Working document on a possible Commission Regulation implementing Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to small, distribution and power transformers
Brussels, 20.03.2012
Subject matter
This working document pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC establishes ecodesign requirements related to small, distribution and power transformers with a minimum power rating of 1 kVA used in 50Hz electricity transmission and distribution. The preparatory study showed that energy in the use phase is the only significant environmental aspect which can be addressed through product design. Other ecodesign parameters referred to in annex I, Part 1 of the Directive are not considered to be significant.
This Regulation shall not apply to:
(a)Small power transformers with ratings below 1 kVA;
(b)Special purpose small power transformers with well defined target applications that are not continuously (guitar, portable machine tools, welding equipment, etc…)
(c)Distribution transformers that are autotransformers
(d)Safety transformers;
(e)Line voltage restorers;
(f)Magnetic halogen lighting transformers and;
(g)Consumer electronics transformers.
Transformers are considered as energy related products within the meaning of Article 2 (1) of Directive 2009/125/EC.
For the purpose of this working document the following definitions shall apply.
(1) “Power transformer” means a device used in the transmission and distribution of electric power at the EU27 grid’s frequency and voltage levels at rated power levels above 1 kVA single phase and 5 kVA or greater in poly phase. The high voltage winding normally exceeds 36 kV.
(2)“Distribution transformer” means a device that takes voltage from a primary distribution circuit and coverts it to a secondary distribution circuit or a consumer’s service circuit at a lower voltage. The high voltage winding does not exceed 36 kV.
(3)“Rated power” (S) means the value of rated current that may be carried with the rated voltage applied under specified conditions laid out in the international standard IEC 60050.The rated power is generally reported in kilovolt-amperes (kVA) or megavolt-amperes (MVA).
(4)“Load factor” means the ratio of energy supplied by a transformer during a given period of time to the energy it would have supplied if it had been operating at its maximum rated power for the same period of time.
(5)“Load loss” (Pk) means the active power absorbed at rated frequency and reference temperature associated with a pair of windings when the rated current is flowing through the line terminal(s) of one of the windings and the terminals of the other windings are in short-circuit with any winding fitted with tappings connected to its principal tapping.
(6)“No load loss” (Po) means the active power absorbed at rated frequency when the transformer is energised and the secondary circuit is open. The applied voltage is the rated voltage, and if the energized winding is fitted with a tapping, it is connected to its principal tapping.
For all other definitions, please refer to relevant IEC’s definitions. For the purposes of the Annexes, additional definitions are set out in Annex I.
Eco-design requirements
Energy losses in the use phase are by far the dominating environmental impact over the lifecycle of transformers.
Products falling under the definitions of paragraph "Definitions" above shall meet the ecodesign requirements set out in Annex I, including:
- Minimum energy performance requirements
- Product information requirements
It is not considered necessary or useful to introduce energy labelling requirements for any type of transformer in the scope of the proposed ecodesign regulation.
Small transformers
The minimum energy performance requirements in the form of maximum load and no-load losses are based on the recommendations made by the preparatory study, with a more strict timing for application. The requirements will be introduced in two steps, Tier 1 in 2016 and Tier 2 in 2020.
The requirements for Tier 1 correspond to the losslevels identified in the option MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) in the preparatory study. The requirements for Tier 2 are rounded figures, representing between 15 and 20% lower levels of load and no-load losses than Tier 1.
Distribution transformers
The minimum energy performance requirements in the form of maximum load and no-load losses are based on the recommendations made by the preparatory study. The requirements will be introduced in two steps, Tier 1 in 2014 and Tier 2 in 2018.
The requirements for Tier 1 correspond to the loss levels identified in the option MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) in Table 7.2 of the preparatory study. The requirements for Tier 2 would correspond to an option in between the MEPS level proposed for Tier 1 and the LLCC (Least Life Cycle Cost) option in the preparatory study..
For the sub-category pole-mounted transformers, Annex I includes two options. Option 1 is the recommendation for load losses coming from the preparatory study and Option 2 is an adaptation of a proposal made by manufacturers. In either case, the subcategory on pole mounted transformers is supposed to disappear in Tier 2.
The review of the ecodesign implementing measure six years after its entry into force will allow assessing the evolution of amorphous technology and considering lower levels of load losses.
Power transformers
Power transformers sold in the EU market today are often designed to individual customer specifications based on IEC standards,with information and guarantees on the performance, including load and no-load losses agreed between the customer and the transformer manufacturer. Furthermore, the levels of load and no-load losses of large power transformers are largely determined by the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) analyses in the (often public) procurement procedures of Transmission Owners. The Commission recognises that the TCO assessment is an established practice to determine the levels of load and no-load losses of power transformers. To compliment this practice and to provide a framework for ensuring minimum energy performance requirements are achieved, the Commission is considering the following options (which may not be mutually exclusive) for discussion at the Consultation Forum:
Option 1: Maximum Losses. Germany has adopted a national minimum performance standard (DIN 42508) that establishes maximum load and no-load losses for certain specifications of power transformers and references EN 60076 for performance measurements. Under this option, the Commission would proceed with the approach recommended by the Preparatory Study to develop EU minimum performance requirements for power transformers. The Tier 1 and Tier 2 levels would be adapted from DIN 42508 with input from the Consultation Forum, while equivalent EU standards are developed. The Commission recognises that care would be needed with this approach to avoid unjustified cost increases and inappropriate load to no-load loss ratios arising from the wide range of applications in which power transformers are employed.
Option 2: Minimum Efficiency. The Commission recognises that power transformers are often specifically designed for a given installation. The procurement of power transformers often involves the specification of the anticipated loading point either directly or through the use of separate load and no-load loss capitalisation figures. Under this option, the Commission would work with CENELEC and other stakeholders to develop an equation or series of equations that take into account the MVA rating of the power transformer and the loading design point. The equation(s) would provide a percentage minimum efficiency that must be met or exceeded at that particular loading point for a particular rating of transformer. This option has the advantage of allowing design flexibility for manufacturers in the trade-off of no-load and load losses, and will ensure that the apex of the efficiency curve is coincident with anticipated loading on that unit over its service lifetime.
Option 3: Information Requirements Only. EU standards regarding the accuracy of the measurements of load and no-load losses are still under development. For this reason, and due to the heterogeneity of the market and lack of market data, the Commission is considering establishing product information requirements for power transformers as a minimum requirement. This would improve the Commission’s understanding of the product and the market, and would allow time for standards making bodies to complete standards for power transformers. If this option is selected, the possible establishment of specific energy performance requirements for power transformers will be reassessed at the review of this implementing measure, six years after entry into force.
Energy Savings Estimate
The saving estimate will depend on the Option chosen for power transformers (see table below). In the most conservative scenario, it is estimated that the proposed specific requirements for small and distribution transformers will allow saving at least 11,5 TWh per year by 2025 (or around 20% less than) compared to a Business As Usual scenario.
Option/ Scenario / Requirements / Energy savings estimate1 / MEPS for small transformers + MEPS for distribution transformers + Option 1 (MEPS following DIN 42508) for power transformers / 17,5 TWh/year by 2025
2 / MEPS for small transformers + MEPS for distribution transformers + Option 2 (Minimum efficiency) for power transformers / Not quantified. At least 11,5 TWh as in Option 3, but probably close to Option 1.
3 / MEPS for small transformers + MEPS for distribution transformers + Option 3 (Product information requirements) for power transformers / 11,5 TWh/year by 2025
Form of the Implementing measure
The Commission intends to propose a directly applicable Implementing Regulation under Directive 2009/125/EC. The proposed Regulation is not expected to have a particular impact on the EU acquis. There are no overlaps with other Ecodesign regulations, as far as is known.
Standardisation needs
The needs for European standards to be updated will include:
- Add extra no-load classes in standard EN 50464-1 for three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers. It is recommended to extend the classes up to A0-50% and include intermediate classes. The levels of losses should be extended up to a rated power of 40MVA.
- Add a list of levels of load and no-load losses for pole mounted transformers in the relevant standard (see table 3 in Annex I).
- Add extra no-load and load classes in standard EN50541-1 for three phase dry-type distribution transformers. The levels of losses should be extended up to a rated power of 10MVA.
The needs for European standards to be developed will include:
- Standard to measure the load and no-load losses for small industrial transformers with a high-voltage winding below 1 kV (follow method used in EN 60076-x series)
- Standard to measure the load and no-load losses of all transformers. The EN standard could be based on the existing IEC 60076-1 to define the measurement and accuracy of the no load losses and load losses.
- Definition and inclusion of the fire behaviour of distribution transformers filled with fire-resistant fluids such as silicon liquid or biodegradable natural esters.
Conformity Assessment
A conformity assessment shall be carried out according to Chapter 8 of Directive 2009/125/EC, Annex IV (Internal design control) or Annex V (Management system for assessing conformity).
Market surveillance
When performing the market surveillance checks referred to in Directive 2009/125/EC, Chapter 3 (2), MemberState authorities shall apply the verification procedure set out in Annex IV of this working document.
It is envisaged that the proposed ecodesign regulation shall include in Annex benchmarking values corresponding to the current best available models.
A review of the proposed requirements shall be presented to the Consultation Forum depending on technological progress and not later than 6 years after its entry into force.
Annex I: Ecodesign requirements
b) Specific requirements
For the purposes of the annexes the following definitions shall apply:
(7)“Oil-immersed distribution transformer” means three-phase transformers designed according to EN 50464-1 operating at 50Hz, with rated power ratings started at 25kVA with a rated high voltage winding not exceeding 36 kV.
(8)“Pole mounted transformer” means a transformer with a rated power rating between150 and 315 kVA designed for aerial mounting on a pole.
(9)“Dry-type distribution transformer” means three-phase transformers designed according to EN 50541-1 operating at 50Hz, with rated power started at 100 kVA with a high voltage winding not exceeding 36 kV.
(10)“Large power transformer” means transformers designed for use in 50Hz electricity distribution grids with a high voltage winding exceeding 36 kV.
(11)“Small power transformer” means transformers designed for use in 50Hz electricity distribution grids with rated power between 1 and 100 kVA and with a highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 1 kV.
The requirements for energy performance are set out in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1: Maximum load and no-load losses requirements for small power transformers
Rating (S) (kVA) / Tier 1 (from 2016) / Tier 2 (from 2020)Maximum no-load losses (W)* / Maximum load losses (W)* / Maximum no-load losses (W)* / Maximum load losses (W)*
1 / 25 / 100 / 21 / 85
4 / 55 / 200 / 45 / 170
16 / 110 / 400 / 90 / 340
32 / 165 / 600 / 135 / 510
64 / 220 / 800 / 180 / 680
*Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall in between the ratingsin Table 1 shall be obtained by linear interpolation. Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall outside the ratings in Table 1 shall be obtained by linear extrapolation.
Table 2: Maximum load and no-load losses for distribution transformers
Product category / Stage 1 (from 2014)Maximum load and no-load losses* / Stage 2 (from 2018)
Maximum load and no-load losses*
Oil-immersed distribution transformers / For ≤ 630kVA : A0Ck
For > 630kVA:A0Ak / For ≤ 630kVA :A0(-20%)Ck
For > 630kVA:A0(-20%)Ak
(subcategory pole mounted transformers disappears)
(Subcategory) Pole mounted transformers / See Table 3
Dry-type distribution transformers / A0Ak / A0(-20%)Ak(-15%)
*Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall in between the ratings defined in the applicable tables in the European Norm shall be obtained by linear interpolation. Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall outside those tables shall be obtained by linear extrapolation.
Table 3 (Option 1)Maximum no-load losses for sub-category pole mounted distribution transformers
Product category / Stage 1 (from 2014)Maximum no-load losses* / Stage 2 (from 2018)
Maximum no-load losses*
(Subcategory) Pole mounted transformers / Low loss core material (≤ 0,95 W per kg at 1,7T at 50Hz) / (subcategory pole mounted transformers disappears)
Table 3 (Option 2): Maximum load and no-load losses for sub-category pole mounted distribution transformers
Rated power (kVA) (**) / Stage 1 (from 2014)Maximum losses* / Stage 2 (from 2018)
Pk nominal (W) (*) / P0 nominal (W) (*) / (subcategory pole mounted transformers disappears)
160 / 3100 / 460
250 / 4200 / 650
315 / 5000 / 770
*Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall in between the rated powerspecified in the table shall be obtained by linear interpolation.
** Maximum losses for ratings below 160kVA should be the same as for normal oil-immersed distribution transformers at Tier 1 in Table 2.
c) Product information requirements
From 01.01.2014 the following product information requirements apply:
(1)Information on load and no-load losses shall be mandatory in any related product documentation. For large power transformers following the definition given in this Annex, manufacturers will make the information on their losses and/or efficiency publicly available at the moment of placing them on the market or putting them into service, following the template indicated in Annex II.
(2)Information on the weight of all the main components of a transformer (including the conductor and the core material) shall be mandatory in any related product documentation
(3)Special small power purpose transformers with well defined target applications shall have their application identified in any related product documentation and shall include the ISO caution mark to read the product documentation.
(4)Pole mounted distribution transformers as defined in this Annex shall have their application mentioned in any related product documentation and shall include the ISO caution mark to read their documentation.
Annex II: Template for the declaration of losses and no-load losses for large power transformers
Annex III: Measurement methods
For the purpose of compliance with the requirements of this Regulation, measurements shall be made using a reliable, accurate and reproducible measurement procedure, which takes into account the generally recognised state of the art measurement methods, including methods set out in documents the reference numbers of which have been published for that purpose in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Annex IV: Verification procedure for market surveillance purposes
For the purposes of checking conformity with the requirements laid down in Annex I, MemberState authorities shall test a single transformer. If the measured parameters do not meet the values declared by the supplierwithin the ranges set out in Table 1, the product will be considered not to comply with the requirements laid down in Annex I (Ecodesign requirements).
Member States authorities shall use reliable, accurate and reproducible measurement procedures, which take into account the generally recognised state-of-the-art measurement methods, including methods set out in documents the reference numbers of which have been published for that purpose in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Table 1.
Measured parameter / Verification tolerancesLoad losses / The measured value shall not be greater than the declared value by more than 5 %.
No load losses / The measured value shall not be greater than the declared value by more than 5 %.