Food Safety and DrugAdministration
Government Public Analyst Laboratory
Sector-C, Aliganj, Lucknow U.P.
Website :
E-mail: fdalab.lko @
Ref. no: Tender/INSTRUMENTS/ 2016-17/1/1749 Dated: 24 AUGUST, 2016
- Tender processing fee (Non-refundable) - Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand only)
- Earnest Money Deposit (Refundable) - As per Tender Term & conditions
In shape of FDR/TDR is only acceptable
- Tender Document can be downloaded- from dated to 29.08.2016 on website
- Last date for submission of Bids - On or before dated 29.09.2016 up to 14.00 hrs.
- Place for the Submission of Bids - Government Public Analyst Laboratory,
Sector-C, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024 (UP)
- Opening of Bids date & time - dated 29.09.2016 at 16.00 hrs.
- Any bid received after due date & time - shall be rejected.
- Do at wrong place - shall be rejected.
- Venue of opening of bids - Government Public Analyst Laboratory,
Sector-C, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024 (UP)
- Venue of Address for communication - Government Public Analyst Laboratory,
Sector-C, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024 (UP)
- Contractual Period - Till 31.03.2017
- Tender cost Rs. 1000/- payable by DD/ Pay order in favour of Commissioner, Food Safety & Drug Administration, U.P. Lucknow
v&fufonk 'krsZ
1-fufonk tkjh fd;k tkuk dz;kns'k ugha gSA foHkkx dh vko';drkuqlkj dz;kns'k i`Fkd ls tkjh fd;k tk;sxkA
2-dsoy ,slh QeksZ@forjdksa dh gh fufonk,a Lohdk;Z gksxh] ftUgsa lh0,l0vkbZ0vkj0 dh iz;ksx'kkykvksas@,u0,0ch0,y0 iz;ksx'kkykvksa esa la;U=ksa dh vkiwfrZ djus dk foxr rhu o"kksZ esa de ls de ,d o"kZ dk vuqHko gksA lacaf/kr vkbVe ds dz;kns'k dh Nk;kizfr layXu djuk vfuok;Z gSA
3-mDr fufonk,a orZeku foRrh; o"kZ¼fnukad 31-03-2017 rd½ ds fy;s ekU; jgsaxsA
4-lHkh fufonknkrkvksa dks fuEukuqlkj /kjksgj /kujkf'k dh ,Q0Mh0 ¼ewy:i esa½] tks vk;qDr] [kk| lqj{kk ,oa vkS"kf/k iz'kklu] m0iz0 ds i{k esa ns; gksxk] dks VsDuhdy fcM d lkFk layXu djuk gksxkA
dz0la0 / vkbVe dk uke / /kjksgj /kujkf'k ¼:0½1 / Digital Polari meter / :0 10]000-00
2- / Auto Titrator / :0 10]000-00
3- / Dissolution Machine with auto sampler / :0 27]000-00
4- / Karl Fisher Autotitrator with Accessories / :0 2]500-00
5- / FTIR Spectrophotometer / :0 32]000-00
6 / High Performance Liquid Chromatograph / :0 22]000-00
7 / Vacuum pressure oven / :0 4]000-00
8 / Milk Scanner / :0 15]000-00
9 / Frost Free Refrigerator / :0 4]000-00
5-fufonknkrk lhycUn fyQkQs esa fufonk izLrqr djasxs] ftl ij fufonk ua0] fnukad] fufofnr vkbZVe dh dk uke rFkk fufonknkrk¼fuekZrk QeZ@forjd QeZ½ dk Li"V uke ,oa irk fy[kk gksuk vfuok;Z gSA fufonk dks isij psd&fyLV ds dze esa O;ofLFkr gksuk vko';d gSA fufonk fyQkQs ds vUnj nks lhycUn fyQkQs j[ks tk;saxs] ftlesa ls ,d esa VsfDudy fcM rFkk nwljs esa QkbusfU'k;y fcM gksaxsA v/kwjs ,oa fdlh 'krZ;qDr fufonk ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
6-vk;qDr] ,Q0,l0Mh0,0] m0iz0 dks fdlh Hkh vkbVe dh fufonk ;k viw.kZ fufonk ;k lEiw.kZ fufonk dks fcuk fdlh dkj.k crk;s fdlh Hkh le; jn~n djus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA
7-lHkh lQy fufonknkrkvksa dks fdlh Hkh vkbVe dh vkiwfrZ gsrq tkjh fd;s tkus okys dz; vkns'k dh 10 izfr'kr /kujkf'k dh ,Q0Mh0¼ewy:i esa½] tks vk;qDr] [kk| lqj{kk ,oa vkS"kf/k iz'kklu] m0iz0 ds i{k esa ns; gksxk] dks tek djuk gksxk ftlesa dzekad&4 ij vafdr /kjksgj /kujkf'k lek;ksftr jgsxhA bldh lwpuk QeZ dks rr~le; nh tk;sxhA mDr ,Q0Mh0 vfUre dz;kns'k ds fofHkUu vkbVeksa dh vkiwfrZ ds 03 ekg dh vof/k ds ckn QeZ dks okil dh tk;sxhA dz; vkns'k laca/kh vkiwfrZ le; ls u djus ij mDr /kujkf'k tCr dh tk ldrh gS] lkFk gh QeZ dks fMckj@dkyh lwph esa Mkyus dh dk;Zokgh dh tk ldrh gSA dz;kns'k tkjh gksus ds mijkUr vf/kdre 21 fnuksa ds vUnj vkbVe dh vkiwfrZ fd;k tkuk vko';d gSA
8-fdlh Hkh izdkj ds mRiUu fooknksa dk U;k; {ks= y[kuÅ gksxkA
9-fufofnr vkbVe dh layXu lwph ds vuqlkj okafNr esd ,oa ekWMy dk mYys[k rduhdh Hkko i= esa fd;k tkuk vko';d gS] lwph ds vuqlkj esd ,oa ekWMy dk mYys[k ugha gksus ij lacaf/kr vkbZVe dh fufonk ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxk@fufonk fujLr dh tk ldrh gSA
10-foRrh; Hkko i= esa nj dk mYys[k iw.kZ fooj.k ds lkFk fd;k tkuk vko';d gSA vafdr dh x;h njks esa fu;ekuqlkj lHkh izdkj ds VSDl ,oa <qykbZ vkfn lfEefyr gksuk pkfg,A bl en esas vyx ls dksbZ Hkqxrku ns; ugha gksxkA
11-vkbVeksa dh vkiwfrZ jktdh; tu fo'ys"kd iz;ksx'kkyk] m0iz0] y[kuÅ ,oa {ks=h; tu fo'ys"kd iz;ksx'kkykvksa] dze'k% esjB] vkxjk] okjk.klh] xksj[kiqj ,oa >kalh esa dh tk;sxhA
12-fufonk ds lHkh izi=ks ij izksizkbVj ds gLrk{kj o eksgj gksuk vko';d gSA
13-lHkh vkbZVe Hkkjrh; eqnzk esa gh dz; fd;s tk;saxsA
c& fufonk isij psd&fyLV
fuEufyf[kr izek.k&i= dks fn;s x;s dze ,oa okafNr izk:i ¼ewy@ Nk;kizfr vkfn½ esa rduhdh fcM ds lkFk vo'; layXu fd;s tk;saA vU;Fkk fufonk fujLr dj nh tk;sxhA blds vfrfjDr dksbZ Hkh vU; i=@ izek.k i= ;k vfHkys[k dh ewy izfr fdlh Hkh le; vfrfjDr :i ls ekaxs tkus ij miyC/k djk;k tkuk vko';d gksxkA
(i)fufonk 'krksZ ds dzekad&4 ij mfYyf[kr vkbVe ds lEeq[k vafdr /kujkf'k dh bZ0,e0Mh0 ewy:i esa layXu dh tk;A
(ii)fufonk esa izfrHkkx djus gsrq VsDuhdy fcM ds lkFk :0 1000-00¼:0 ,d gtkj½ dh /kujkf'k dk cSad Mªk¶V] tks vk;qDr] [kk| lqj{kk ,oa vkS"kf/k iz'kklu] m0iz0] y[kuÅ ds uke gks] layXu djuk vfuok;Z gSA
(iii)fufonknkrk dk uohure 01 o"kZ dk vk;dj fjVuZ ,oa O;kikjdj fooj.k dh Nk;kizfr¼tks rhu o"kZ ls vf/kd iqjkuk u gks½] Vh0vkbZ0,u0] ih0,0,u0 ds vfHkys[k layXu fd;s tk;saA
(iv)fufofnr vkbVe dks lh0,l0vkbZ0vkj0 dh iz;ksx'kkykvksas@,u0,0ch0,y0 iz;ksx'kkykvksa esa la;U=ksa dh vkiwfrZ djus dk foxr rhu o"kksZ esa de ls de ,d o"kZ dk vuqHko izek.k&i= rFkk lacaf/kr dz;kns'k dh izfrA
(v)fufonk nsus okyh QeZ ;fn mRikn bdkbZ gS rks ml vk'k; dk iathdj.k izek.k&i=] ;fn forjd gS rks fizafliy bdkbZ dk vf/kd`r forjd Nk;kizfr nsuh gksxhA ;fn fdlh ,d vkbVe gsrq fufonk izLrqr dh tkrh gS rks fufonknkrk dks ml vkbVe dk vyx ls vf/kd`r forjd izek.k i= Hkh nsuk gksxk rFkk ml vkbVe ds dz;kns'k dh izfr;ka nsuh gksxh] tks rhu o"kZ ls vf/kd iqjkuk u gksA
(vi)fufofnr vkbVe ds esd] ekWMy ,oa nj dk Li"V mYys[k gksuk vko';d gSA
(vii)fufofnr vkbVe dk ewy czks'ku layXu djuk vfuok;Z gSA
(viii):0 10-00¼:0 nl ek=½ ds LVkEi isij bl vk'k; dk izek.k&i= miyC/k djkuk gksxk fd fufonk Mkyus okyh QeZ vFkok fuekZrk QeZ dgha ls Hkh fMckj vFkok CySd fyLVsM ugha gSA
(ix):0 10-00 ds ukWu twfMf'k;y LVkEi isij fuEufyf[kr izk:i ij ukWu dfUoD'ku izek.k&i=A
(Non Conviction)
I……………………….(Name, age and complete address of proprietor)
Do solemnly declare and affirm as under-
1-That our firm ………………..(name of owner and address of firm) is registered with trade tax department ……………….(Place) with registration no.
TT no……………….
CST no……………..
TIN no……………..
2-That the deponent is the sole proprietor of M/s…………….(name of firm with address).
3-That the above firm has not been convicted from any court under any act by any institute of government/semi government.
I, above named deponent do hereby verify that the contents of the above para 1 to 3 of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief .
signed and verified on this …………….(date) in the court compound at …………(court palace)
(x):0 10-00 ds ukWu twfMf'k;y LVkEi isij fuEufyf[kr izk:i ij fufonk dh 'krsZ ekU; gksus ds laca/k esa 'kiFk&i=%&
eS] es0------¼fufonknkrk dk uke@QeZ dk uke ,oa iw.kZ irk] VªsM VSDl la[;k] lh0,l0Vh0 la[;k rFkk Vh0vkbZ0,u0 la[;k½ 'kiFk iwoZd c;ku djrk gw¡ fd eq>s bl fufonk dh leLr 'krsZ ekU; gSaA esjh QeZ dks dHkh Hkh fdlh 'kkldh; ,oa v)Z'kkldh; laLFkk }kjk dkyh lwph esa ugha Mkyk x;k gSA
la[;k&gLrk{kj 'kiFkh
14-mijksDrkuqlkj okafNr lwpuk esa ls dksbZ lwpuk feF;k@vizkIr ik;h tkrh gS rks mDr QeZ dh fufonk ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
Schedule of Requirments
dz; fd;s tkus okys la;U=ksa dk fooj.k%&
Sr.No / Item / Lko / GKP / VNS(Food) / MRT
(Food) / Agra
(Food) / JHS (Food) / Total
Food / Drug / Food / Drug
Digital Polari meter / - / 01 / - / - / - / - / - / - / 01
Auto Titrator / 01 / 01 / - / - / - / - / - / - / 02
Dissolution Machine with auto sampler / - / 02 / - / - / - / - / - / - / 02
Karl Fisher Autotitrator with Accessories / - / 01 / - / - / - / - / - / - / 01
FTIR Spectrophotometer / - / 02 / - / - / - / - / - / - / 02
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph / - / 01 / - / - / - / - / - / - / 01
Vacuum pressure oven / 01 / - / 01 / - / 01 / 01 / 01 / 01 / 06
Milk Scanner / 01 / - / 01 / - / 01 / 01 / 01 / 01 / 06
Fros Freet Refrigerator / 05 / - / 01 / - / 01 / 01 / 01 / 01 / 10
Total / 08 / 08 / 03 / - / 03 / 03 / 03 / 03 / 31
la;U=ksa ds ekud
- Polari meter Digital
- Light source: Sodium or Tungsten halogen lamp
- Measurement range: ±89.0°
- Measurement accuracy: ±0.002°
- Measurement repeatability: 0.001°
- Optical Wavelength: 589 nm.
- Response speed: 6 seconds or better
- Detector: Photomultiplier tube or any other
- Read out mode: optical rotation, specific rotation, sugar scale& optical purity
- Temperature range: 10-40°C
- Temperature accuracy: 0.2°C
- Prism: Glan Thompson calcite polarizer or any other.
- Sample Chamber-Should except sample tubes up to 200 mm
- Sample tubes- cylinder glass tubes of 100 mm & 200 mm path length(each three number
- System qualification- Should comply, DQ/IQ/OQ.
- PC with TFT monitor and laser printer, all of repute makes to support the system’s software.
- Auto Titrator.
Automatic potentiometric titrator for determination of acid base, alkalinity, non-aqueous,
redox, argentometric with following features:-
- Titration Mode-Monotonic titration /endpoint /direct PH measurement.
- Titrant Volume-25ml for standard internal tubes, unlimited for external container.
- Minimum sample volume-5ml
- PH range-1-13or better
- Sample stirrer-Magnetic follower. (Required10 piece).
- Minimum dispense volume-0.5 µL.
- PH Calibration-2 point or more.
- System qualification- Should comply, DQ/IQ/OQ.
- Suitable electrodes for all above type of titrations should be coated.
- PC with TFT monitor, laser printer and UPS, all of repute makes to support the system’s software.
- Complete training to analysts to operate the system.
- Dissolution Machine with auto sampler.
Dissolution Tester-
- Vessel system: 08
- Paddle swing : 0.3mm
- Basket swing : <±0.08mm
- Speed range: ~100
- Speed accuracy: <±20%
- Water bath temp range: Ambient-500C
- Water bath temp resolution: 0.10C
- proper alignment of paddle and dissolution cup: ±1.5mm
- Cylindrical vassal capacity: 1000ml with ID: 98-106mm
- Machine should comply with the general requirement given under I.P./B.P./U.S.P.
Auto Sampler-
1-Sample bath: 08
2- Sampling time: 15 or better
3- Maximum sampling interval: 15 hours or better.
4-Miniumum sampling interval: First time in one ml, following 4-6 minutes
5-Continiuos running time: 15 hours or better x 15
6-Sampling filter cycle : < 30 seconds
7- Sampling (fluid infusion): 1 ml~10 ml
8- System qualification- Should comply DQ/IQ/OQ.
9- Dissolution Media preparatory system-01
10-Validation Kit-01
11-PC of latest configuration with laser printer, UPS based inverters for 02 hours backup.
- Karl Fisher Autotitrator with Accessories
- Method of detection : Conductometric
- Range of moisture detection:
A- Concentration :< 50PPMor better with 100 % accuracy.
B-Water content: 0.1 -500mg
- Display of reading: Direct reading of moisture in PPM, % w/w and % w/v of water.
- Electrode: Dual Platinum electrode.
- End Point time: 1-99 seconds, Adjustable
- End Point sensitivity of moisture detection: Adjustable
- Statistics: mean value, standard deviation and relative standard deviation
- Data storage: more than 50 analysis date with corresponding data
- System qualification- Should comply, DQ/IQ/OQ.
- PC of latest configuration, laser printer with data capture software, UPS based inverters for 02 hours backup
5- FTIR Spectrophotometer
Computer controlled Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer with facilityin build certified unit which may producethe reports documenting the results of the validation tests.
- Wave Number range-500-6000 cm ˉ¹ better.
- Spectral resolution 04 cmˉ¹or better
- Detector- DTGS
- Beam splitter- ZnSe,
- Signal to Noise Ratio- 25000:1 or better peak to peak in one minute.
- System qualification- Should comply DQ/IQ/OQ.
Accessory and others-
1-(a) ATR Sampling kit. (Diamond)
(b)PC with 19" TFT Monitor 01 TB hard disc, 08 GB RAM with other latest configurations and laser printer, all of repute make.
(c) KBr die window for solid and liquid 1.5 ton hydraulic presser, pellet holder, agate mortar & pestle.
2-Libaries- General chemical, Drug molecules in I.P., B.P., U.S.P , Food, insecticide ,20000 compounds with NIST traceable.
4-Complete operational training to be provided to working analysts.
5- Original software with genuine key.
6-Calibration kit along with Polystyrene film.
6. High Performance Liquid Chromatograph
- Quaternary Gradient Pump-
- Flow rates-0.001 to 09 ml/min with increment of 0.01ml/min.
- Compressibility compensation should be automatic and continuous
- Flow rate accuracy- ± 1% RSD.
- Flow rate precision- ± 0.2% RSD.
- Operating pressure- 0 to 5000 psi or above
- Composition range: 0-100% in 0.1% increments
- Composition accuracy-±0.5%
- Composition precision-± 0.5% or less
- Suitable on line degasser
- Safety measurement- Liquid leakage sensor.
- Auto sampler injection system-
- Injection volume range- 0.1 µl to 100 µl. or better
- Injection volume accuracy- ± 1%.
- Injection volume precision- 1% RSD.
- Sample carryover-not more than 0.01 % for caffeine.
- Working pH range- 1 to 10 or better.
- No of sample vials: up to 96 or more
- Sample vial capacity- 1.5 ml/2ml, etc.
C-Column oven-
1. Temperature control range- Ambient to 60°C or more, in 10C increments
2. Temperature control precision- ± 1°C
D-Photodiode Array Detector
- Wave length range- 190 to 800 nm or better.
- Wave length accuracy- ± 1 nm.
- Wavelength repeatability: ± 0.1 nm
- Band width- 8 nm or better.
- Noise- 0.75× 10-5 AU or better at 254 nm.
- Drift- 1× 10-3 AU/hr or better.
- Measurement /sensitivity range:0.0001-2.000AUFS
- Auto zero facility
- Light Source-Deuterium /Halogen lamps or other source.
- Peak Purity software.
E-Chromatographic Software-
- Software for control, acquire, and process HPLC data
- Software with genuine product key should provide total support to analysis work controlling all the modules.
- Full 32 bit architecture
- Interactive control and display of solvent delivery
- Should be designed with facilities for data acquisition, report generation data management, audit trial, validation, and system suitability as per I.P./B.P./U.S.P.Monograph.
- System qualification- Should comply DQ/IQ/OQ.
- Should be able to perform custom calculations
- Extensive User help
F- Hardware & Computer and Backup-
Computer controlled system, 19’’TFT monitor with 1TB hard disc, 08 GB RAM and other latest configurations of repute make. Laser printer and genuine software with product key. 3 KVA online UPS with at least 2 hours backup
2- Optional accessories-
- Columns- (Two columns of each type)
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 250 mm × 4.6 mm.
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 200 mm × 4.6 mm.
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 150 mm × 4.6 mm.
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 125 mm × 4.6 mm.
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 120 mm × 4.0 mm.
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 100 mm × 4.6 mm.
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 50 mm × 4.6 mm.
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 300 mm × 3.9 mm.
- C18 (5µM), S.S. 300 mm × 4.0 mm.
- C8 (5µM), S.S. 150 mm × 3.9 mm.
- C8 (5µM), S.S. 150 mm × 4.6 mm.
- Porous silica(µM), S.S., 200 mm × 4.6 mm.
- Filtration system, etc.-
- Leak proof Mobile phase filtration assembly.
- Digital ultrasonic bath with timer and heater.
- 100 vials(1.5 ml or 2 ml. with Cap and Septa) to be provided with system.
- Solvent line filter 10 number.
- Solvent reservoir bottle of one liter capacity 08 numbers.
- Plunger Seal, PTFE frit, Peak tubing (0.18 ID), Peak tubing (1/16”), Peak fitting, solvent inlet filter, tool kit.
- Training- Complete operational training to be provided to working analysts.
- All the other essential accessories to be provided at the time of installation.
7-Vacuum pressure oven
Widely usedin various applications such as moisture determination, aging test drying of chemical,drugs and paper ,desiccating ,dry sterilization etc.
- Silicone door gasket to maintain seal at all vacuum levels.
- Interior made of stainless steel.
- Insulation should be glass wool.
- Vacuum capacity 760 mmHg and maintains a maximum leak of 1mmHg/24 hours
- Capacity- 15-25 litre.
- Adjustable Shelves (02 or more),
- Digital display of Temperature
- Temperature Uniformity - ±6.0°C at 100°C 25 ft.Hg
- Accessories- Aluminium disc - 20Nos.
8-Milk Analyser
1-Calibration Range-UP to 50% Fat
UP to 7% Protein
UP to 35% Total Solid
2-Milk and Milk-Fat %, total solid
ProductSNF%, Lactose%, Protein%,
Total Acidity, F.F.A
Citric Acid, Urea; Casein, glucose, sucrose, total sugar, Frucotse
3-Adultrants in milk and milk produces-
Urea, starch Neutralizer, Detergent, Nacl, Melamine, Ammonium sulphate
4-Calibration Range- ≤ 1 C.V on milk & milk product [Fat, Protein total solid]
5-Repeatibility- ≤ 0.25% C.V on milk & milk product
6-Analysis time-30 Seconds for milk & milk product
7-Sample Volume-8ml or more
8-Sample Temperature-ambient to 500C or better (The sample must be homogenous)
9-Cleaning-Automatic and programmable
10-Purging Efficiency-≥ 99%
11-Calibration Routine-Slope/intercept adjustment
12-Optical System-Her matically sealed
13-Integrated Computer System- PC with LED monitor one TN harddisc, 08 GB RAM, with data capture software and laser printer all of repute make and UPS based invertor for 2 hours backup,
9-Frost Free Refrigerator for Laboratory
1-Capacity 500 Liter.
2-Digital Display
3-Frost free.
4-Temperature control system.
5-Stand with wheel.
6-Adjustable racks.
¼eqjyh euksgj yky½