NCYHA Board DRAFT Meeting Minutes– 10/4/2016

MeetingheldatEmbrace Home Loans 110 Enterprise Center, in Middletown. (Behind Middletown Hall…low rise building on left hand side of KVH) at 6:00
Attendees: / Board Members: Frank Toner, Andrew Castella, Dan O’Connor, MJ Bregenhoj, Sharon McNeil, Jen Lopes
Advisory Group Member: Kristin Brown, Gina DeSantis

1.  Accept Consent Agenda – BOARD VOTE APPROVED

a.  Meeting Minutes – VOTE APPROVED


i.  Level Directors:

MDP: 55 registered, expect 70 by the time we start. 18 committed coaches.

Bantam: All quiet, no issues to report.

Midget: All quiet for B level, A level attendance has improved. Midget

ii. Registrar Update: House League Programs #s are LOW.As of 3:30 10/3/16:

MDP - 55

LTS - 49 (Thurs - 19; Sun - 30)

SQ/PW HL - 16 (2 are travel goalies wanting to skate out)

BN/MD HL – 10

iii. Treasurer Update: Provide $750.00 in tournament funding for each team

voted and approved via email.

iv. Schedulers Update: St. George’s ice only after 6:30 pm on Tuesday’s and

Thursday’s. LTS, MDP, and House League are all posted on the Master


2.  SNEHC & RI HOCKEY Update (Frank) –

  1. A request for One on One team, the coaches need to confirm they are going and who they will send. Most coaches have expressed no interest as they do not want to make the choice. Squirt A’s went last year.
  2. There is a girls Yankee Conference in NH 10/23 Yankee conference for girls.
  3. Growing the game – Commercials and airing featuring Newport and promoting the “try skating and try coaching”.
  4. Once the commercials started running there have been a ton of hits on the website and they will provide an update on how many for Newport at the next meeting.
  5. Midget level tournaments – none of which out Midgets will attend at this time.
  6. No updates on SNEHC since the meeting in the last Spring.

3.  Paid Coaching Coordinator Discussion – Move it to the next meeting

  1. Coaching Coordinator Proposal Doc has Background info

4.  Christmas Tournament Update (Sharon)

  1. 60 teams this year up from 47 last year.
  2. 58 Registered and Paid. Echo still owes ½. 2 teams need to confirm, but there others waiting to get in if the 2 don’t confirm.
  3. Most main volunteers are back from last year, Barbara Feld and Barbara Klassner are not sure they can commit to the capacity they did last year.
  4. In contact with volunteers from last year already. The meeting will be the week of 10/11-10/15.
  5. Whalers gear – There will new whalers gear for sale at the tournament. Will pre-buy all the stock.
  6. Sponsorship – Frank will work with hotels and local businesses.
  7. Facebook page updates will also be done by Sharon

5.  Used Equipment Sale Update

  1. 10/8 10-2PM Set up at 9:00AM
  2. Donation Drop off Friday night 6-8PM
  3. Donations coming in slowly
  4. Will use Square for POS – Cindy to bring
  5. Sandy Lane will attend – will he offer a discount like last year and can we advertise it on website.

6.  Goalie Clinics –

  1. Mike Brennan and Redman Brow will organize goalie clinics.
  2. We will confirm ice time and perhaps give half ice sheets.

7.  Webmaster Update –

  1. Website was down and now the domain has been renewed for 9 years.
  2. The games not automatically updating the iCal feed from Sport Engine. Kristin is pushing update manually.
  3. Gear link to Team One is back up. Need gear link to Sandy Lane Sports.
  4. The Facebook page can be changed seasonally to reflect a regular page through the year and Christmas Tournament one, during December.

8.  New business

  1. Midget Level Recommendations: Patrick not present-discuss at next meeting. We need to discuss in greater detail and review the total structure.
  2. “Make a determination/ruling that any player ejected from a predetermined number of games is automatically dismissed from the team? I recommend 3. Already have a player with 2 and want to issue a warning. Perhaps SNEHC already has a rule on this?”
  3. “Eliminate the Midget "Major" U18 level all together and offer only Midget "Minor" U16 hockey. This would for the most part offer our Freshman / Sophomore age group a chance to continue to get better as they try to make HS team.”
  4. Signs-ask Marilyn --- to order 20 more.
  5. Jen Lopes requested a donation to St. Georges rink for 2 hand held scoring system ($85/rink) and 2 chairs. –BOARD VOTED –APPROVED
  6. The practice schedules are published about the third week of the month for the next month and they go 3 weeks out. Confirmation is based on the rinks schedule if and when ice time needs to be taken back.

9.  Next Meeting Date

  1. Wednesday, October 12, 2016 Christmas tournament meeting
  2. Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016 Next BOD meeting at Embrace.

10.  Adjourn

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