Assistant Clinical Faculty
Coordinator of Skills and Experiential Learning
Loyola Univeristy New Orleans College of Law
540 Broadway Street - Box 902
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118
504-861-5560– direct line
Loyola University School of Law; New Orleans, Louisiana: J.D. May 2003
2002 National Moot Court Team, Southern Regional Finalist, sponsored by The New York City Bar
2001 International Environmental Moot Court Team, sponsored by Stetson University
2000 Intramural Moot Court Competition, Finalist, sponsored by Loyola University
Recipient of Clem H. Shert Award for Outstanding Senior Moot Court Staff Member
Moot Court Legal Research and Writing Assistant
Loyola University; New Orleans, Louisiana: Bachelor Degree, Political Science, December 1998
Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society
Loyola University College of Law, New Orleans (May 2010 to present)
Assistant Clinical Faculty
Coordinator of Skills and Experiential Learning
Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School, Atlanta, Georiga
Assistant Professor of Law in Skills Program (tenured track) 2011- 2012
Legal Writing Research and Analysis II – Spring 2012; Transactional Drafting – Spring 2012; Negotiation – Summer 2011; Legal Writing Research and Analysis I – Fall 2011; Advanced Appellate Advocacy – Fall 2011;Co-Coached Pre-trial Advocacy Competition – hosted by Stetson College of Law
Stetson University College of Law, Gulfport, Florida
Visiting Professor of Legal Skills, 2009 – 2011
Legal Research and Writing I – Fall 2009 – on schedule for Fall 2010, Spring 2011;Legal Research and Writing II – Spring 2010;Florida Civil Procedure – Summer 2010;Florida Practice – Summer 2011;
Supervised Florida Circuit Court Appellate Internship – Fall 2010; Summer 2011; Coached Pre-Trial Moot Court Competition hosted by Stetson College of Law;Co-Coached Chief Judge Conrad B. Duberstein National Bankruptcy Moot Court Competition hosted by St. John’s University School of Law;
Moot Court Practice Judge – 2009-2010; ABA National Appellate Advocacy Team, John Marshall International IT and Privacy Law Team, Navy JAG Corp Team, Veterans Law Appellate Advocacy Team.
Herzing College, New Orleans, Louisiana Adjunct Instructor, 2004 – 2005
Law Office Procedures course for paralegals.
Co-Presenter – LWI Biennial Conference Palm Springs:Critiquing Moot Court Arguments; The When, Why and What. (July 2012)
Presenter – LWI One Day Workshop, Legal Research: Legal-Caching: Engaging students in print research through the use of QR scan codes. (December 2011)
Presenter –A practical approach to legal writing for paralegals, sponsored by The Institute of Paralegal Studies. (February 2011)
Panelist - LWI One Day Workshop, Thinking Forward:Why This is the Most Rewarding Job in Legal Education, hosted by Stetson College of Law.(December 2010)
Panelist - LWI One Day Workshop, Thinking Forward:Why This is the Most Rewarding Job in Legal Education, hosted by Charleston College of Law.(December 2010)
Panelist - The Legal Impact of the BP Oil Spill, sponsored by Stetson Maritime, Environmental and Asian American Law Society. (October 2010)
Panelist - BP Oil Spill, Faculty Roundtable Discussion, hosted by Stetson College of Law, Communications Department. (August 2010)
State of Florida, Sixth Judicial Circuit, St. Petersburg, Florida
Staff Attorney, May 2006 – August 2009
Conducted legal research and discussed relevant issues in particular cases before the court.
Assisted judges through case discussion, the drafting and revision process or continued research on assigned issues. Studied and evaluated current trends in binding legal precedent and thereafter drafted memoranda and circulated amongst judiciary.
Read and interpreted newly enacted legislation in order to evaluate the affects upon the courthouse and then proposed solutions in written form.
Wilkes & McHugh, Tampa, Florida
Law Clerk/Discovery Specialist, October 2005 – February 2006
Maintained and coordinated discovery in ongoing litigation.
Prepared files for trial including coordination of witnesses and clients.
Sharp, Henry, Cerniglia, Colvin, Weaver & Hymel, New Orleans, Louisiana
Associate, April 2003 - August 2005
Law clerk, May 2001 – April 2003
Majority of cases involved maritime, specifically offshore drilling operations and personal injury.
Knowledge of applicable maritime law including Jones Act, Longshore Harborworker Compensation Act, Outer-Continental Shelf Lands Act, Death on the High Seas Act and general maritime common law.
Drafted successful Motion for Summary Judgment dismissing entire case based on whether the vessel was “in navigation.” Drafted several appeals both in Federal and State Courts regarding general maritime issues.
Jones, Walker New Orleans, Louisiana
Paralegal, March 1999 - August 2000
Managed documents for class action environmental toxic tort litigation and interviewed potential witnesses.
Conducted legal research regarding quantum damages and assisted attorneys with preparation for depositions and hearings
The Legal Estuary: a study of state trial law clerks. (2011 ALWD grant recipient)
No Room for Reform? How the Feres Doctrine has led to an abandonment of accountability and an inbred culture of cover-up and protectionism in our American military.
New Orleans Criminal Indigent Defender Program 1997-1999
American Bar Association Law Day Event, Gibbs High School - 2008 & 2009
Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Fund, Three Day 2008
Tampa Bay Garden Club – Secretary 2008-2010
Bayshore Gardens Neighborhood Association – Board Member 2008 - 2011
United States Louisiana Eastern District Court Bar Member 2005
Barney Masterson Inns of Court, St. Petersburg Florida 2007, 2009
St. Petersburg Bar Association 2009