Gary S. Varner

Dept. of Physics and Astronomyphone: 808-956-2987

University of Hawaiifax: 808-956-2920

2505 Correa Rd., Honolulu, HI 96822 email:


Boston University: B.S. in Electrical Engineering, 1989

Boston University: M.A. in Experimental Physics, 1995

University of Hawaii:Ph.D. in Experimental Physics, 1999

Professional Employment:

2015-presentProfessor of Physics, University of Hawaii

2010-2015Associate Professor of Physics, University of Hawaii

2005-2010Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Hawaii

2002-2005 Director, Instrumentation Development Laboratory, University of Hawaii

2000-2002 Senior Scientist, AOptix Technologies Campbell, California (silicon valley)

1998-2000EE/Physicist, University of Hawaii, University of Hawaii

1997-1998 Visiting Researcher CMS Exp., CERN & L.I.P. Portugal, based at CERN

1995-1997Research Associate, University of Hawaii

1992-1995Senior Electrical Engineer/Physicist, Boston University & SSC Lab.

1989-1992 Research Associate, Boston University

Selected Publications :

1.E. Oberla, J-F. Genat, H. Grabas, H. Frisch, K. Nishimura,G. Varner, “A 16 GSa/s, 1.5 GHz bandwidth waveform digitizing ASIC,” Nucl. Instr. Meth. A735 (2014) 452-461.

2.M. Borsato, N. Arnaud, B. Dey, K. Nishimura, D.W.G.S. Leith, D. Roberts, B. Ratcliff, J. Va'vra, G. Varner, “The focusing DIRC: An innovative PID detector,” Nucl. Instr. Meth. A732 (2013) 333-337.

3. K. Bechtol, S. Funk, A. Okumura, L. Ruckman, A. Simons, H. Tajima, J. Vandenbroucke, G. Varner, “TARGET: A multi-channel digitizer chip for very-high-energy gamma-ray telescopes,” Astropart. Phys. 36 (2012) 156-165.

4.P. Allison et al. (ARA Collaboration), “Design and Initial Performance of the Askaryan Radio Array Prototype EeV Neutrino Detector at the South Pole,” Astropart. Phys.35 (2012) 457-477.

5.P.W. Gorham, F.E. Baginski, P. Allison, K.M. Liewer, C. Miki, B. Hill,G.S. Varner, “The ExaVolt Antenna: A Large-Aperture, Balloon-embedded Antenna for Ultra-high Energy Particle Detection,” Astropart. Phys.35 (2011) 242-256.

4.L.L. Ruckman,G. Varner and K. Nishimura, “Development of an Imaging Time-of-Propagation (iTOP) prototype detector,” Nucl. Instr. Meth. A623 (2010) 365-367.

5.H. Hoedlmoser, G. Varner and M. Cooney, “Hexagonal pixel detector with time encoded binary readout,” Nucl. Instr. Meth. A599 (2009) 152-160.

6.G. Varner, and L. Ruckman, “Sub10ps Monolithic and Low-power Photodetector Readout,” Nucl. Instr. Meth. A602 (2009) 438-445.

6.J-F. Genat, G. Varner, F. Tang, H.J. Frisch, “Signal Processing for Pico-second Resolution Timing Measurements,” Nucl. Instr. Meth. A607 (2009) 387-393.

Synergistic Activities :

  1. Large-area, pico-second timing detector development [Argonne, Univ. Chicago, Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory, Univ. Hawaii, SLAC collaboration]
  2. Coded-aperature imager for beam bunch diagnostics at a high intensity electron storage ring [Cornell Univ., SLAC, KEK and Univ. Hawaii collaboration]
  3. Next generation, highly integrated photosensor readout for planned Cherenkov Telescope Array [SLAC, Nagoya, Wisconsin, Wash. Univ., Argonne -- USCTA collaboration]
  4. Imaging Time Of Propagation detector development for Particle Identification at a Super B factory in Japan [Univ. Cincinnati, Univ. Hawaii, KEK, Nagoya Univ., PNNL collaboration]

Collaborators & Other Affiliations:

Silicon on Insulator Pixel Detectors

  • Yasuo Arai and Toru TsuboyamaKEK High Energy Physics Laboratory (Japan)and Hiro Ikeda JAXA (Japan)

Thin, Rad-hard, and fast-timing Pixel Detectors

  • Chris Kenney SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Giga-sample per second, GHZ analog bandwidth waveform acquisition

  • Stefan RittPaul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland)
  • Eric Delange and Dominique Bretan (Saclay/LAL Orsay)

1ps Timing Resolution Detector Development

  • Henry Frisch, Jean-Francois Genat, MirceaBogdanUniversity of Chicago

Next generation large Photomultiplier Readout

  • John Anderson, Karen Byrum, Gary Drake, Ed May, Harry WeertsArgonne National Laboratory

Common Pipelined High-speed Data Acquisition and Storage

  • MikihikoNakao and Manobu Tanaka KEK High Energy Physics Lab (Japan)

Imaging Hard X-ray Compton Polarimeter pixel detector

  • Hiroyasu Tajima Nagoya University/JAXA

Belle Particle Identification Detector Upgrade

  • Toru Iijima, Kenji Inami Nagoya University (Japan), Tom Browder, Matthew Andrew, Matthew Barrett, Michael Jones, Brian Kirby, Kurtis Nishimura, Marc Rosen Univ. of Hawaii, Alan Schwartz, Kay Kinoshita Univ. of Cincinnati

Future Particle Identification Detectors

  • Peter Krizan, SamoKorparJ. Stefan Institute (Slovenia), Kurtis Nishimura, Larry Ruckman Univ. of Hawaii, Jerry Vavra, Blair RatcliffSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Graduate advisor Stephen Olsen, Seoul National University (Korea)

22 graduate students advised, 15 postdoctoral candidates sponsored