Cross-Class Extra Credit Caricature
This optional extra credit assignment is available to ALL Early US History students. The assignment will replace your three lowest daily grades. (NO zeros will be replaced.) It is DUE on January 6, 2010. No late nor individual work will be accepted. This assignment is a group project. Your group will have a minimum of three students and can have a maximum of five students that are enrolled in Early US History. Your group may be made up of students from ANY of the Early US History classes. (For example, your group can be made up 2 students in Ferguson’s class, 2 students from Zuber’s class, and 1 student from Shoemaker’s class.) All work on the assignment will be completed outside of class. The caricature must be life-size and have a creative title that correctly reflects the topic and period. The group name must appear on the front of the caricature. The points earned will be based on the following rubric.
Content (includes caricature content, title, prompt, and a full thesis paragraph): 70%
Connections: 15%
Artwork: 10%
Peer Review Sheet: 5%
The caricature must be an original creation of the group. No clipart, computer generated work, or other non-student created work may appear on the caricature.
All group members will need to pick up and turn in a peer review sheet with their group’s caricature.
The Sign-up sheet will be posted in Mr. Shoemaker’s room 2605
1800 Caricature
Using the graphic below, as a guide, create a caricature to represent the United States in 1800. The graphic is just a guide. Feel free to add any other valid characteristics that you know will help illustrate the US in 1800. The grade will be based on the quality of content, linkage making correct connections between the questions below, the prompt and response, the peer review sheet, and your artwork. Your group must also create an AP level FRQ/DBQ essay prompt along with a thesis paragraph that answers the prompt your group created.
caricature: A picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities, assets, or defects of persons or things.
1800 Caricature Group Sign-Up Sheet
Group Name / Group Members / Class TeacherGroup Name / Group Members / Class Teacher
Group Name / Group Members / Class Teacher
Group Name / Group Members / Class Teacher
Group Name / Group Members / Class Teacher
I. In the space below, specifically describe your contribution to the research and actual completion of the task. Be sure to include all activities you participated in from arranging meetings, finding relevant materials, hours worked, ideas contributed, etc.
II. Using the table that appears on the back of this page, place a grade from 0 to 100 in the appropriate box which reflects the quality of work and effort made by each individual in your group. Each individual receives two grades; one for the research, and the other for the actual construction of the task. This peer evaluation will be used to determine your individual final grade on the assignment. This peer evaluation will be strictly confidential and will be seen by the teacher only. Be sure that you justify any grade that you give. Use the rubric below as a guide in determining your peers’ grades.
Group Name ______Group Member Name / Research Grade / Construction Grade / Justifications
GRADE RANGE / EXPLANATION90-100 / Valuable contribution, attended all meetings, provided essential materials and ideas- major contributor to the organization, content, and completion of the task. Group would have had tremendous difficulty without this person’s assistance.
80-89 / Adequate contribution, attended most meetings, provided valuable materials and ideas- contributed to the organization and content, but not as much and to the degree that others in the group did.
70-79 / Limited contribution, sporadic and limited attendance at meetings, very few valuable materials and ideas presented to the organization, content, and completion of the task. May have worked only on one aspect of the task and contributed very little value to the other aspects. Did only what they were told and nothing more, demonstrated little initiative to produce a quality product.
0-69 / Insufficient, meaningless contribution, poor attendance, if at all, poor, unrelated, overly simplistic materials and ideas presented. Apathetic and uncaring work ethic demonstrated. Group had to increase their burden because of the poor effort demonstrated. In some cases, could have completed the tasks without the person.