FMO 3rd week
Sorted by Bill Number
HB 0027 / Relating to Residential Properties / Ambler
Residential Properties: Provides & revises provisions relating to homeowners' association meetings, board members, directors, & association personnel, certification forms, annual budgets, proxy questions, records, reserve accounts of budgets, & voting; authorizes fines assessed against members which exceed certain amount to become lien against parcel; repeals provisions relating to procedure for dispute resolution in homeowners' associations; creates Home Court Advantage Dispute Resolution Act; provides for mediation & arbitration applicable to disputes in homeowners' associations; provides applicability; provides arbitrator & mediator requirements; provides requirements for parties; provides notice requirements; provides requirements for costs; provides for rules of procedure; provides penalties; provides for enforcement of mediation agreements & arbitration awards; repeals provisions relating to recall & election of directors, to extent inconsistent with pt. IV, ch. 720, F.S., relating to dispute resolution. Effective Date: July 1, 2009
11/19/2008 / HOUSE Filed
12/30/2008 / HOUSE Referred to Insurance, Business & Financial Affairs Policy Committee; Civil Justice & Courts Policy Committee; General Government Policy Council; Finance & Tax Council; Policy Council
1/27/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Insurance, Business & Financial Affairs Policy Committee, 02/03/09, 6:00 pm, 212 K
2/3/2009 / HOUSE Favorable with CS by Insurance, Business & Financial Affairs Policy Committee; 20 Yeas, 0 Nays
2/16/2009 / HOUSE Committee Substitute (C1) Filed
2/18/2009 / HOUSE Now in Civil Justice & Courts Policy Committee
3/17/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Civil Justice & Courts Policy Committee, 03/19/09, 1:00 pm, 12 H
3/19/2009 / HOUSE Favorable with CS by Civil Justice & Courts Policy Committee; 9 Yeas, 1 Nay
3/20/2009 / HOUSE Committee Substitute (C2) Text Filed
HB 0419 / Relating to Condominiums
3/20/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Criminal & Civil Justice Policy Council, 03/24/09, 11:00 am, 404 H
SB 0998 / Relating to Condominium and Homeowners' Associations
2/5/2009 / SENATE Referred to Regulated Industries; Community Affairs; Banking and Insurance; Judiciary
HB 1397 / Relating to Community Associations
3/20/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Civil Justice & Courts Policy Committee, 03/24/09, 8:00 am, 12 H
SB 2302 / Relating to Community Associations
3/10/2009 / SENATE Referred to Regulated Industries; Community Affairs; Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; General Government Appropriations
SB 2604 / Relating to Residential Properties
3/12/2009 / SENATE Referred to Regulated Industries; Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Finance and Tax; General Government Appropriations
HB 0097 / Additional Homestead Exemption for First-Time Homestead Property Owners / Domino
Additional Homestead Exemption for First-Time Homestead Property Owners: Proposes amendment to s. 6, Art. VII of State Constitution to provide first-time homestead property owners with additional homestead exemption equal to 50 percent of property's just value in first year, limited to $250,000; reduce amount of additional exemption in each succeeding year for 5 years by greater of 20 percent of amount of initial additional exemption or difference between just value & assessed value of property; limit additional exemption to one per homestead property; prohibit additional exemption if any owner of property previously owned property receiving homestead exemption; limit additional exemption to properties purchased after January 1, 2010; prohibit availability of additional exemption in sixth & subsequent years after additional exemption is granted. Effective Date: Not Specified
12/11/2008 / HOUSE Filed
12/30/2008 / HOUSE Referred to Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council; Finance & Tax Council; PreK-12 Appropriations Committee; Full Appropriations Council on Education & Economic Development
2/18/2009 / ----- Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of the EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 02/20/09, 8:30 a.m., 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
2/19/2009 / ----- Removed from the Office of the EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 02/20/09, 8:30 a.m
3/9/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee, 03/11/09, 8:30 am, 102 H - PCS
3/11/2009 / HOUSE Favorable with CS by Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; 14 Yeas, 1 Nay
3/16/2009 / HOUSE Committee Substitute (C1) Text Filed
3/20/2009 / HOUSE Now in Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council
SB 0532 / Relating to Rental Property Assessments/Homestead Exemption
3/19/2009 / SENATE Now in Finance and Tax
HB 0161 / Relating to Affordable Housing / Aubuchon
Affordable Housing: Revises & provides provisions relating to affordable housing; provides for assessment of property receiving low-income housing tax credit; defines term "community land trust"; provides for assessment of structural improvements, condominium parcels, & cooperative parcels on land owned by community land trust & used to provide affordable housing; provides for conveyance of structural improvements, condominium parcels, & cooperative parcels subject to certain conditions; specifies criteria to be used in arriving at just valuation of structural improvement, condominium parcel, or cooperative parcel; provides additional criteria for determining whether certain affordable housing property owned by certain exempt organizations is entitled to exemption; provides ad valorem taxation exemption for certain purposes; subjects certain organizations to ad valorem taxation under certain circumstances; removes provision requiring Florida Housing Finance Corporation to transfer certain funds to General Revenue Fund; provides corporation with certain powers & limitations; provides for disbursement of certain Community Workforce Housing Innovation Pilot Program funds; provides certain governmental entities with powers & duties; revises provisions relating to local housing assistance plans; revises appointments to local affordable housing advisory committee; ... Effective Date: July 1, 2009
12/23/2008 / HOUSE Filed
1/22/2009 / HOUSE Referred to Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council; Finance & Tax Council; Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations Committee; Full Appropriations Council on Education & Economic Development
3/4/2009 / ----- Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of the EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 03/06/09, 8:30 a.m., 117 K
3/11/2009 / ----- Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of the EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 03/14/09, 9:00 a.m., 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
3/16/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee, 03/18/09, 8:30 am, 102 H - PCS
3/18/2009 / HOUSE Favorable with CS by Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; 13 Yeas, 0 Nays; Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of the EDR`s Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 03/20/09, 10:00 a.m., 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
HB 0267 / Relating to Affordable Housing
3/18/2009 / HOUSE Favorable by Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; 12 Yeas, 0 Nays; Now in Economic Development Policy Committee; Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of the EDR`s Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 03/20/09, 10:00 a.m., 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
SB 1040 / Relating to Affordable Housing
3/19/2009 / SENATE Now in Judiciary
SB 1042 / Relating to Affordable Housing
3/18/2009 / ----- Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of the EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 03/20/09, 10:00 a.m., 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
SB 0208 / Relating to Veterans' Tuition Assistance / Crist
Veterans' Tuition Assistance [SPSC]; Requires state universities and community colleges to waive a percentage of the in-state tuition rate for veterans who meet specified criteria. Provides a percentage cap on the number of required credit hours for which a tuition waiver may be received. EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2009.
12/3/2008 / SENATE Filed
12/17/2008 / SENATE Referred to Higher Education; Military Affairs and Domestic Security; Higher Education Appropriations
HB 0229 / Relating to Low-Income & Moderate-Income Homeowers / Braynon
Low-Income & Moderate-Income Homeowers: Authorizes counties to establish fund for providing no-interest loans to assist low-income & moderate-income homeowners in paying homeowners' insurance premiums; authorizes governing authority of county to levy surtaxes on building-related permits to finance assistance fund; limits amount families may receive from fund in any year; requires loans to be repaid if homestead is sold or refinanced; requires proceeds from refinancing or selling homestead to be deposited back into fund; provides ordinance requirements; specifies amount of surtaxes; limits uses of fund; provides for program to be adopted initially by governing authority of specified constitutional charter counties & for later adoption in remaining counties of state. Effective Date: July 1, 2009
1/6/2009 / HOUSE Filed
2/6/2009 / HOUSE Referred to Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; Insurance, Business & Financial Affairs Policy Committee; Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council; Finance & Tax Council
SB 0328 / Relating to Low-income & Moderate-income Homeowners/Insurance
12/17/2008 / SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Banking and Insurance; Finance and Tax; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means
SB 0328 / Relating to Low-income & Moderate-income Homeowners/Insurance / Wilson
Low-income & Moderate-income Homeowners/Insurance [EPSC]; Provides for counties to establish a fund for providing no-interest loans to assist low-income and moderate-income homeowners in paying homeowners' insurance premiums. Authorizes the governing authority of a county to levy surtaxes on building-related permits to finance the assistance fund. Limits the amount a family may receive from the fund in any year. Requires that a loan be repaid if the homestead is sold or refinanced, etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2009 except as otherwise provided.
12/10/2008 / SENATE Filed
12/17/2008 / SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Banking and Insurance; Finance and Tax; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means
HB 0229 / Relating to Low-Income & Moderate-Income Homeowers
2/6/2009 / HOUSE Referred to Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; Insurance, Business & Financial Affairs Policy Committee; Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council; Finance & Tax Council
SB 0374 / Relating to Affordable Housing / Bennett
Affordable Housing [EPSC]; Expresses the legislative intent to revise laws relating to affordable housing. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon becoming law.
12/15/2008 / SENATE Filed
1/15/2009 / SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Commerce; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Rules
SB 0378 / Relating to Affordable Housing / Bennett
Affordable Housing [EPSC]; Expresses the legislative intent to revise laws relating to affordable housing. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon becoming law.
12/15/2008 / SENATE Filed
1/15/2009 / SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Commerce; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Rules
SB 0400 / Relating to Bingo Games / Fasano
Bingo Games [CPSC]; Authorizes the use of electronics or other technology in lieu of vocal verification for bingo games. Redefines the term "organization" to include chambers of commerce. Exempts chambers of commerce from provisions prohibiting drawings by chance. Authorizes an organization to place signs at a bingo game event disclosing certain required information. EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2009.
12/17/2008 / SENATE Filed
1/15/2009 / SENATE Referred to Regulated Industries
HB 0509 / Relating to Veterans / Zapata
Veterans: Revises exemption from license or permit fees required for improvements to dwelling owned by disabled veteran if improvements are for purpose of making dwelling safe; removes provision limiting exemption to veterans confined to wheelchairs; deletes monetary limitation on amount of general revenue deposited into State Homes for Veterans Trust Fund within DVA; authorizes eligible student who receives benefits as veteran who served on active duty in Armed Forces after September 11, 2001, to defer college tuition & fees under certain circumstances. Effective Date: July 1, 2009
1/20/2009 / HOUSE Filed
2/13/2009 / HOUSE Referred to Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council; Finance & Tax Council; Full Appropriations Council on General Government & Health Care
3/2/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee, 03/04/09, 9:00 am, 102 H
3/4/2009 / HOUSE Favorable by Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; 12 Yeas, 0 Nays; Now in Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council
3/9/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council, 03/11/09, 1:00 pm, 404 H
3/11/2009 / HOUSE Favorable by Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council; 14 Yeas, 0 Nays; Now in Finance & Tax Council
3/20/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Finance & Tax Council, 03/24/09, 2:00 pm, 102 H
SB 0644 / Relating to Veterans
3/18/2009 / SENATE Favorable by Military Affairs and Domestic Security Committee; 8 Yeas, 0 Nays; Now in Community Affairs
HB 0521 / Relating Ad Valorem Tax Assessment Challenges / Lopez-Cantera
Ad Valorem Tax Assessment Challenges : Revises burden of proof requirements in taxpayer challenges to ad valorem tax assessments of value; requires property appraisers to prove compliance with specified laws & appraisal practices; provides presumption of correctness under specified circumstances; provides taxpayer burden of proof requirements; deletes provisions relating to presumption of correctness of assessment by property appraiser; specifies that property appraiser's denial of exemption or assessment classification does not have presumption of correctness in administrative or judicial actions; requires taxpayer to prove entitlement to ad valorem tax exemption or classification by preponderance of evidence; provides legislative intent relating to taxpayer burden of proof; rejects specified case law precedents; provides for retroactive application. Effective Date: upon becoming a law
1/20/2009 / HOUSE Filed
2/13/2009 / HOUSE Referred to Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council; Finance & Tax Council; Full Appropriations Council on Education & Economic Development
3/9/2009 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee, 03/11/09, 8:30 am, 102 H - PCS
3/11/2009 / HOUSE Favorable with CS by Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee; 12 Yeas, 2 Nays
3/16/2009 / HOUSE Committee Substitute (C1) Text Filed
3/17/2009 / HOUSE Now in Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council
3/19/2009 / ----- Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of the EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 03/20/09, 10:00 a.m., 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
SB 1006 / Relating to Ad Valorem Assessments/Challenges
3/20/2009 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Judiciary Committee, 03/25/09, 10:15 am, 110 S
SB 1102 / Relating to Real Property Assessments/Burden of Proof
3/19/2009 / ----- Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of the EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 03/20/09, 10:00 a.m., 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
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