Association of Business Process Management Professionals
Chapter Start Up Kit

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revised March 22, 2004

Table of Contents


Getting Started

The Association of Business Process Management Professionals

Access to ABPMP on the Worldwide Web

Background Information

Guidelines for Every Local Chapter of the ABPMP

Benefits of ABPMP Association

ABPMP Chapter Policies and Practices

ABPMP Code of Ethics

Code of Conduct for ABPMP Members

ABPMP Chapter Certification Policy

ABPMP Chapter Association Fee Policy

ABPMP Chapter In Formation Policy

Planning for ABPMP Members and Meetings

Suggested Letter to Prospective Members with Interest Survey

Suggested Follow-Up Letter to Prospective Members

Initial Planning Meeting

Topics and Format Survey for Local Chapter Meetings

Administrative and Organizational Materials

Checklist for New Chapter Formation

Non-Profit Tax-Exempt Information

Sample Articles of Incorporation

Sample Bylaws

Guidelines for Establishing and Maintaining a Healthy ABPMP Chapter


Thank you for your interest in forming a chapter of the ABPMP in your area. You’ve ventured to undertake a task that will prove to be both challenging and rewarding.

This Chapter Start Up Kit was developed to assist you in your efforts. In addition, you should feel free to enlist advice and assistance from any ABPMP executive board member, especially the vice president of chapter services; or any president of another chapter.

You’ve undoubtedly heard about ABPMP International through trade publications, seminars, vendor conferences, our website, or regular word-of-mouth. Some organizational background information is included in this document to better familiarize you with the organization.

Also included in this document are helpful tips to get your chapter started and sustained with enthusiasm and a robust mission.

Once you have declared your intentions to form an ABPMP chapter, a chapter liaison from the executive board will be appointed as your primary contact for guidance and assistance.

Good luck, and Welcome to the Association of Business Process Management Professionals!

Getting Started

You should begin your task of forming an ABPMP chapter with a co-founder or preferably a founding committee. Working together as a team will provide you the structure and impetus to keep things going, even when the job might seem overwhelming.

Your new chapter will need a charter and organization format (officers & committees). In addition, you will need a core group of 4 to 10 people who are interested in serving on your new executive committee or in participating in the new chapter. You may want to contact the ABPMP vice president of membership to identify any ABPMP members-at-large who may be in your area and interested in participating in a local chapter.

As a chapter you’ll need to decide on the frequency and topics of your meetings, setting up a page or sub-site within the ABMP website, the format of your newsletter and any special projects or events upon which you wish to embark.

In the US, your chapter will be a subsidiary operation of the ABPMP organization and will not need to obtain a federal tax identification number, file for incorporation in your state, or file for tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service. Have your treasurer contact the Vice President for Finance of ABPMP with questions about setting up bank accounts and financial reports.

Other documents you should have to help you explain the importance and value of ABPMP are:

  • ABPMP brochures
  • A recent ABPMP newsletter
  • ABPMP bylaws

Together, these documents — and the interest and enthusiasm of your chapter members — should get you started. If you need any of these documents, contact our VP for Communications or our VP for Marketing at and

ABPMP local chapters should meet regularly — monthly or bimonthly. Usually the meeting will be devoted to an educational offering — encompassing from 2 hours to a full day. Meeting formats may include one or more of the following:

  • A business meeting
  • Announcements
  • Presentations by experienced speaker
  • Panel discussion
  • Small group discussions
  • Product demonstrations
  • Workshops
  • Ad-hoc discussion of topics of current interest

In addition, there is generally an opportunity to network and meet fellow process management practitioners through a social hour or meal.

Most ABPMP chapters publish a periodic newsletter to inform chapter members of upcoming events of interest, to provide business process oriented articles, and to include ABPMP organizational information.

The Association of Business Process Management Professionals

Access to ABPMP on the Worldwide Web

Information about ABPMP is available on the web at:

From the home page you can access a wide range of on-line resources in the field of process management; plus specific information on the entire local or regional associated ABPMP chapters around the world, and ABPMP information such as:

  • ABPMP newsletters
  • Membership information
  • Vendor discounts to ABPMP members
  • Speakers Listing
  • Chapter contact information for every ABPMP local chapter
  • A PowerPoint presentation on ABPMP
  • ABPMP association benefits

Come visit us on the Internet!

Background Information

The first ABPMP local chapter was formed in Chicago in April, 2003. Brett Champlin (Allstate Insurance Company), Chris Jensen (McDonald’s), and Richard Lovell (Motorola) had been talking about forming such an organization for nearly a year. When the BrainStorm Group accepted a submission for presentation from Brett, they offered him meeting space and free attendance to their conference for people who wanted to hold a formation meeting. 16 people attended the first meeting, and eight of them volunteered to serve as the first executive committee. The second chapter was formed in the Bay Area of California, then Philadelphia, and New York.

The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led.

Our vision is to become the premier organization for business process management professionals. The ABPMP will be the most authoritative source for information on BPM. The ABPMP will define the discipline and practice of BPM. Membership in the ABPMP will be acknowledged as a de facto requirement for all professionals practicing in the discipline. The ABPMP will recognize, acknowledge and honor those who make outstanding contributions to our discipline.

The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, to develop a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline.

The ABPMP produces educational and networking events for continuing education and sharing of best practices, new ideas, and experiences of its members and professional colleagues.

ABPMP will grow through supporting small groups of business process modeling, analysis, design and systems implementers, BPM practitioners, around the world as they form local chapters. As each ABPMP local chapter grows, it becomes an educational and networking focal point for all business process management practitioners in the geographic area.

The ABPMP Board of Directors is assuming the responsibilities that most local chapters cannot provide because of economic and time constraints, including a worldwide web presence; conference tracks; a members-at-large organization; engaging speakers of worldwide prominence; developing a professional certification program; obtaining vendor discounts; maintaining a speakers’ listing; and more.

ABPMP will evolve to meet the changing needs of the business process management professional in a constantly changing business and technical environment.

The current goals of ABPMP organization are to:

  • Help BPM practitioners become more knowledgeable and skilled in the BPM profession
  • Influence the industry and academia in BPM practices
  • Support ABPMP members, their organizations, and their local chapters
  • Form alliances with other organizations with similar principles

Guidelines for Every Local Chapter of the ABPMP

The responsibilities of a local chapter associated ABPMP are to:

  • By word and action, promote the ABPMP purpose and goals, conduct regular meetings and promote the positive image of business process professionals
  • Agree with the mission, charter and bylaws of the ABPMP
  • Sign the ABPMP Code of Conduct and Ethics pledge (applies to each local chapter officer and every member)
  • Submit to ABPMP a copy of the local chapter charter as adopted
  • Submit to ABPMP a list of the local chapter officers, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses
  • Submit to ABPMP any changes to the local chapter officers, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses
  • Ensure all chapter participants are or become members of ABPMP
  • Grant reciprocal rights to local chapter members from any other chapter associated with ABPMP
  • Be certified by ABPMP as a local chapter associated with ABPMP

The responsibilities of ABPMP to an associated local chapter are to designate a chapter liaison from the ABPMP executive board to:

  • Represent local chapter issues to ABPMP
  • Answer local chapter questions about ABPMP activities
  • Attend, as appropriate, local chapter events
  • Discuss with local chapter membership the objectives and activities of ABPMP

Benefits of ABPMP Association

These administrative and promotional benefits are available to ABPMP chapters:

  • The chapter is recognized and publicized by ABPMP
  • The chapter’s President participates in the governance of ABPMP as a voting member of the executive committee of the Board of Directors to determine ABPMP’s direction and in identifying services that should be offered to the chapters and members
  • Chapter members who have served as a chapter officer are eligible to serve on the ABPMP executive committee
  • The chapter will receive from ABPMP meeting notes, announcements and miscellaneous information about the ABPMP board
  • Chapter members can save money by taking advantage of the discounts that are provided to ABPMP from selected vendors and publishers
  • Chapter members receive announcements of member discounts for seminars, training events, conferences, and more
  • Chapter members can save money by taking advantage of the member discounts offered when purchasing ABPMP publications
  • Chapter announcements, newsletters and other information may be posted on the ABPMP web site
  • The chapter qualifies for a wide range of assistance from ABPMP, including setting up a new chapter, keeping the chapter as healthy as possible, preparing for local or regional meetings, and providing speaker referrals
  • The chapter has access to the ABPMP Speakers Listings
  • The chapter has the right to use the ABPMP name and logo

ABPMP Chapter Policies and Practices

There are certain policies and practices that should be considered in the formation of an ABPMP Chapter. These policies and practices determine the framework and principles by which you intend to operate the chapter. From experience, the following will assist you in the formation of the chapter. They are:

  • ABPMP Code of Ethics
  • ABPMP Chapter Certification Policy
  • ABPMP Chapter-In-Formation Policy

ABPMP Code of Ethics

Business Process Management Professionals are to conduct their professional and personal lives and activities in an ethical manner. Business Process Professionals should recognize a standard of ethics founded on honesty, justice and courtesy as principles guiding their conduct and way of life. It is their duty to practice their profession according to this Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct.

The keystone of professional conduct is integrity. Business Process Management Professionals will discharge their duties with fidelity to the public, their employers, and clients with fairness and impartiality to all. It is their duty to interest themselves in public welfare, and to be ready to apply their special knowledge for the benefit of humankind and the environment.

I acknowledge that:

I have an obligation to society, and will participate to the best of my ability in the dissemination of knowledge pertaining to the general development and understanding of process management. Further, I shall not use knowledge of a confidential nature to further my personal interest, nor shall I violate the privacy and confidentiality of information entrusted to me or to which I may gain access.

I have an obligation to my employer/client whose trust I hold, therefore, I shall endeavor to discharge this obligation to the best of my ability, to guard my employer/client's interests, and to provide advice wisely and honestly. I shall promote the understanding of process management methods and procedures using every resource available to me.

I have an obligation to my fellow members and professional colleagues; therefore, I shall uphold the high ideals of ABPMP as outlined in the Association Bylaws. Further, I shall cooperate with my fellow members and shall treat them with honesty and respect at all times.

I accept these obligations as a personal responsibility and as a member of this Association. I shall actively discharge these obligations and I dedicate myself to that end.

Standards of Conduct

These standards expand on the Code of Ethics by providing specific statements of behavior in support of the Code of Ethics. They are not objectives to be strived for; they are rules that no true professional will violate. The following standards address tenets that apply to the profession.

In recognition of my professionalobligations I shall:

  • Avoid conflict of interest and make known any potential conflicts
  • Protect the privacy and confidentiality of all information entrusted to me
  • Accept full responsibility for work that I perform
  • To the best of my ability, insure that the products of my work are used in a socially responsible way
  • Support, respect, and abide by the appropriate local, national, and international laws
  • Make every effort to ensure that I have the most current knowledge and that the proper expertise is available when needed
  • Share my knowledge with others and present factual and objective information to the best of my ability
  • Be fair, honest, and objective in all professional relationships
  • Cooperate with others in achieving understanding and in identifying problems
  • Protect the proper interests of my employer and my clients at all times
  • Take appropriate action in regard to any illegal or unethical practices that come to my attention - I will bring charges against any person only when I have reasonable basis for believing in the truth of the allegations and without any regard to personal interest
  • Not use knowledge of a confidential or personal nature in any unauthorized manner or to achieve personal gain
  • Never misrepresent or withhold information that is germane to a problem or situation of public concern nor will I allow any such known information to remain unchallenged
  • Not take advantage of the lack of knowledge or inexperience on the part of others
  • Not use or take credit for the work of others without specific acknowledgement and authorization
  • Not misuse authority entrusted to me

I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and will uphold these professional ethics and standards of conduct.





ABPMP Chapter Certification Policy

ABPMP will provide guidance in the establishment and certification of any reputable professional group that meets the criteria for ABPMP local chapters, as detailed in the ABPMP Bylaws, Sections VII and VIII.

Initial Chapter Certification

ABPMP will not adopt arbitrary chapter certification restrictions regarding local chapter membership size, chapter location or chapter name.

For initial certification by ABPMP, a new local chapter shall:

  • Elect or appoint a chapter executive committee with at minimum a Chapter President, Treasurer (VP Finance) and Secretary (VP Operations or Communications).
  • Include core elements in the local chapter charter (bylaws) that recognize that it is a part of the ABPMP organization
  • Submit to ABPMP copies of the local chapter's bylaws executive officer contacts
  • Sign a copy of the ABPMP Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct

Chapter Association

After initial chapter certification, an ABPMP chapter is associated with ABPMP. The ABPMP chapter will remain associated with ABPMP as long as the members of the chapter remain members of ABPMP, support ABPMP’s mission, and abide by the ABPMP Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Chapter Disassociation

ABPMP has the right and responsibility to disaffiliate any ABPMP local chapter that fails to abide by the ABPMP Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Any member of the ABPMP board can initiate the disassociation process. The board member presents the case to the ABPMP board for consideration. Disassociation of a local chapter requires a majority vote of the ABPMP Executive Committee.

Chapter Notification

When the ABPMP board has voted to disaffiliate a local chapter, the ABPMP president is responsible for sending a letter of notification to the chapter's executive committee members. A letter also is sent, if possible, to the chapter membership notifying them of the change in status of the chapter. The chapter's members will be offered the opportunity to join another ABPMP local chapter or to become members-at-large. They remain members in good standing of ABPMP and continue to receive the benefits of ABPMP membership.


The responsibility for enforcement of this policy lies with the ABPMP local chapter officers, the ABPMP vice president of chapter services and the ABPMP executive committee.

Planning for ABPMP Members and Meetings

You are in the planning stages of your organization. It is vital to develop interest among other process professionals. These efforts require planning and focus on the various interests the potential members might have. In the process, we recommend that the following materials be used to determine the number and areas of interest that you might address in your meetings. They include: