61. Teaching and Learning
Date adopted: June 2016
Reviewed June 2017
To be reviewed:-July 2018
See EOTAS policy control document (held by Tracy Hanks) for status, notes and actions pertaining to this policy
Section 1
Equal Opportunities
Section 2
Management of the School Day
Class room management and organisation
Record-keeping and assessment
Monitoring and evaluation
Effective Teaching styles / strategies
Section 3
Management Committee’s’ role
Parents’ role
Community’s role
The School’s role
Section 1
The ethos and atmosphere of EOTAS SWINDON centres underpin the EOTAS SWINDON strategic aims and priorities. Teachers provide a targeted and balanced curriculum, which develops the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for future learning. All staff, including learning support professionals work to remove barriers to learning and support the individual needs of learners. In the course of their work, staff will contribute to the development of this ethos through:
- Providing a calm, quiet and effective working environment, in which each learner can achieve his or her maximum potential
- Providing a welcoming environment, in which courtesy, kindness and respect are fostered
- Providing positive role models
- Providing a fair and disciplined environment, in line with the EOTAS SWINDON Behaviour Policy
- Maintaining purposeful and informative planning, record-keeping and assessment documents, in line with EOTAS SWINDON assessment policy.
- Effectively managing their professional time
- Developing links with the wider community
- Providing learners with meaningful, purposeful tasks, related to the National Curriculum, the five strands of progress within EOTAS SWINDON and examination programmes of study and learning outcomes.
- Valuing and celebrating learners’ success and achievements
- Reviewing personal and professional development.
- Providing appropriate CPD and coaching to colleagues in order to ensure a high level of professional expertise
- Welcoming and supporting teaching and non-teaching staff
Equal Opportunities
In accordance with the school’s Equal Opportunities Policy (see website), all learners at EOTAS SWINDON Swindon will, where possible and appropriate, be given full access to the curriculum. Staff will endeavour to help all learners to reach their full potential irrespective of race, gender, age or ability.
Section 2
Management of the School Day
I. The School Day
Each centre within EOTAS SWINDON organises the school day and curriculum to finely match the core purposes of each provision.
Literacy and numeracy we mean the ability to read, write and speak in English and to use Mathematics and ICT at a level necessary to function and progress at work and in society in general.
Teachers will encourage learners to work within given time scales, and will facilitate the effective use of time through:
- The provision of appropriate resources
- Planning extension activities, which can be carried out by individuals or groups of pupils
Classroom Management and Organisation:
I. Management
The learning environment will be managed in such a way as to facilitate different styles of learning, with particular regard to Special Educational Needs, and the actionable recommendations of educational psychologists’ reports:
- Whole class teaching
- Group work, organised according to appropriate criteria (i.e. ability, interest etc)
- One to one teaching
- Collaborative learning in pairs or groups
- Independent learning
- Online Learning
Learning Support professionals will be employed to support learners with Special
Educational Needs as outlined on their Individual Education Plans. This will be achieved through allocating learners to a level of support dependant on their academic and pastoral need. Each learner will receive a bespoke intervention offer based on current data to support the development of their literacy numeracy and pastoral needs. The impact of these interventions will be monitored as at each Pupil Progress point and learners can move between levels of intervention based on current performance. Learning Support professionals will deliver both one to one and group interventions through withdrawal from non-core subjects. They will also support learners in class across the core subjects where appropriate
II. Behaviour Management
As outlined in the EOTAS SWINDON Behaviour Policy. In addition, each class will:
- Display EOTAS SWINDON ’s Behaviour Prompts
- Follow the EOTAS SWINDON Behaviour Policy
- Use the rewards scheme in order to reinforce positive behaviour
- Follow through the consequences for poor behaviour
Staff will:
- Model appropriate behaviour
- Use data to support behavioural improvement
III. Organisation
- The classroom will be organised to facilitate learning and the development of independence. This may require flexibility in the organisation of furniture.
- Writing resources will be available for use at all times and will be centrally accessible
- Labels and posters should, wherever possible, reflect the diversity in Britain
- Classroom displays will be used to celebrate achievement
Heads of Centre support, challenge, monitor and quality assure the planning at each centre. Heads of Centre and U3 staff also facilitate opportunities to collaborate around planning.
Teachers will differentiate the curriculum by:
- Task
- Outcome
- Teacher / adult support
- Questioning
Differentiated tasks will be detailed in Short Term planning. Learning objectives and outcomes will be specified for all differentiated teaching. Detailed reference will be made in short term plans to Individual Education Plans.
Record-keeping and assessment
Please see the EOTAS SWINDON assessment and marking policy.
Learner induction
All new learners’ induction programmes will include a standardised approach to assessment covering cognitive ability, attitudinal profile; reading and numeracy and a review of any formalised plan for educational needs.
Results from these assessments will be analysed and placed into SIMS to allow staff access to them and so they can be used to inform future planning. These results will
be used to inform the Individual Education Plans of each learner.
Monitoring and evaluation
Identified staff will regularly, at least bi-termly, monitor and moderate learners’ written work/progress folders. Identified staff are usually members of staff on the Leadership Team, with TLRs or U3.
Identified staff will observe class teachers in their area twice year as part of our Learning Review cycle using the Lesson Observation Form and feedback using the two part prose letter.
Effective Teaching
Teaching Strategies:
In order to ensure equality of access, and effective matching of tasks to needs,
teachers will employ a variety of strategies:
- Providing opportunities for peer teaching/ collaboration
- Discussion and questioning (open and closed as appropriate)
- Previewing and reviewing work
- Using ICT
- Interactive teaching
- Listening
- Brainstorming
- Providing opportunities for reflection by learners
- Demonstrating high expectations
- Providing opportunities for repetition / reinforcement
- Providing encouragement, positive reinforcement and praise
- Making judgements and responding to individual need
- Intervening, as appropriate, in the learning process in order to encourage development
- Provide all learners with opportunities for success
- Use a range of communication strategies, verbal and non-verbal
Teachers will make their lessons purposeful:
- Through carefully planned, well structured (phased) and paced lessons
- By making objectives and outcomes explicit to learners at the beginning of each lesson, task or topic (see curriculum overview plans) and involving learners actively in their evaluation of learning achievement (not just a passive process)
- By ensuring learners are aware of the success criteria for each lesson
- Through explicitly checking understanding and reviewing work covered in each task or topic
- By delivering curriculum overview plans which incorporate spiritual, moral and cultural elements to centre deadlines
Teachers will make lessons interesting and stimulating:
- By starting lessons on time and avoiding dead minutes at the end
- By consciously showing enthusiasm and positivity for and about the subject and learning
- By devising imaginative/creative approaches to the development of knowledge and skills
- By varying teaching styles (Tactile, Olfactory, Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic), learning activities and the learning environment to maintain learners’ interest and take account of learning styles
- By using praise and positive reinforcement to foster self-esteem, motivation and confidence
- By regularly displaying examples of learners’ work and other relevant stimuli
- By encouraging learners to demonstrate their skills through formal presentations, drama, debate and role play
- Using ICT and multimedia presentation when and wherever appropriate to enhance the learning experience and outcome
Teachers will create an orderly environment and manage classes efficiently:
- By matching teaching style to lesson objectives and group dynamic
- By organizing physical resources in ways which will promote orderly classroom management
- By being consistent about classroom procedures and EOTAS SWINDON ’s Behaviour Expectations that have been agreed by the whole centre staff
- By keeping up to date and accurate records in mark books/SIMs and submitting assessment data for reporting inline with the published deadlines
- By being flexible enough to adapt their lesson plan to take account of learners’contributions and the mood of the group
- By setting and achieving high standards of behaviour and motivation
Teachers will match learning activities/opportunities to all abilities and preferences (PERSONALISATION):
- By using evidence of prior attainment to gauge learners’ individual capabilities
- By using information on individual’s preferred learning styles
- By testing understanding and acquisition of knowledge through a variety of means
- By using appropriately differentiated materials and tasks which ensure learners’active participation in lessons, for the most able learners as well as for those with
- By working proactively with Learning Support Professionals
- By setting high expectations for all learners, rewarding achievements with praise and points in line with the behaviour policy
- By using strategies suggested by learners’ Individual Education Plans
Teachers will develop positive and productive working relationships with learners:
- Through confident and assured command of subject matter which is regularly updated.
- Through appropriate professional development, observations, discussions, and CPD
- By being clear with instructions, questions and explanations
- By understanding and promoting the value of focused discussion and setting ground rules for speaking and listening
- By fostering mutual respect, both learner to student, teacher to learner and teacher to parent
- Through actively promoting equal opportunities through the teaching and learning process
- By encouraging parents to support learners’ learning
- By responding to all potential academic and pastoral concerns within 48 hours and making sure that appropriate follow-up is maintained. (See Child Protection Guidelines for time scales.)
- By ensuring learners are prepared to complete GCSE controlled assessments/coursework by the agreed deadline (see school calendar)
- Supporting learners by holding after school study sessions
Teachers will use both formative and summative assessment to evaluate learners’ progress and to inform future teaching plans:
- By using a variety of formative in-class assessment, which relates to the subject area
- By marking consistently and positively in line with the EOTAS SWINDON marking policy
- By giving regular feedback, either through marking of work or verbally, to learners about their work and setting them achievable “SMART” targets
- By encouraging self-assessment and peer assessment in the drive to strive for improvement
- By encouraging and supporting learners to take responsibility for their own learning e.g. through guided study, self-assessment and small scale opportunities for them to teach the rest of a class
- By checking progress against potential by critically using benchmark data (See also Whole School Assessment Policy.)
- By statistically analysing individuals and whole class performance in relation to the provided benchmark data
Teachers will create further opportunities for learning
- All teachers have a responsibility to promote the EOTAS SWINDON’s code of conduct and values with consistency (see relevant policies)
- EOTAS’s Behaviour Policy should be promoted in all lessons around theschool and when learners are representing EOTAS SWINDON on trips and visits
- Extra-curricular activities should be open and encourage all learners who wish to attend
- All teachers should encourage and support learners to develop an interest in the subject outside of the classroom
- Each classroom will be equipped with appropriate curriculum resources.
- Centres will be allocated a budget based on their funding and budget requests at the beginning of the financial year. The budget holder is responsible for the ordering of materials in line with the agreed procedures.
- Learners will be taught how to use all resources correctly and safely, with care and respect, and with regard for Health and Safety and waste.
- Care will be taken to ensure that resources reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of our society, British Values and that all learners have equality of access.
Section 3
The EOTAS SWINDON Management Committee’s Role
It is the Management Committee’s role to monitor and review the policy and its practice through:
- Reports provided by the Head of Service and Heads of Centre
The Management Committee also needs to fulfil its role as detailed in the Management Committee’s Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation document:
- To receive reports from the Head of Service and Heads of Centre
- To attend appropriate INSET
- To receive reports from the Health & Safety Officer on relevant issues, in particular Health and Safety, and to follow up any relevant issues
- To promote and ensure at all times equal opportunities in relation to race, gender, class and belief
- To promote and ensure at all times the practice of giving value and respect for all cultures and faiths
Parent / Carer’s Role
Parents and Carers are encouraged to support their children’s learning by:
- Ensuring that their child comes to school feeling confident and positive
- Ensuring that their child arrives at school punctually and regularly
- Sharing with the teacher any problems in school that their child is experiencing
- Supporting their child by attending Parents’ Reviews and other meetings
- Supporting their child and the teacher by becoming actively involved in the operation of the Individual Education Plan and any Special Educational Needs processes
- Ensuring that all contact addresses and telephone numbers are up to date and correct
- Agreeing to The EOTAS SWINDON’s Behaviour Expectations
- Agreeing to, and supporting, the school’s EOTAS SWINDON online safety policy
- Contributing relevant information to base-line assessment
- Attending all medicals and health interviews when invited
- Responding to letters sent home from school
- Informing the school of reasons for their child’s absence
- Informing the school of any significant matters at home which may affect theirchild’s progress, happiness or behaviour
- Supporting extra-curricular activities, such as visitors to school, concerts, visits and fairs
- Engaging with opportunities to try new strategies as a responsible parent.
Community’s Role
The community is invited to support the school by:
- Contributing to activities such as assemblies, artistic events, specialist outings and clubs
- Presenting themselves as positive role models to be emulated
- Guiding learners’ behaviour as they play around the school and providing positive role models with regard to behaviour
- Organising activities and events throughout the year to extend and deepen learners’ knowledge and skills
- Supporting school events
- Voluntarily helping in the classroom with a specific remit
The EOTAS’s Role
In relation to each of the above areas the school will reciprocate by:
- Responding to offers of support as far as it is able
- Respecting all information given in confidence
- Respecting information covered by patient confidentiality
- Giving clear information on the aims and objectives of the curriculum and school procedures
- Setting up curriculum meetings
- Giving reasonable / appropriate access to teaching staff
- Working in partnership with parents and guardians to ensure the success of their children, and encouraging parental involvement in working out the way forward for their child’s educational future
This policy is a working document within a complex service and therefore is open to change and restructuring as and when the need arises. It provides an “umbrella” of standards out of which each centre operates. Please also see centre-specific statements on this area.