National Annex to the call for transnational research projects regarding “The consolidation of systems biology research – stimulating the widespread adoption of systems approaches in biomedicine, biotechnology and agri-food”within the framework of the ERA-NET SysBio
The Austrian Ministry for Science and Research BMWF takes part in the call for transnational research projects “The consolidation of systems biology research – stimulating the widespread adoption of systems approaches in biomedicine, biotechnology and agri-food”within the framework of the ERA-NET SysBio. The BMWF publishes this call under the third phase of the Austrian Genome Research Program GEN-AU.
Generally, the conditions as laid down in the call text „The consolidation of systems biology research – stimulating the widespread adoption of systems approaches in biomedicine, biotechnology and agri-food “ apply for Austrian applicants. However, in some aspects as explained hereunder guidelines and rules of GEN-AU apply.
1.) Type, Extent and Volume of Funding
GEN-AU will fund basic research as well as projects carried out by industrial partners.Funding of all project partners will be subject to availability of funds.
Projects of cooperative or network character (see “Verbundprojekte” or “Netzwerke”, may be funded with a duration of 3 years maximum.
The BMWF wishes to encourage the submission of proposals for Networks of Systems Biology Centres within its remit as a vehicle to promote collaboration in common strategic areas, communication and sharing of knowledge and technological platforms between centres for systems biology research. The networks should also facilitate the implementation of the most urgent actions needed on training, data standards, data management, and academic-industrial links in systems biology. The focus of the network will depend on the topic of choice and the scientific communities involved, e.g. a biological theme; a specific set of methodologies; developing an active and cohesive inter-disciplinary community at a specific discipline interface; reinforcing the links of an existing community through the provision and sharing of tools and resources; etc. Networks will be funded for up to three years, after which they are expected to become self-sufficient.
The funds will be transferred by way of project funding as non-repayable grant. Commercial enterprises are required to contribute – depending on the level of application orientation of their project part – at least 50% of their project costs (FC model). Projects of University or other academic research groups may be funded with up to 100% additional costs (AC model). The funding quota considers the community frame of the European commission.
2.) Legal basis and funding regulations
The legal basis forthis call includes the general conditions for funding agreements of GEN-AU, the federal law regarding the organisation of research in Austria (Bundesgesetz über die Forschungsorganisation in Österreich und über Änderungen des Forschungsförderungsgesetzes (Forschungsorganisationsgesetz - FOG), published under BGBl. Nr. 341/1981, i.d.F. BGBl. I Nr. 74/2004, as well as the regulation published by the minister of finance regarding general guidelines for use of federal funds for granting public funding. (Allgemeine Rahmenrichtlinien für die Gewährung von Förderungen aus Bundesmitteln (ARR 2004), published in BGBl. II Nr. 51/2004).
Applicants agree to the framework contracts (e.g. the funding agreement) and to the auditing guidelines of GEN-AU, respectively. (see Applicants are per seentitled to funding; rather, BMWF is bound in duty to exercise its discretionary power within the frame of funds available.
Funding under this call will follow the following general guidelines: no funding of overheads (AC model) or 100% overhead on personnel cost only (FC model); as a rule, restriction of costs for consumables to 14.000€ per academic project participant. To the total project costs, a sum of 5% will be added to cover unforeseen, smaller expenses.
The guidelines relating to consortium agreements and other guidelines if applicable relating to the international call documents are to be considered as a recommendation, their application is not obligatory. The regulations of the funding agreement concerning this matter remain unaffected.
3.) Funding recipients
Funding recipients may be universities or commercial enterprises.
The funds will the transferred to the respective Austrian applicant for use according to the consortium agreement (a model agreement is available on the website Payment of funds is contingent upon presentation of the executed consortium agreement.
4.) Reporting
The rules for auditing are detailed in the applicable auditing guidelines (see Austrian project partners must submit a German abstract of their subproject. They must further submit to bmwf annual reports detailing the progress made in the respective Austrian subproject (intermediate reports and final report). Reporting guidelines (see apply. The report must cover the scientific progress and all subproject activities of the year reported on as well as the planning for the following year. The report must, in analogy to the final report, comprise a description of the work carried out as well as financial statements and proof of expenses according to applicable national regulations including §§ 23 und 24 ARR 2004. The annual report regarding the description of work carried out may also be submitted as part of the total report for the entire project, provided that the activities and finances of the Austrian subproject are described clearly and separately.
5.) Payment of instalments
Funds for GEN-AU subprojects are transferred to partners once annually as needed and after subproject reports and financial statements are approved. A sum of 10% will be transferred only after the final report and financial statements have been approved.