. Tradition/Concept 4 were read.

ATTENDANCE: 11- Susan S., Bradley E., Paul B., Jerry B., Debi E.,Jason S., Don L., John S., Rich F., Don H., Keith D., Sherrie F., and Tanya M.

SECRETARY REPORT: Dec. Minutes were read.

TREASURER REPORT: Jerry B. submitted the Treasurer report. The beginning balance was $686.24. Ending balance was $852.00with Prudent Reserve of $425.93.

DCM REPORT: Susan reported she attended Area Assembly on March 19. A mock General Service Conference was conducted to prepare Marge, the Area Delegate. Susan was asked to serve as recorder for the Report & Charter Table. Three members of the MOSC Committee were approved-2replacements and one new member for 2017. There are 2 openings if anyone is interested in serving in 2017.

ALT DCM – Absent- Mike P. stepped down do to health.


PI/CPC: Debi E. reported that each week she will work on a different area of service with the public. Tanya will give Debbie COMM information on pamphlets.

Grapevine: Absent

BTG: Absent


CORRECTIONS:Paul reported he needs volunteers for Saturdays at 10 am & 7 pm at the jail, except for the 3rd Saturday of the month.

WHERE & WHEN: Jerry printed 510 pamphlets and distributing them: noted changes made and updated contacts.

ARCHIVES: Sherry wants things to put on archive board: history about individual groups.


Wardsville: Jason reported all is well.

Triangle: Keith reported all is well. Steady flow of members.

Sunset: Bradley reported they are doing great. A steady flow, 12 x12 doing great and is held on Thursdays @ 5:30.

Mary’s Home:Absent

Easy Does It: Debi E. reported the group meeting is large. Ladies went to convention and will report later.

St. Martins:Absent

Riverside: John reported they are open and functioning with more attendance.


Primary Purpose: Don reported all is going well. There will be a fish fry May 21st to help promote group unity and service work,


  1. Speaker Meetings: speaker meeting feedback-bringing food, not much consensus on time or date changes, not comfortable with adding birthday meeting to the monthly speaker meeting.
  2. Goals for 2016: Having goals keeps you on track.
  3. Service workshop: moved to Aug. or Sept.-Tanya will call Riverside and Memorial to see what days may be available for reservation for the workshop. We will ask people to bring a dish. District would supply hot dogs and drinks. Committee members will be having a meeting at Susans’ house to get organized.


  1. Susan is on the state convention committee she needs volunteers for July 29-31 for chairing meetings.
  2. Bike ride/poker run for activity at convention.
  3. Riverside and Memorial cost and reservation availability.
  4. Need to put together workshop.

The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting is June 12 at 4:30 pm at the Coca-Cola Bldg, 605 Washington St. (at the corner of W. Elm, Jefferson City, MO.)