MAY 3, 2012
Call to Order: Christopher Demers called the meeting to order at 6:06 P.M.
Roll Call: Commissioners Beverly Jacobs, Christopher Demers and Bob Long were present.
Residents in Attendance: Mike Bonanno, David Martella, Grete D’Hondt, Ken King, Fred Harris, Heather Long, Ed Rajsteter, Dave Long, and Darlene Simboli.
Commissioner Bob Long said that the purpose of this meeting is to clear up several issues before the May 14. 2012 Commissioners Meeting.
- Employee Handbook:
Bob Long said that in the past, it has been the policy of the Mountain Lakes District not to hire relatives of employees. The new policy will be a case by case basis.
Bob Long made a motion to remove 1.5 from the Employee Handbook. Christopher Demers seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in agreement of removing 1.5 from the Employee Handbook.
- Pool and Beach Opening:
The Recreation Committee has requested that the beach be open by Memorial Day. Don Drew has agreed to have the beach ready.
The Recreation Committee has requested that the pool be open Memorial Day Weekend and 3 weekends in June prior to the official Summer Season opening.
A discussion followed with many suggestions.
Details will have to be worked out as there will be no lifeguards on duty at that time. A responsible adult will have to be in charge to open and close the pool if the weather co-operates. It will require several days to bring the pool up to temperature and the amount of propane needed to heat the pool will depend upon the budget.
Bob Long suggested that a meeting be held with Don Drew to find out what is necessary to get the pool ready.
It is suggested that a e-mail be sent out to see how many residents would volunteer and the amount of interest in having the pool open.
- Playground:
The playground equipment will be placed in the area adjacent to the snack bar. However, the area will have to be prepared. At a cost of $3,185, Kevin Horne, a drain will have to be placed to collect the water from the hill, which will also stop some of the water that settles in the basement of the Community Building. The grass will have to be removed and replaced with sand. The quotation from Kevin Horne does not include the price of the sand, but Don Drew is getting prices for sand at approximately $500 to $600 cost.
Ken King asked if the state of NH requires a special playground sand. Bob Long said that he was not aware of any regulation, but it would be checked into. Mike Bonanno asked if DES needs to approve any sand being placed. Bob Long said that it is already being checked into.
The cost will be covered from several areas of the budget. Marsha Luce is looking into that.
- Water Bill:
Bob Long said that the interest charged on the water bill if paid quarterly if calculated actually amounts to 36% which is extreme. Darlene Simboli suggested that a $5.00 processing fee be charged for each payment.
At the Annual Meeting, it was decided that the Commissioners would decide the amount of the fee for paying your bill quarterly. Christopher Demers said that Marsha Luce said that as of this date we have collected $10,000 less than was collected last year.
Bob Long made a motion to add a $5.00 fee for each payment received if the water bill is not paid in full by the due date. Christopher Demers seconded the motion. Beverly Jacobs agreed and the motion passed unanimously.
- Fireworks:
Bob Long said that there have been several discussions regarding the method of thanking Ryan Battisto that provided the fireworks show at a fair cost over the past years.
A letter of thanks with a beach pass will be sent.
- Lodge:
A request for the lodge for a retirement party for teachers from area schools has been received. Bob Long said that it is alright as long as the person who signs for the lodge is present at all times.
- Fire Permits:
Mike Bonnano requested that a bulletin board of some kind be placed near the mailboxes which would give the danger level that could be changed as conditions warranted.
Something on the order of what the Town of Haverhill has in front of the Town Office. This will be looked into.
- Dock Cover:
Darlene Simboli asked if the dock would be covered by Memorial Day weekend? Beverly Jacobs said that it would be.
Bob Long made a motion to adjourn that meeting. Beverly Jacobs seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia Harris