Date: /M / D /Y

(Company Name/ Account ID)require to register domain name with registrar Net Chinese Co., Ltd. When the registration is in process, you could not cancel or modify this application.

Domain Name: ______

Domain Name Registration Year: ______year(s)

Domain Contact Information

First Name
Last Name
Company Name
City / State / Province
Country / Zip / Postal Code
Phone / Fax
*Trustee Service / □Yes, I have read and agreed with the agreement as attached. □No

DNS Information

DNS ( Primary DNS ) / DNS ( Secondary DNS )
Primary DNS / Secondary DNS
Primary IP / Secondary IP

Domain Name Cost

Domain Name / Term / Sub Total (USD)
Total (USD)

Trustee Service Terms

I (organization or individual; hereafter refer to as the Client) agrees to the Trustee Service Terms below, which is related to the Trustee Service for the registration of domain names under the specified gTLD / ccTLD extensions provided by Net-Chinese Co., Ltd(hereafter refer to as the Agent).


  1. The Client authorizes the Agent to register the specified domain name(s)( hereafter refer to as the Domain Names) in the Agent’s company name (Net-Chinese Co., Ltd.) or it’s Partner’s name , and to administer the Domain Name(s) during the duration of this Service.
  2. Despite the fact that the Client is not the formal registrant of the Domain Names, the Domain Name(s) are to be used by the Client and will be recognized by the Agent as being formally held in the name of the Client.
  3. The Trustee Service will only become effective upon the Client's advance payment of the trustee fee and registration fee to the Agent (per domain name and per year for a contract) as well as the successful registration of the Domain Name(s) at the registry.

Duties of the Client

The Client acknowledges and guarantees that:

a)The recorded statement and contents of application are complete and accurate information

b)Known to the Applicant, the application of its domain name does not infringe the interests of others.

c)The Domain Name(s) registered by the Trustee Service shall not base on Unlawful purpose

d)Unintentional manner in violation of relevant laws for registration or use of the domain name.

e)Inform the Agent immediately and in writing by mail, fax or e-mail on all events relevant to the registration of the Domain Names, in particular, any change of the Beneficiary or if the Client is noticed with a legal action or if the legal action is taken against the Client regarding the rights of the Domain Name(s).

f)Shall not have the right to assign the rights and obligations rising from this Trustee Service to a third party without the written consent of the Agent.

g)Reply in detail to all inquiries of the Agent with respect to the Domain Name(s) by mail, fax or e-mail immediately, but at the latest within 48 hours. This time period may be further limited if a third party (claimant, court, etc.) sets a shorter time limit according to the relevant laws.

h)Keep contact data up-to-date with the Agent at all times.

i)If the Client cannot be contacted via the contact information provided by him or if he does not reply to an inquiry of the trustee within the time limit granted to him, the Agent will be entitled to taking all necessary actions, in particular as to the release of the Domain Name(s) because of actual or alleged violations of the law by the Client.

Responsibilities of the Client

The Domain Name(s) applications made by The Client shall comply with related Registry regulations and policies. If necessary, The Agentor registrar is titled to require The Clienttoprovide related documents for certification. In the event of violation, The Agentmay delete The Domain Name(s)and terminate the Trustee Service, and The Clientmay not claim for any compensation or damages. The Agentshall provide or request it’s Partner to provide required certificate documents if necessary.

Domain Name Registration

The Client shall not ask the Agent to delete or cancel of the applications or registrations of the Domain Name(s), and understands that the date of the domain name application calculates as of the date according to the registry's whois data. If a third party initiates a domain name dispute against any one the Domain Name(s), the dispute shall be processed according to the relevant regulations of the registry.If any of the Domain Name(s) is deleted or assigned to the third party according to the dispute decision, the Agent is not liable to the result and will not refund the registration fee.

Domain Name Renewal

To timely renew the Domain Name(s), the Agent strongly recommends the Client to pay the trust fee and registration fee for the Domain Name(s) within 30 days before the expiration date.If the Clientfail to renew the Domain Name(s)after expiration date , the registry or the Agentis titled to suspend the Domain Name(s).

Domain suspended / Domain Redemption

Domain name expired without renewal, goes into suspension period. When theThe Domain Name(s)goes into suspension period,it may followed by redemption period.The Client is allowed to retrieve The Domain Name(s) by paying the redemption fee and renewal fee. Without buying back in the redemption period, the Domain Name(s) will be deleted at any time.

Domain Name Transfer

The Client has the right to transfer the Domain Name(s)to another registrar.

Before transferring the Domain Name(s)to another registrar, the Client has to complete the ownership transfer. The Client has to undertake the ownership transfer fee and other fee occurred in the transfer process.

Ownership Change

The right for the Client to use the Domain Name(s) granted by this Trustee Service is personal and may not be transferred, assigned, sublicensed, encumbered, or otherwise alienated, in whole or in part, by the Client without the prior written consent of the Agent. The Agent shall not transfer the Domain Name(s) to any third party without the prior written consent of the Client.However, if the registry's regulations or practices are changed so that the Client can formally register the Domain Name(s), the Agent shall transfer the Domain Name(s) to the Client according to the request of the Client. The Client shall undertake the fees for the procedures related to the ownership change.

Domain Name Change

Any request to change the Domain Name(s)after application will be deemed as another new application, the Agentwill be titled to charge fees according to related regulations.

Duration of the Service

This service shall remain effect as long as the Client duly pay the trustee fee and the registration fee and the Domain Name(s) remain with the Agent as the registrant and the registrar.The trustee service will be terminated if the Client transfers the Domain Name(s) from the Agent to another registrar.

Limitation of liability

In the case of force majeure(including but not limited policy changes of registries or registrars) and the Trustee Servicecannot be proceeded ,the registration payment will be refund by the Agenttothe Client.The Agentshall not be liable to the Clientfor the following loss or fees, including Business interruption caused by use or unable to use the Trustee Service, or any arising direct, indirect, incidental, or special damages(including revenue and business loss) and fees of other Alternative service, unless the damages are arising out of the Agent’s unilateral default(intentional act or gross negligence).

Indemnification and Disclaimer

Claims by Third party to the Agent arising from the Trustee Service or the usage by the Client(including but not limited the Client or any other use the Client’s computer to makethe Domain Name(s) infringe or dilute others’ patent or any other intellectual property right, or violate the related registry regulations or policies), the Clientshall be liable to indemnify the Agent, and provide legal assistance and fees.

Confidentiality Duty

The Agent‘s Confidentiality Duty shall survive after the expiration or termination of the Trustee Service, which specifies all the Client’s information, whether disclosed verbally or in a written form, obtained by The Agentduring the Trustee Service period.


  1. Any notice required under the Trustee Service shall be in writing and should sent by courier or by mail, telegram, orfax.
  2. About the matters not covered in this Trustee Service Terms shall be governed by and shall be construed in all respects in accordance with the CivilLaws, Copyright Law and other related laws of Republic of China, and can be supplement by further announcement.
  3. Any and all disputes arising from thisTrustee Service Terms may be finally adjudicated upon by the Taiwan Taipei District Court thereof in the Republic of China.