


Motion Recognition Clothing

Prepared for

David Lunde

Graduate Teaching Assistant

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


Matt Hericks

John Smida

Alex Stein

Daniel Valencia

Eric Wong

Advisor: Robert Connor

Due Date: 28SEPTEMBER 2010

Date Received: ______

Table of Contents

Project Statement...... 3

Design Description...... 3

Design Requirements...... 4

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)...... 4

Gantt Chart...... 5

Problem Statement

In today’s world of computer-aided simulations, analysis, and data storage there exists a void in the conversion of non-digital motion to computer recognized data. The current methods of capturing humanoid movements are usually extremely expensive, non-portable, or lacking in accuracy. The hope of this project is to create a wearable suit that captures motion not using conventional methods, but through the use of differential pressure.

Design Description

Our product is designed to be a wearable device with tubes along key joints that the wearer could wear casually with the device remaining completely concealed. Pressure sensors in series with the tubes measure differential pressure due to changes in joint angles, and transmit that information as machine-readable signals. The main intended customers for this product are the entertainment, medical, and sports training industries. The two main systems currently used are photogrammetric and inertial systems. Photogrammetric systems are extremely expensive, require a controlled environment, and run into issues with occlusion. Inertial systems are generally heavy with large sensors, making them difficult for daily use. There is also a very large range of accuracy in these systems, with the higher end being very expensive. The motion capture system detailed in this project is intended to be more portable and cost effective than previous systems, while maintaining a high degree of accuracy in detail, and avoiding occlusion when capturing motion.

Design Requirements

Top 5 Specifications / Source / description
Capture Motion (<1⁰) / Accuracy and uncertainty on the pressure measurement / The system most be able to recognize subtle movements
Range of Motion (0-270⁰) / The human body articulation have a wide range in places like the shoulder / The system most be able to recognize the movements of the human body in its widest range
Full Motion Capture / large amount of articulations / The system would recognize the movement in smaller articulations like the movement of the fingers
No Occulsion / Other similar technologies that use camera motion recognition are unable to recognize movement of an articulation when it is obscure by an object / The sytem most be able to recognize overlayed movements
Cost (<$50k) / The cost on other similar technologies is at $80,000 or more / the system is going to be at a much lower cost than other similar technologies

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Project Name: Motion Capture Clothing
Start Date: 9/30/10 Finish Date: 12/14/10
Team Members: Matt Hericks, Eric Wong, John Smida, Alex Stein, Daniel Valencia
0 / Acquire Customer and Product Data / EW, MH, JS
1 / Research Existing Competitor Products / 4 / EW,JS
2 / Research Customer Needs / 4 / EW, MH
3 / Find Kink to Pressure Relation / DV,JS
4 / Acquire Materials for Relation Testing / 2 / AS / $$$
5 / Build Relation Prototype / 2 / AS,MH / Tubing, Syringe, Valves
6 / Develop Relationship / 8 / DV,JS / LabVeiw
7 / Recreate Original Prototype / All
8 / Acquire Materials for Prototype / 2 / AS / $$$
9 / Assemble Prototype / 4 / AS,MH / Tubing, Sensors, DAQ, Wiring, Valves, Ace
10 / Develop Test Code for Prototype / 8 / EW,DV,JS / LabVeiw
11 / Design Full/Partial Motion Capture Suit / 24 / All / More existing materials
12 / Develop Code to Translate Motion to 3D/2D Avatar / 24 / All / LabVeiw, Motion Display Software

Gantt Chart